Interruption of Study


The University’s Interruption of Study Procedure allows you to request an authorised absence from your course for between 2 weeks and 12 months. If you plan on being absent for 14 days or less, you do not need to apply for an Interruption but you do need to report your absence to your School and let them know the reason.


If you will be absent for longer than 14 days, the University’s rules state that you must apply for an Interruption of Study (often referred to as an IoS).


If your IoS is granted you will remain registered on your programme of study but your student record will be updated to show that you are not actively engaged with your course.


During an approved IoS, you are permitted:

  • access to your university IT account (including email and SIMS),
  • limited access to Student Support and Wellbeing services,
  • access to Careers and Employability service,
  • public access to libraries and University buildings.


You are not permitted to:

  • attend programme sessions including lectures, seminars, laboratory sessions, and supervisory meetings;
  • access learning materials via Learning Central;
  • participate in formal assessments including taking formal examinations or submitting coursework;
  • depending on the length of interruption, remain in University accommodation. If you have to leave, your contract will be adjusted without penalty.


Grounds for an Interruption of Study


An Interruption of Study is not granted as of right but will need to be applied for with at least one valid ground and with appropriate evidence.


The grounds for submitting an application for an interruption of study are as follows:


  • Ill health, mental or physical health concerns.
  • Maternity/paternity/shared parental/adoption leave.
  • Sabbatical Office – an interruption of study may be granted to a student who has been elected to a sabbatical post in the Students' Union.
  • Work experience, professional non-credit bearing placement, or internship. Students who are pursuing a programme with integrated placement learning opportunities will not be granted an interruption of study in order to obtain further work experience, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Students in the UK on a Tier 4 student visa cannot submit an application on this ground.
  • Exceptional professional commitments (only applicable to part-time students) if a student is on a part-time, distance or blended learning programme, and where they have increased unforeseen work commitments which prevent them from studying.
  • Study abroad: students who are pursuing programmes with integrated study abroad opportunities will not be granted an interruption of study in order to obtain further study abroad opportunities, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
  • Compassionate grounds: for personal, family, or domestic circumstances.
  • Exceptional financial hardship.
  • Academic grounds, when this is in the student’s best interest. The student will return to study at an appropriate point in the academic year.




  • You cannot apply for an IoS during a formal examination period. If you are experiencing circumstances that are impacting your study during a formal examination period you will instead need to report them using the Extenuating Circumstances Procedure. If your circumstances continue after the examination period, you can submit an IoS application for when it ends.


  • You are permitted a maximum of 12 months’ Interruption per programme of study. This can be taken as one absence, or an accumulation of multiple shorter terms Interruptions. In exceptional circumstances, the Chair of the Academic Standards and Quality Committee may approve longer periods, provided they do not exceed 24 months in total. It is important to be aware that in most cases you will not be permitted to return until the start of the next academic year. This is because if you miss more than a few weeks of teaching there will a significant impact on your ability to pass assessments.


Evidence for an Interruption of Study


You will normally need to provide evidence to support what you say in your IoS application. Evidence should ideally be independent, such as a letter from a doctor or other professional. Some circumstances can be difficult to evidence so please speak to Student Advice if that applies to you.


Process of Applying for an Interruption of Study


Applications for Interruptions of Study should be made to your academic school through your SIMS account.


Your application will be considered by the Head of School, who will look at


  • The reasons for the request,
  • The continuity and currency of your programme content,
  • How you will be assessed on your return to study for any assessments not already completed,
  • The date of your return to study,
  • Any other periods of interruption previously agreed for you for the same programme of study.


The Head of School will then decide whether to approve or reject your application and should inform you of the outcome within 14 days of your IoS submission.


The length of the IoS you request will need to be enough for you to address the reason for needing the time away from your course, but the return date will also have to fit with the teaching of your course and the timing of assessments. You can discuss this with your School but it is unlikely that you will be able to return part way through a semester.


If your application is rejected or you disagree with the return date, you can appeal the decision in accordance with the University Review Procedure.


