

Campaigning is something you can get involved with while at University. If you feel something is unfair, there needs to be more awareness around an issue, or you want to change the way we do things, you can run a campaign. Campaigning can be done in many different ways, from an open letter, submitting a motion to introduce a new policy, or holding an event to promote services. Take a look below for just a few of the campaigns your Sabbatical and Campaign Officers are working on...


Got an idea for a campaign? Get in touch with


General Election 2024

On 4th July 2024, the UK will go out and vote for who they want to represent them in the UK Parliament. All eligible Cardiff students will have the chance to exercise their democratic right and decide who leads the UK government. Our mission is to get as many eligible students as possible to register to vote, and ensure they use their vote on the 4th July. 


Gender Identity Fund

The Cardiff Students’ Union Gender Identity Fund was an idea initiated by Student Senate in 2023, it called for the creation of a fund which could be accessed by transgender students for gender affirming items. The idea behind this is to aid those in the process of getting longer term support and care, by financing the purchase of items which can assuage gender dysphoria in the short term. 


Women's Month

As we embark on this special month, we invite you to join us in celebrating the extraordinary women of Cardiff who have not only shaped our past but continue to inspire our future. We follow the international theme of "Inspire Inclusion," a powerful call to embrace diversity, foster unity, and recognize the incredible contributions of women from all walks of life.



The AlrightMate? campaign is all about encouraging students to check-in with their mates and start those all important conversations. Men's mental health and wellbeing can often be ignored or not seen as a priority and we want that to change. By checking-in and looking out for each other students can often be the first to spot the signs that something isn't alright.


Shag Safe

Shag Safe is our sexual health campaign which aims to provide you with information about safe sex! SHAG stands for Sexual Health, Awareness and Guidance, and our aim is to provide useful information so you can keep yourself sexually healthy. Whether that is information on contraception and PrEP or how to collect your free STI testing kits, we have got you covered!


Safer Nights @ Cardiff

Safer Nights @ Cardiff looks at student behaviours and how students can look after each other when on nights out, and what more we can do to keep each other safe. Another part of this campaign will be looking to all clubs in the city. We’re proud of what we do as a Students’ Union to keep people safe in our venues, and we want to ensure that spans across the rest of the city.


Student Volunteering Week

Student Volunteering Week will be taking place from Monday 5 February until Friday 9 February. This is the perfect opportunity to find out how you can take action and support a wide range of volunteering projects across Cardiff.


BMA Industrial Action

The British Medical Association (BMA) are in an ongoing fight for full pay restoration, pushing back against pay erosion over a significant number of years. The Students’ Union has a strong history of supporting industrial action in the best interests of Cardiff University students.


Spring In Your Step

Spring is now in full swing, and your officers have decided to put together a fun set of tips and challenges so that you can all start being active and taking care of ourselves. Your officers understand that fitness and wellbeing are different for everyone, and that’s why they've planned a variety of activities and resources for you to follow along. Throughout the month, we’ll focus on getting active, getting mindful and getting outside.


Pink Week

October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM), and this year we are turning Cardiff pink! BCAM is an opportunity to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, and the importance of checking your chest regularly, and most importantly getting to know your normal!


Revision Aid

Our Officers are here to help you study with Revision Aid! Visit one of our stalls around campus for a hot drink, or take a look at some tips for making the most of your revision.


LGBTQ+ History Month

LGBTQ+ History month is so important not only to celebrate how far we have come as a society, but to also acknowledge the struggle and sacrifices of those who helped us get where we are now. There is still a huge war ahead of us, but it is important to celebrate our community and all the progress that we have mad. We hope we are able to spread more awareness about LGBTQ+ history month through all these events.


Industrial Action 2022/23

On the 26th January, the University and College Union (UCU) announced that the latest negotiations with the University and College Employers Association (UCEA) had fallen short in the dispute over pay and working conditions. With this announcement, the 18 days of strike action across February and March were confirmed. Whilst the SU has a stance of supporting the strikes and lobbying for refunds as mandated by our students, we hear the voices and concerns of students about their education, and the consequences that the 18 days of strike action will have. You can read more about Industrial Action here, including the events organised and actions taken by your Sabbatical Officers.


