Attendance and Engagement Taught Students

The rules covering attendance and engagement are detailed in the University’s Student Study and Engagement Regulations. As a Cardiff University student, you are expected to demonstrate that you are both attending study sessions and making satisfactory academic progress.
The University monitors your attendance by certain engagement points throughout the year. Some students may have programme specific requirements to adhere to but all students must within the first two weeks of the academic year:

  • Complete enrolment. This must be done every academic year;
  • Collect your student card (except distance learning students);
  • Pay your tuition fees or confirm details of your sponsor;
  • Confirm your programme of study, including confirmation of your module choice.
  • In addition to this, taught students must
  • Submit coursework;
  • Attend exams and class tests;
  • Make contact with personal tutors at least once a semester;
  • Engage with University IT systems. An absence of use for 14 days will be flag up in monitoring reports.
  • Inform your School of any absence. For absences of over 14 days, you should apply for an Interruption of Study or, if you are absent during a formal assessment period, you should submit an Extenuating Circumstances form to your School by the Extenuating Circumstances deadline.


Non-Engagement with Programme


If you:

  • Do not complete enrolment; and/or
  • Do not collect your student card; and/or
  • Are absent for more than 14 days, or for 5 consecutive engagement points as above, without an approved interruption of study;

The University may use the Non-Engagement with study Procedure (no engagement). This Procedure states that you will receive an email reminder to complete enrolment, collect your card and confirm your modules. If you do not complete the enrolment process with 7 days of being contacted, the Academic Registrar or Head of School may temporarily or permanently exclude you.


If you are not meeting the other required points of engagement you will be contacted via email by the Head of School. You may be invited to meet with a member of the School staff. The meeting will discuss your non-engagement and is your opportunity to explain why you have not been engaging. Student Advice can attend the meeting as support if you would like us to.


If you do not comply with the request of the School after this meeting, you will be temporarily or permanently excluded, depending on the circumstances of your case.


Partial Engagement and/or Non-Satisfactory Academic Progress

If you only partially engage and concerns are raised with the Head of School about your engagement, the University may use the Student Academic Engagement Procedure (Taught Programmes – partial student engagement)

On receipt of a concern, the Head of School will consider the evidence and decide whether your academic progress is unsatisfactory. If the Head of School decides that your academic progress is unsatisfactory, they will issue you with a formal written warning and initiate a period of monitoring. The warning should detail the requirements you need to complete to avoid being recommended for exclusion. It should also detail the support you will be offered and invite you to highlight any circumstances which might be having an adverse effect on your academic performance.

The warning will remain in place for between 14 and 28 consecutive says. During this period you will be required to obtain the signature of each tutor to demonstrate attendance. At the end of the warning period, the Head of School will consider your engagement and the evidence provided to determine whether: 


  • there has been sufficient improvement in your engagement and no further action should be taken, 
  • there has been some improvement, but not sufficient for the warning of exclusion to be lifted. The period of warning may be extended for one further period, up to a maximum of 28 consecutive days. The overall period of warning should not exceed 56 consecutive days from the date of first formal warning; or 
  • there has been insufficient improvement and that you should attend an Academic Engagement Panel to consider a formal recommendation for temporary or permanent exclusion.


The Academic Engagement Panel will comprise the Head of School, as Chair, and 1 member of academic staff from the School, who is not directly involved in your teaching.


Student Advice can help you to prepare for and attend this meeting with you.


What can the The Academic Engagement Panel determine?

They can determine that:

  • there will be no further action; or 
  • there will be a period of extended monitoring; or 
  • you will be excluded temporarily for a specified period with a right to re-enter the programme at a defined point; or 
  • you will be excluded permanently from the programme. 

If the Academic Engagement Panel decides to exclude you temporarily or permanently, you will be notified of the decision via email by the Head of School.


What if I am unhappy with the outcome of the Panel?

If you are unhappy with the outcome of the panel, you may be able to challenge the decision under the University Review Procedure.

