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Phil Willey, Head of Venues

Phil has been fundamental to the increase in and improvement of postgraduate specific events that have been run this year by the Students’ Union here at Cardiff. He makes an effort to meet with me (Vice President Postgraduate Students) on a weekly basis to discuss ideas and impart his wisdom. He is not afraid to take a risk and chance new ideas. Furthermore, and importantly, his wisdom and experience have been so beneficial. He has been honest when my dreams have been too great, and he has been incredibly supportive as well.

Fostering collaboration between students and staff members

As a result of all of this we have had a year in which the postgraduate attendance to the Students’ Union has been the greatest it has ever been. What is more, and again because of Phil, we have been able to hold near monthly postgraduate events. As a result of this the Postgraduate community have had a vast array of alcoholic and non-alcoholic social events that have catered for the interests of all students.

Phil achieved this by encouraging his team to work on postgraduate specific events more regularly. Megan Baldwin in particular has been fantastic support; and mention must go to her for leading on the Recognising Research event in March.

The effect of Phil's work

As a result, Phil’s collaborative nature has resulted in the entire venues team working with more of a postgraduate focus; and this is something that deserves recognition. The numbers in attendance to these events will never compare to the likes of the nightclub nights, and it would have been easy for Phil to focus on other projects. But he has worked all year, and encouraged his team to work just as hard, and the Postgraduate community owe him an enormous thank you. I cannot express great enough thanks.