Important Points to Consider


  • Your return date: It is normally recommended that you consult with your personal tutor prior to making the IoS application. Your tutor can support your application and may be able to help liaise between you and the rest of the academic school. You may also want to have a conversation with your personal tutor / academic school as to the structure of the IoS and when exactly you would return. Your return date must fit with the delivery of your course and you may be given return requirements, such as an appointment with the University’s Student Support and Wellbeing Team, if you are interrupting on grounds of ill health or an Occupational Health Assessment.


  • Any time limits for completing your course: You can find these limits in the Regulations specific to your Programme of Study, within the University’s Academic Regulations. If in doubt, speak to your School.


  • Any Visa implications: The University has a legal obligation to inform your funding body/sponsor and the UK Visa and Immigration where applicable. If you are on a Tier 4 visa and apply for an interruption of study, you may need to return to your home country and reapply for a new visa before your return to study date. For further advice on any visa implications you can contact the University’s Student Visa Support Team via 
  • As of 12.1.24, the University guidelines state:

    “For those who hold a Student or Tier 4 visa, if an IoS is granted for a period of over 60 days, then this will be reported to the Home Office by the Student Visa Compliance team.

    Your visa will be curtailed (cancelled) to 60 days and you will be expected to depart the UK in this period. You will need to apply for a new visa to return when you are ready to resume your course”

    This guidance might change so be sure to contact Student Visa Support Team to confirm the current position.


  • Financial implications: As a general rule, your student funding (loans, grants, disabled student allowance etc.) stop from the date you interrupt until the date your return. Student Finance will re-calculate your funding entitlement for the year, and write to you about any overpayment. You will usually be asked to repay any overpayments, but you can negotiate with your funding body if you are not in a position to do so. If you are interrupting for reasons of ill-health, your funding body will allow you to keep 60 days’ worth of Maintenance Loan and Grant to help cover the initial period. After this you will not usually receive student funding while on IOS. For further advice on the full implications of an IoS you can contact the University’s Student Funding and Advice Team.


  • Council Tax: You will retain access to all Council Tax certificates which have been issued to you before you commence an interruption. Some students on an Interruption will be entitled to a new certificate, but this is dependent on the Council Tax regulations in force at the relevant time.


  • Your accommodation: If you are in University halls of residence, you will need to speak with your Residences Manager. You are not usually allowed to stay in University halls of residence during your IoS, but this does depend on the length of your absence. You will only pay rent until the day you return your keys or when the IoS appears on SIMS – whichever is later. You can ask for any overpayment to be repaid to you. If you are living in private rented accommodation you will likely be bound by the tenancy agreement. Please speak to Student Advice if you need further advice on this point.


On Your Interruption


Although this is not always the case, whilst on your Interruption of study, you may find that your access to Student Support Services is more limited.


If you are considering an Interruption of Study on the grounds of ill health, we would encourage you to explore other support options that you can access whilst you are taking a break from your studies.


You may find some suitable support services on our Health and Wellbeing webpages.


Returning to Your Programme


As above, we would strongly advise you to speak to your School about your return to study prior to making a decision to interrupt your studies.


If you feel that you are able to return to your programme before the end of your pre-agreed interruption, you will need to speak to your School to see whether an early return is possible. You may find that you are unable to return to your programme at certain points in the academic year, owing to the risk of repeating, or missing, academic content.


If you are likely to be repeating content from before your IOS in a previous academic year, this could have financial implications on you. Your School and the Money and Funding Advice Service may be able to discuss this further with you.


Contact Student Advice
+44 (0)2920 781410



Toriad astudiaethau


Mae Gweithdrefn Toriad Astudiaethau'r Brifysgol yn caniatáu i chi ofyn am absenoldeb awdurdodedig o'ch cwrs am gyfnod o 2 wythnos i 12 mis. Os ydych chi'n bwriadu bod yn absennol am 14 diwrnod neu lai, nid oes angen i chi wneud cais ond mae angen i chi roi gwybod i'ch ysgol am eich absenoldeb a darparu rheswm.


Os byddwch yn absennol am fwy na 14 diwrnod, mae rheolau'r Brifysgol yn nodi bod yn rhaid i chi wneud cais am Doriad Astudiaethau (TA).