Placement Travel for Medical Students

One of the pressures on medical students is the placement travel model as outlined in the Clinical Placements Travel Policy, a long-standing issue that pre-dates these pressures but contributes to them. We chose to carry out a survey to gain a better understanding of the issue and identify ways in which the policy can be improved, to help alleviate these pressures on students. We have summarised our findings and used the responses to form a set of recommendations to the School of Medicine (and, if necessary, the University).


Speak Week

Speak Week is an annual campaign run by the Student Voice team, with support from Sabbatical Officers and Student Academic Reps. The aim of the campaign is to gather as much insight as possible from Cardiff students about what they would choose to change about their university experience, and what they find valuable and would elect to keep. The Students' Union uses this data every year to lobby the university for necessary changes, and to ensure your Officers know what issues are affecting you the most.


Cost of Living

We understand that the current Cost of Living Crisis is likely to affect the health, wellbeing, and academic experience of Cardiff students. Your Sabbatical Officers are working to ensure that a wide variety of measures are implemented to help alleviate some of the hardship faced by students. You can read more here, including the initial list of recommendations to the university.


Sober Socials Week

Sober Social Week aims to highlight the importance of our clubs and societies hosting inclusive socials that appeal to members who may not be interested in drinking and provide a more relaxed and welcoming setting for all members.


Feed Your Flat: The Essentials

As part of the Students' Union's Cost of Living campaign, your Sabbatical Officers have brought back their Feed Your Flat campaign. Feed Your Flat: The Essentials focuses on bringing students the essentials they require to cook basic meals at home, with general supplies and easy recipes available.


Student Wins

The elected Sabbatical and Campaign Officers work hard to make positive changes to the experience of all Cardiff University students, and are supported by the work of Student Senators, Student Academic Representatives, and many more student volunteers who work with the Union. Take a look at some of the Student Wins they have achieved - and if you have achieved your own Student Win, make sure to let us know!


Black History Month

October marks Black History Month, an incredible opportunity for us to commemorate the history of Black communities and celebrate the immense contribution that people of African, Arab, Asian and Caribbean heritage make to humanity. In the student movement - and more widely - the term "Black" is a positive, political term born out of the struggle for equality. It is used to unify all Black communities in the campaign to end racism and under-representation. Find out more here


Heath Park on Tour

We're introducing a brand-new placement support project. The aim of this project is to support you during your placement experience  and to grow your student community whilst away from Cardiff. We understand the placement experience can be stressful and we want to do something small to give you the chance to unwind and take a break.  Heath Park on Tour will see us putting on a series of activities for you, where you are, on placement. These activities will be free and are aimed at bringing you together with other students. Book on here



PrEPare is a sexual safety campaign which aims to provide students with information to have sex safely. Whether that's information on what is PrEP and how to get it, or information on how to order your free STI testing kit, we have got you covered.



Georgia Spry, your VP Sport and Athletic Union President has launched the new DisABILITY Sport campaign to raise awareness of disabilities in sport and to help students with disabilities feel welcome. Disability is not a barrier and we want everyone to know they can take part in sport at Cardiff University.



Tra yn y Brifysgol gallwch gymryd rhan mewn ymgyrchoedd. Os deimlwch fod rhywbeth yn anheg, rydych eisiau codi ymwybyddiaeth am rhywbeth, neu hoffech weld newid yn y fordd rydym yn gwneud pethau, gallwch rhedeg ymgyrch. Gallwch ymgyrchu mewn wahanol ffyrdd, o llythyr agored i gyflwyno cynnig am bolisi newydd, neu cynnal digwyddiadau a hyrwyddo gwasanaethau. Gwelwch rhai o'r ymgyrchoedd mae eich Swyddogion Sabothol ac Ymgyrchu yn eu rhedeg ar hyn o bryd...


