This page provides information for students and prospective students who identify as LGBTQ+, but please note that we also have a specific page for Trans and Non-binary students too.
On this page you can read about LGBTQ+ Halls, support for LGBTQ+ Students, and how to get involved with CU Pride or Enfys.

Student Advice
Student Advice is a free, confidential and independent service available for students of Cardiff University. We are independent of the University and our role is to give you impartial advice and guidance and help you understand the options available to you.
If your circumstances are impacting your wellbeing and/or ability to study and perform at your usual level, we can:
- advise you on how to report Extenuating Circumstances to the University;
- advise you on how to submit and Academic Appeal if you have missed the Extenuating Circumstances deadline, or you circumstances have been refused;
- advise you on how to take an Interruption of Study and what you need to think about when deciding what to do;
- advise you on how to submit a University Complaint if you feel you are being unfairly treated or discriminated against because of your circumstances;
- signpost you to other support services.
LGBTQ+ Nightlife
Cardiff has a vibrant night time economy, including a number of venues that specifically tailor towards LGBTQ+ people.
Some venues offer discounted entry if you are part of the CU Pride Society.
You can read about LGBT+ Venues on trip advisor, or send a message to the CU Pride committee for their best recommendations.
CU Pride
CU Pride is the student LGBTQ+ society, which provides advice, support and organises social events for students throughout the year.
The society welcomes everyone, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, and prides itself on being an all-inclusive society.
Log in to the Students’ Union website for more information and to find out how to get involved.
For any additional help and advice about University policies regarding LGBTQ+ issues or for information regarding upcoming campaigns, visit the LGBT+ association Facebook page or email:
Enfys (Welsh for Rainbow) is the name for the LGBTQ+ network for all staff and postgraduate students at Cardiff University.
The network aims to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ issues, to promote equality and diversity within Cardiff University and to represent the views of LGBTQ+ staff and postgraduate students.
The Network works with LGBTQ+ student officers and the student LGBTQ+ association and society (CU Pride) to ensure a positive environment for the LGBTQ+ community to work and study at Cardiff University.
Follow Enfys on Facebook by searching for 'Enfys Cardiff University' and on Twitter by searching for '@EnfysCardiff' or email:
The Gathering
The Gathering is an inclusive LGBTQ+ Christian Church for all and a safe place for the LGBTQ+ Community to explore the Christian Faith.
The group meets every Sunday at 18:30, at the City United Reformed Church, Windsor Place.
To find out more visit The Gathering’s Facebook page.
LGBTQ+ Living Learning Communities in Residences
First year students can elect to live in ‘LGBTQ+ students & Allies’ accommodation, if they would prefer to live with other LGBTQ+ students and/or allies.
LGBTQ+ and Allies flats are allocated on an opt-in basis and are various flats within bigger blocks of mixed accommodation, to minimise segregation.
Additional pastoral support is available from Residence Life Assistants living in these blocks. The Residence Life Team are dedicated to enhancing your student experience, helping to create a community within residences where you feel a sense of belonging and inclusion.
LGBTQ+ focused education workshops are part of the Residence Life Events Programme, a key part of creating Living Learning Communities for LGBTQ+ students in which there is a safe climate that allows for exploration.
Coming out
There is lot of information on the Stonewall Website on coming out, and specific information for coming out.
- Why come out? Coming out allows people to be honest about who they are, especially with the people that they love. Hiding who you are can be a big struggle, and take energy away from focussing on the other aspects of your life. Coming out to someone does not mean that you have to come out to everyone. You do not have to feel pressured into coming out, and you can come out when you feel ready.
- How to come out? There are many ways to come out, but the most important thing is to do what you think best.
- Who do you want to tell? Most people come out in stages, and tell certain groups of people individually. For example, you might tell your closest friends, then your family, and then your work colleagues. Think about who you want to tell first, ideally this should be someone who can support you in telling others.
- Is there anyone that you do not want to tell? News spreads fast. If there is someone that you do not want to find out, think about how you manage this.
- When is the right time to come out? Coming out can be a shock to some people. Think about whether you have got long enough to talk this through with whoever you are telling. Perhaps not on the way to an exam or when you have 2% battery on your phone.
- How will you choose to come out? There are benefits of sending written communications, like a Facebook message, text or email. There are also benefits of organising to sit down and chat with someone about this. You will have to decide which is the most appropriate.
- Support with coming out. If you need support with coming out, then you can read the sources of support on this page. Sometimes there may be setbacks and it can time some time for people to process this news, but sometimes people are not surprised and may be more accepting than you think. No coming out journey is the same!
You can speak to the LGBTQ+ Wellbeing champions for the most up to date resources and workshops on coming out.
There are also specific resources for coming out as Trans on the University Intranet. You can access these by clicking here.
LGBTQ+ Discrimination
In the UK the Equality Act 2010 protects people from discrimination based on their protected characteristics. These include, amongst other things, sexual orientation, sex, and gender reassignment.
This protection extends to many areas of life, such as public services and education, transport, the workplace, joining a club or association, contact with public bodies such as councils and assessing businesses and other organisations that provide goods or services.
There are lots of different types of discrimination and further information is available on the Equality Commission Website. If you ever think that you are facing any type of discrimination from anywhere, whether that is the University, any business or other organisation, or the Students’ Union, please come and talk to us in Student Advice.
The Student Support Intervention Team
The University’s Student Support Intervention Team (SSIT) is an amalgamation of the previously named Disclosure Response Team and Student Intervention Team, creating one streamlined team of practitioners who specialise in violence and abuse support or mental health support and intervention.
Information about when to refer to SSIT and the support that the team offers can be found on the Student Intranet here.
To get in touch complete this referral form or email .
Counselling and Wellbeing
The Cardiff University Counselling and Wellbeing Service Offers support to students by allowing them to talk one to one with professional counsellors, and wellbeing practitioners via online platforms.
You can read more about this team and what they offer on the University Intranet
You can also make use of their self-help resources by clicking here.
Other Sources of Support
- You may like to join groups to meet other LGBTQ+ students, such as CU Pride (LGBTQ+ Society). You can find them on Facebook or through the Cardiff Students Website.
- Staff and Postgraduates may also like to join the Enfys network. Enfys means “rainbow” in Welsh, and is the LGBTQ+ Network for all staff and postgraduates at Cardiff University. You can read more about Enfys on the University Staff Intranet or by finding them on Facebook.
- Students can also contact LGBTQ+ Support from an LGBTQ+ Wellbeing Champion. These are wellbeing champions who identify as LGBTQ+ and who have undertaken specialist additional training, to be able to offer more specialised peer support to fellow LGBTQ+ Students. To access this support, you can contact
- There is also external support available to students and staff, from charities and organisations such as Stonewall and MindOut, which also has links to many other support organisations.
Contact Student Advice
+44 (0)2920 781410