Os caniateir eich TA byddwch yn parhau i fod yn gofrestredig ar eich rhaglen astudio ond bydd eich cofnod myfyriwr yn cael ei ddiweddaru i ddangos nad ydych yn ymwneud ag unrhyw weithgareddau ymarferol fel rhan o'ch cwrs.


Yn ystod y cyfnod toriad, caniateir:

  • mynediad at eich cyfrif TG prifysgol (gan gynnwys e-bost a SIMS),
  • mynediad cyfyngedig at wasanaethau Cymorth a Lles Myfyrwyr,
  • mynediad at y gwasanaeth Gyrfaoedd a Chyflogadwyedd,
  • mynediad cyhoeddus i lyfrgelloedd ac adeiladau'r Brifysgol.


Ni chaniateir i chi:

  • fynychu sesiynau eich rhaglen gan gynnwys darlithoedd, seminarau, sesiynau labordy, a chyfarfodydd goruchwylio;
  • cyrchu deunyddiau dysgu trwy Ddysgu Canolog;
  • cymryd rhan mewn asesiadau ffurfiol gan gynnwys sefyll arholiadau neu gyflwyno gwaith cwrs;
  • aros mewn llety Prifysgol (yn dibynnu ar hyd y toriad). Os bydd yn rhaid i chi adael, caiff eich contract ei addasu heb gosb.


Sail dros geisio Toriad Astudiaethau


Nid yw'r opsiwn Toriad Astudiaethau ar gael bob tro a bydd angen gwneud cais amdano gydag o leiaf un sail ddilys a chyda thystiolaeth briodol.


Mae’r seiliau dros gyflwyno cais am doriad yn cynnwys:


  • Afiechyd, pryderon iechyd meddwl neu gorfforol.
  • Absenoldeb mamolaeth/tadolaeth/rhiant/mabwysiadu.
  • Rôl sabothol – gellir caniatáu toriad astudio i fyfyriwr sydd wedi’u hethol i swydd sabothol yn Undeb y Myfyrwyr.
  • Profiad gwaith, lleoliad proffesiynol heb gredyd, neu interniaeth. Ni fydd myfyrwyr sy'n dilyn rhaglen gyda chyfleoedd dysgu ar leoliad integredig yn cael toriad ar eu hastudiaethau er mwyn cael profiad gwaith pellach, oni bai bod amgylchiadau eithriadol. Ni all myfyrwyr yn y DU sydd ar fisa myfyriwr Haen 4 gyflwyno cais ar y sail hon.
  • Ymrwymiadau proffesiynol eithriadol (yn berthnasol i fyfyrwyr rhan-amser yn unig) os yw myfyriwr ar raglen ddysgu ran-amser, o bell, neu ddysgu cyfunol, a lle maent wedi cynyddu ymrwymiadau gwaith nas rhagwelwyd sy'n eu hatal rhag astudio.
  • Astudio dramor - ni fydd myfyrwyr sy'n dilyn rhaglenni gyda chyfleoedd astudio dramor integredig yn cael toriad ar eu hastudiaethau er mwyn cael cyfleoedd astudio dramor pellach, oni bai bod amgylchiadau eithriadol.
  • Seiliau tosturiol - amgylchiadau personol, teuluol neu ddomestig.
  • Caledi ariannol eithriadol.
  • Seiliau academaidd, pan fo hyn er budd y myfyriwr. Bydd y myfyriwr yn dychwelyd i astudio ar adeg briodol yn y flwyddyn academaidd.




  • Ni allwch wneud cais am TA yn ystod cyfnod arholi ffurfiol. Os ydych chi'n profi amgylchiadau sy'n effeithio ar eich astudiaeth yn ystod cyfnod arholi ffurfiol bydd angen i chi roi gwybod amdanynt gan ddefnyddio'r ffurflen Gweithdrefn Amgylchiadau Esgusodol. Os bydd eich amgylchiadau'n parhau ar ôl y cyfnod arholi, gallwch gyflwyno cais TA pan ddaw i ben.