Gyda syniad am ymgyrch? Cysylltwch â


Etholiad Cyffredinol 2024

Ar y 4ydd o Orffennaf 2024 bydd y DU yn bleidleisio dros pwy maent eisiau i'w cynrychioli yn Senedd y DU. Bydd gan holl fyfyrwyr cymwys Caerdydd cyfle i ddefnyddio eu hawl democrataidd a dewis pwy fydd yn arwain llywodraeth y DU. Ein nod yw cael cymaint o fyfyrwyr cymwys â phosibl i gofrestru i bleidleisio, a sicrhau eu bod yn defnyddio eu pleidlais ar y 4ydd o Orffennaf. 


Cronfa Hunaniaeth Rhywedd

Syniad a gychwynnwyd yn Senedd y Myfyrwyr yn 2023 yw Cronfa Hunaniaeth Rhywedd Undeb Myfyrwyr Caerdydd, wedi galw am greu cronfa er mwyn i fyfyrwyr traws gael mynediad at eitemau cadarnhau rhywedd. Y syniad y tu ôl i hyn yw cynorthwyo'r rhai sydd yn y broses o gael cymorth a gofal hir dymor, trwy ariannu eitemau a all leddfu dysfforia rhywedd yn y tymor byr.


Mis y Menywod

Ar gyfer y mis arbennig yma, rydym yn eich gwahodd i ddathlu menywod anhygeol Caerdydd, sydd nid yn unig wedi llunio ein gorffennol, ond sy'n parhau i ysbrydoli ein dyfodol. Rydym yn dilyn y thema rhyngwladol o "Ysbrydoli Cynhwysiant," galwad pwerus i groesawu amrywiaeth, mabwysiadu uniad, a chydnabod cyfraniad gwerthfawr menywod o bob math o gefndir.


Iawn Mêt

Pwrpas ymgyrch Iawn Mêt? yw annog myfyrwyr i siarad gyda'u ffrindiau a dechrau'r trafodaethau bwysig hynny am iechyd meddwl. Yn aml gall iechyd meddwl a lles dynion cael eu hanwybyddu, neu nid ydynt wedi'u gweld fel blaenoriaeth, ac rydym eisiau i hynny newid. Wrth siarad â ffrindiau a gofalu am ei gilydd gall myfyrwyr helpu andabod yr arwyddion cyntaf pan fydd rhywun yn cael amser anodd.


Secs Saff

Secs Saff yw ein hymgyrch iechyd rhywiol sy'n darparu gwybodaeth i chi ynglŷn â rhyw diogel! Ein nod yw eich darparu â gwybodaeth berthnasol er mwyn eich helpu i aros yn iach. Boed yn wybodaeth ar ddulliau atal cenhedlu neu citiau profi STI am ddim, rydym yma i chi!


Nosweithiau Diogel yng Nghaerdydd

Mae Nosweithiau Diogel yng Nghaerdydd yn edrych ar ymddygiad myfyrwyr a sut gall myfyrwyr gofalu am ei gilydd tra ar nosweithiau mas, a beth arall gallwn ei wneud i gadw bawb yn ddiogel. Rhan arall o'r ymgyrch fydd craffu ar holl glybiau'r ddinas. Rydym yn falch o'r hyn rydym yn ei wneud fel Undeb Myfyrwyr i gadw pawb yn ddiogel yn ein hadeilad, ac rydym am sicrhau fod y diogelwch yma ar gael ar draws gweddill y ddinas.


Wythnos Gwirfoddoli Myfyrwyr

Bydd Wythnos Gwirfoddoli Myfyrwyr yn digwydd o ddydd Llun 5ed Chwefror i ddydd Gwener 9fed Chwefror. Mae hyn yn gyfle perffaith i ddysgu mwy am sut i helpu a chefnogi amrywiaeth eang o brosiectau gwirfoddoli ar draws Caerdydd.


Gweithredu Diwydianol BMA

Mae Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain (BMA) yn brwydro am adfer cyflog llawn, gan wrthwynebu'r erydiad i gyflogau dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Mae gan Undeb y Myfyrwyr hanes balch o gefnogi gweithredu diwydianol sydd er fudd myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd.


