Your Blogs

Student Advice News news

Bank balance been affected by Covid? Get support with the Covid19 Student Support Package

The quick and simple way to get financial support with the Covid19 Student Support Package

Pints; Covid; FOMO - A Less Than Ideal Trilogy

This blog aims to focus on providing advice to students who may be a little more nervous about returning to their social-selves post lockdown.

Tips to Avoid Collusion

Here we've demystified what 'Collusion' is, and rounded up some handy tips to avoid it.

Revision Environment: Optimising your Space

We have put together some top tips for optimising your revision environment, so that you can put your revision methods to use in the best space possible.

Revision Tips; How to Spice Up Those Good Ol' Traditional Techniques

Here we have highlighted some of the most traditional revision methods, but given them a bit of an upgrade - to compliment modern day busy lives, and the virtual era we’re currently living through.

Procrastination; the Fine Art of Putting Things Off

'Procrastination; the fine art of putting things off', discusses the nature of procrastination within student life. Here, we cover the reasons behind why we procrastinate, and provide useful hints, tips and tricks that students can incorporate into their everyday lives to relieve some of the last-minute deadline stress.