  • Caniateir toriad o 12 mis ar y mwyaf. Gellir cymryd hyn fel un absenoldeb, neu gyfres o gyfnodau byrrach. Mewn amgylchiadau eithriadol, gall Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Safonau ac Ansawdd Academaidd gymeradwyo cyfnodau hirach, ar yr amod nad ydynt yn fwy na 24 mis i gyd.


Tystiolaeth ar gyfer cyflwyno cais Toriad Astudiaethau


Fel arfer bydd angen i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth i gefnogi'r hyn a ddywedwch yn eich cais. Yn ddelfrydol, dylai tystiolaeth fod yn annibynnol, megis llythyr gan feddyg neu weithiwr proffesiynol arall. Gall fod yn anodd dangos tystiolaeth o rai amgylchiadau felly siaradwch â'r tîm Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr os yw hynny'n berthnasol i chi.


Y broses o wneud cais


Dylid gwneud ceisiadau i'ch ysgol academaidd drwy eich cyfrif SIMS.


Bydd eich cais yn cael ei ystyried gan Bennaeth yr Ysgol, a fydd yn edrych ar:


  • Y rhesymau dros y cais
  • Cynnwys a pharhad eich rhaglen
  • Sut y byddwch yn cael eich asesu ar ôl dychwelyd i astudio ar gyfer unrhyw asesiadau nad ydynt eisoes wedi’u cwblhau
  • Eich dyddiad dychwelyd
  • Unrhyw gyfnodau eraill o doriad y cytunwyd arnynt yn flaenorol ar eich cyfer ar gyfer yr un rhaglen astudio.


Bydd Pennaeth yr Ysgol wedyn yn penderfynu a ddylid cymeradwyo neu wrthod eich cais a dylent rhoi gwybod i chi am y canlyniad o fewn 14 diwrnod.


Bydd angen i hyd y TA y gwnewch gais amdano fod yn ddigon i chi fynd i'r afael â'r rheswm dros angen yr amser i ffwrdd o'ch cwrs, ond bydd yn rhaid i'r dyddiad dychwelyd hefyd gyd-fynd â'ch cwrs ac amseriad asesiadau. Gallwch drafod hyn gyda'ch Ysgol ond mae'n annhebygol y byddwch yn gallu dychwelyd hanner ffordd trwy semester.


Os caiff eich cais ei wrthod neu os ydych yn anghytuno â’r dyddiad dychwelyd, gallwch apelio yn erbyn y penderfyniad yn unol â Gweithdrefn Adolygu'r Brifysgol.


Pwyntiau pwysig i'w hystyried


  • Eich dyddiad dychwelyd: Argymhellir fel arfer eich bod yn ymgynghori â'ch tiwtor personol cyn gwneud y cais. Gall eich tiwtor gefnogi eich cais ac efallai y gallant eich helpu i gysylltu â gweddill yr ysgol academaidd. Efallai y byddwch hefyd am gael sgwrs gyda'ch tiwtor personol / ysgol academaidd ynghylch strwythur y TA a phryd yn union y byddech yn dychwelyd. Mae'n rhaid i'ch dyddiad dychwelyd gyd-fynd â'ch cwrs ac efallai y rhoddir gofynion dychwelyd i chi, megis apwyntiad gyda'r Tîm Cymorth a Lles Myfyrwyr, os ydych yn ymgeisio ar sail afiechyd.


  • Unrhyw derfynau amser ar gyfer cwblhau eich cwrs: Gallwch ddod o hyd i'r terfynau hyn yn y rheoliadau sy'n benodol i'ch rhaglen astudio, o fewn Rheoliadau Academaidd y Brifysgol. Os oes gennych unrhyw bryderon, siaradwch â'ch ysgol.


  • Unrhyw oblygiadau fisa: Mae gan y Brifysgol rwymedigaeth gyfreithiol i hysbysu eich corff cyllido/noddwr a chorff Fisa a Mewnfudo y DU lle bo'n berthnasol. Os ydych ar fisa Haen 4 ac yn gwneud cais am doriad, efallai y bydd angen i chi ddychwelyd i'ch mamwlad ac ailymgeisio am fisa newydd cyn eich dyddiad dychwelyd. Am gyngor pellach ar unrhyw oblygiadau fisa gallwch gysylltu â'r tîm Cymorth Myfyrwyr Rhyngwladol. 