Wythnos Binc

Mis Hydref yw Mis Ymwybyddiaeth Canser y Fron (MYCF), ac eleni rydym yn troi Caerdydd yn binc! Mae MYCF yn gyfle i godi ymwybyddiaeth am arwyddion a symptomau canser y fron, pwysigrwydd gwirio eich bron yn rheolaidd, ac yn bennaf oll adnabod eich normal!


Cymorth Adolygu

Mae ein swyddogion yma i'ch helpu i astudio gyda Chymorth Adolygu! Dewch i un o'n stondinau o amgylch y campws am ddiod twym, neu darllenwch awgrymiadau a chyngor ar adolygu.


Mis Hanes LHDTC+

Mae Mis Hanes LHDTC+ yn hynod bwysig nid yn unig er mwyn dathlu cynnydd cymdeithas, ond i hefyd cydnabod ymdrech ac aberth rheiny a wnaeth ein helpu i gyrraedd ble rydym heddiw. Mae yna frwydr mawr o'n blaenau o hyd, ond mae'n bwysig dathlu ein cymuned a'r holl gynnydd sydd wedi cael ei wneud. Gobeithiwn i godi ymwybyddiaeth am Fis Hanes LHDTC+ trwy'r digwyddiadau yma.


Gweithredu Diwydiannol 2022/23

Ar y 26ain o Ionawr fe wnaeth yr Undeb Prifysgolion a Cholegau (UCU) cyhoeddi fod eu trafodaethau diweddaraf gyda'r Prifysgol a Chymdeithas Cyflogwyr Colegau (UCEA) heb fod yn llwyddianus wrth ddatrys materion tâl ac amodau gwaith. Gyda'r cyhoeddiad yma, cadarnhawyd 18 diwrnod o streicio ar draws misoedd Chwefror a Mawrth. Tra bod yr UM yn gyffredinol yn cefnogi'r streic ac yn lobïo am ad-daliadau i'n myfyrwyr, rydym yn clywed lleisiau a phryderon myfyrwyr ynglŷn â'u haddysg, ac effaith 18 diwrnod o streicio. Gallwch ddarllen mwy am Withredu Diwydiannol yma, gan gynnwys y digwyddiadau wedi'u trefnu a'r camau wedi'u cymryd gan eich Swyddogion Sabothol.


Teithio ar Leoliadau ar gyfer Myfyrwyr Meddygol

Un o'r heriau ar gyfer myfyrwyr meddygol yw'r model teithio ar leoliadau fel sydd wedi'i amlinelly gan y Polisi Teithio ar Leoliadau Clinigol, problem hirdymor sydd wedi pryderu myfyrwyr ers cyn i gyfnodau fel yr argyfwng costau byw rhoi pwysau pellach arnynt. Fe wnaethom ddewis cynnal arolwg er mwyn gwella ein dealltwriaeth o'r broblem ac adnabod ffyrdd o wella'r polisi, er mwyn lleihau'r pwysau ar fyfyrwyr. Rydym wedi crynhoi ein canfyddiadau a'u defnyddio er mwyn gosod argymhellion i'r Ysgol Feddygaeth (ac, os bydd angen, i'r Brifysgol).


Wythnos Siarad

Mae'r Wythnos Siarad yn ymgyrch blynyddol wedi'i rhedeg gan dîm Llais y Myfyriwr, gyda chefnogaeth y Swyddogion Sabothol a Chynrychiolwyr Academaidd Myfyrwyr. Nod yr ymgyrch yw casglu safbwynt a syniadau myfyrwyr Caerdydd am yr hyn byddent yn eu newid ynglŷn â'u profiad prifysgol, a beth maent yn eu hoffi a hoffent eu cadw. Mae Undeb y Myfyrwyr yn defnyddio'r data yma i lobïo'r Brifysgol am newidiadau hanfodol, ac i sicrhau bod eich swyddogion yn gwybod beth sy'n bwysig i chi.


