Student Refunds

Did you know that you may be able to argue a partial tuition fee refund if the University have made

Feel at home

Got questions about housing?

Having a tough time of it?

Make your school aware


Housing Advice Drop-In Session #1
29th October
Y Plas, Students Union
Housing Advice Drop-In Session #2
29th October
Talybont Residences
Housing Advice Drop-In Session #3
30th October
Welcome Centre, Students' Union
Housing Advice Drop-In Session #4
31st October
Cochrane Building Foyer, Heath Park
Housing Advice Drop-In #5
31st October
Aberdare Hall



Still got a question?

We would definitely recommend checking our common questions page for a quick answer.

If we haven't answered your question already fill in the form below and a member of the team will be in touch!