  • Goblygiadau ariannol: Fel rheol, mae eich cyllid myfyrwyr (benthyciadau, grantiau, lwfans myfyrwyr anabl ac ati) yn dod i ben o'r dyddiad y byddwch yn cychwyn y toriad hyd at y dyddiad y byddwch yn dychwelyd. Bydd Cyllid Myfyrwyr yn ail-gyfrifo eich hawl i gyllid am y flwyddyn, ac yn ysgrifennu atoch ynglŷn ag unrhyw ordaliad. Fel arfer gofynnir i chi ad-dalu unrhyw ordaliadau, ond gallwch drafod gyda'ch corff ariannu os nad ydych mewn sefyllfa i wneud hynny. Os ydych yn ceisio toriad ar sail salwch, bydd eich corff ariannu yn caniatáu i chi gadw gwerth 60 diwrnod o Fenthyciad a Grant Cynhaliaeth i helpu i dalu am y cyfnod cychwynnol. Ar ôl hyn ni fyddwch fel arfer yn derbyn cyllid myfyrwyr. Ni fydd y Brifysgol yn codi ffioedd dysgu arnoch am y cyfnod yma. Am gyngor pellach ar oblygiadau llawn gallwch gysylltu â'r Tîm Cyngor ac Arian.


  • Treth gyngor: Byddwch yn cadw'r holl dystysgrifau treth gyngor a roddwyd i chi cyn i chi ddechrau'r toriad. Bydd gan rai myfyrwyr hawl i dystysgrif newydd, ond mae hyn yn dibynnu ar y rheoliadau treth gyngor ar y pryd.


  • Eich llety: Os ydych yn aros mewn neuadd breswyl y Brifysgol, bydd angen i chi siarad â'ch Rheolwr Preswyl. Fel arfer ni chewch aros yn neuaddau preswyl y Brifysgol, ond mae hyn yn dibynnu ar hyd eich absenoldeb. Byddwch ond yn talu rhent tan y diwrnod y byddwch yn dychwelyd eich allweddi neu pan fydd yr TA yn ymddangos ar SIMS – pa bynnag un sydd hwyraf. Gallwch ofyn i unrhyw ordaliad gael ei ad-dalu i chi. Os ydych yn byw mewn llety preifat mae'n debygol y byddwch yn rhwym i'r cytundeb tenantiaeth. Siaradwch â'r tîm Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr os oes angen rhagor o gyngor arnoch.


Yn ystod y toriad


Er nad yw hyn yn wir bob tro, tra ar eich toriad efallai y gwelwch fod eich mynediad at wasanaethau Cymorth i Fyfyrwyr yn gyfyngedig.


Os ydych yn ystyried Toriad Astudiaethau ar sail afiechyd, byddem yn eich annog i archwilio opsiynau cymorth eraill y gallwch gael mynediad iddynt tra byddwch yn cymryd seibiant o'ch astudiaethau.


Efallai y byddwch yn dod o hyd i rai gwasanaethau cymorth addas ar ein tudalennau iechyd a lles.


Dychwelyd i'ch astudiaethau


Fel yr uchod, byddem yn eich cynghori’n gryf i siarad â’ch ysgol ynglŷn â dychwelyd i astudio cyn gwneud penderfyniad i ymgeisio am doriad.


Os teimlwch y gallwch ddychwelyd i'ch rhaglen cyn diwedd eich toriad y cytunwyd arno ymlaen llaw, bydd angen i chi siarad â'ch ysgol i weld a yw'n bosibl dychwelyd yn gynnar. Mae’n bosibl ni fyddwch yn gallu dychwelyd i’ch rhaglen ar adegau penodol oherwydd y risg o ailadrodd neu golli cynnwys.


Os ydych yn debygol o fod yn ailadrodd cynnwys rydych eisoes wedi astudio, gallai hyn ddod â goblygiadau ariannol i chi. Mae’n bosibl y gall eich ysgol a’r Gwasanaeth Cyngor Ariannol drafod hyn ymhellach gyda chi.


Cysylltwch â Chyngor i Fyfyrwyr
+44 (0)2920 781410