Argyfwng Costau Byw

Rydym yn deall fod yr Argyfwng Costau Byw presennol yn debygol o effeithio ar iechyd, lles, a phrofiad academaidd myfyrwyr Caerdydd. Mae eich Swyddogion Sabothol yn gweithio i sicrhau fod amrywiaeth eang o gamau'n cael eu gweithredu er mwyn helpu lleihau'r caledi ariannol y mae myfyrwyr yn ei wynebu. Gallwch ddarllen mwy yma, gan gynnwys rhestr o awgrymiadau i'r Brifysgol.


Wythnos Cymdeithasu Sobr

Nod Wythnos Cymdeithasu Sobr yw tanlinellu pwysigrwydd cynnal digwyddiadau cymdeithasol cynhwysol yn ein clybiau a chymdeithasau sy'n apelio at aelodau sydd ddim am yfed a'n darparu amgylchedd mwy hamddenol a chroesawgar ar gyfer pob aelod.


Bwydo Eich Fflat

Fel rhan o ymgyrch Costau Byw Undeb y Myfyrwyr, mae'r Swyddogion Sabothol wedi ail-gyflwyno ymgyrch Bwydo Eich Fflat. Mae Bwydo Eich Fflat yn ffocysu ar rhoi hanfodion cypyrddau bwyd i fyfyrwyr er mwyn iddynt allu paratoi prydau syml adref, gyda ryseitiau hawdd hefyd ar gael.


Llwyddiannau Myfyrwyr

Mae'r Swyddogion Sabothol ac Ymgyrchu'n gweithio'n galed er mwyn newid profiad myfyrwyr o Brifysgol Caerdydd mewn modd cadarnhaol, ac maent wedi eu cefnogi gan waith Seneddwyr Myfyrwyr, Cynrychiolwyr Academaidd Myfyrwyr, a llawer mwy o wirfoddolwyr. Gwellwch rhai o'r pethau maent wedi'u cyflawni ar eich rhan - ac os ydych chi wedi cael unrhyw lwyddianau, rhowch wybod i ni!


Mis Hanes Pobl Ddu

Mis Hydref yw Mis Hanes Pobl Ddu, cyfle anhygoel i ni gofio hanes cymunedau du a dathlu cyfraniadau enfawr pobl Africanaidd, Arabaidd, Asiaidd a Charibiaidd i'r byd. Yn y cymuned myfyrwyr - ac yn ehangach - mae'r term 'Du' yn derm gwleidyddol, cadarnhaol sy'n deillio o'r frwydr dros gydraddoldeb. Mae'n uno cymunedau du yn y frywdr i guro hiliaeth a thangynrychiolaeth. Dysgwch mwy yma


Parc y Mynydd Bychan ar Daith

Rydym yn cyflwyno prosiect lleoliadu cwbl newydd. Nod y prosiect yw eich cefnogi yn ystod eich lleoliadau a thyfu eich cymuned myfyrwyr tra eich bod i ffwrdd o Gaerdydd. Rydym yn deall y gall bod ar leoliad achosi straen ac rydym eisiau gwneud rhywbeth fach i'ch helpu i ymlacio a chymryd hoe. Fel rhan o Barc y Mynydd Bychan ar Daith byddwn yn cynnal digwyddiadau ar eich cyfer, lle rydych chi, ar leoliad. Bydd y ddigwyddiadau yma yn rhad ac am ddim gyda'r nod o ddod â myfyrwyr ynghyd. Archebwch lle yma


Chwaraeon AnABLEDD

Mae Georgia Spry, eich IL Chwaraeon a Llywydd yr Undeb Athletau wedi lansio ymgyrch Chwaraeon AnABLEDD newydd er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth am anabledd o fewn chwaraeon a helpu myfyrwyr gydag anableddau i deimlo wedi'u croesawu. Ni ddylai anabledd fod yn rhwystr ac rydym am i bawb wybod eu bod yn gallu cymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.