Presenoldeb ac Ymgysylltiad Myfyrwyr a Addysgir

Mae'r rheolau sy'n ymwneud â phresenoldeb ac ymgysylltu wedi'u nodi yn Rheoliadau Astudio ac Ymgysylltiad Myfyrwyr y Brifysgol. Fel myfyriwr ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, disgwylir i chi ddangos eich bod yn mynychu sesiynau astudio ac yn gwneud cynnydd academaidd boddhaol.
Mae'r Brifysgol yn monitro eich presenoldeb drwy bwyntiau ymgysylltu penodol drwy gydol y flwyddyn. Efallai y bydd gan myfyrwyr ofynion penodol ar gyfer rhai rhaglenni ond mae'n rhaid i bob myfyriwr wneud y canlynol o fewn pythefnos cyntaf y flwyddyn academaidd:

  • Cofrestru’n llawn. Rhaid gwneud hyn bob blwyddyn academaidd
  • Casglu eich cerdyn myfyriwr (ac eithrio myfyrwyr sy’n dysgu o bell)
  • Talu eich ffioedd dysgu neu gadarnhau manylion eich noddwr
  • Cadarnhau eich rhaglen astudio, gan gynnwys cadarnhad o'ch dewis o fodiwlau


Yn ogystal â hyn, rhaid i fyfyrwyr a addysgir gwneud y canlynol:

  • Cyflwyno gwaith cwrs
  • Mynychu arholiadau a phrofion dosbarth
  • Cysylltu â thiwtoriaid personol o leiaf unwaith y semester
  • Ymgysylltu â systemau TG y Brifysgol. Bydd diffyg defnydd am 14 diwrnod yn cael ei nodi mewn adroddiadau monitro
  • Rhowch wybod i'ch ysgol am unrhyw absenoldeb. Ar gyfer absenoldebau dros 14 diwrnod, dylech wneud cais am Doriad Astudio neu, os ydych yn absennol yn ystod cyfnod asesu ffurfiol, dylech gyflwyno ffurflen Amgylchiadau Esgusodol i'ch Ysgol erbyn y dyddiad cau.


Methiant i Ymgysylltu â'r Rhaglen


Os nad ydych yn:

  • Cofrestru'n llawn; a/neu'n
  • Casglu eich cerdyn myfyriwr; a/neu'n
  • Bresennol am mwy na 14 diwrnod, neu 5 pwynt ymgysylltu yn olynol, heb doriad astudio dilys;

efallai y bydd y Brifysgol yn gweithredu'r Weithdrefn Methiant i Ymgysylltu ag Astudiaethau. Mae'r Weithdrefn hon yn nodi y byddwch yn derbyn neges atgoffa dros e-bost i gofrestru, casglu eich cerdyn a chadarnhau eich modiwlau. Os na fyddwch yn cwblhau'r broses gofrestru o fewn 7 diwrnod i dderbyn yr e-bost, gall y Cofrestrydd Academaidd neu'r Pennaeth Ysgol eich gwahardd dros dro neu'n barhaol.


Os nad ydych yn cwrdd â'r pwyntiau ymgysylltu gofynnol eraill bydd Pennaeth yr Ysgol yn cysylltu â chi drwy e-bost. Efallai y cewch eich gwahodd i gyfarfod ag aelod o staff yr Ysgol. Bydd y cyfarfod yn trafod eich diffyg ymgysylltiad a dyma eich cyfle i esbonio pam nad ydych wedi bod yn ymgysylltu. Gall Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr fynychu'r cyfarfod fel cefnogaeth os hoffech i ni wneud hynny.


Os na fyddwch yn cydymffurfio â gofynion yr Ysgol ar ôl y cyfarfod hwn, byddwch yn cael eich eithrio dros dro neu'n barhaol, yn dibynnu ar amgylchiadau eich achos.


Ymgysylltiad Rhannol a/neu Cynnydd Academaidd Anfoddhaol


Os ydych ond yn ymgysylltu'n rhannol a bod pryderon yn cael eu codi gyda Phennaeth yr Ysgol am eich ymgysylltiad, gall y Brifysgol ddefnyddio'r Weithdrefn Ymgysylltiad Academaidd Myfyrwyr (Rhaglenni a Addysgir – ymgysylltiad rhannol gan fyfyrwyr)

Ar ôl derbyn y pryder, bydd Pennaeth yr Ysgol yn ystyried y dystiolaeth ac yn penderfynu a yw eich cynnydd academaidd yn anfoddhaol. Os bydd Pennaeth yr Ysgol yn penderfynu bod eich cynnydd academaidd yn anfoddhaol, byddant yn rhoi rhybudd ysgrifenedig ffurfiol i chi ac yn cychwyn cyfnod o fonitro. Dylai'r rhybudd nodi'r gofynion y mae angen i chi eu cwblhau er mwyn osgoi’r posibilrwydd o gael eich gwahardd. Dylai hefyd nodi'r gefnogaeth a gynigir i chi a'ch gwahodd i dynnu sylw at unrhyw amgylchiadau a allai fod yn cael effaith andwyol ar eich perfformiad academaidd.


Bydd y rhybudd yn parhau mewn grym am rhwng 14 a 28 dydd yn olynol. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn bydd gofyn i chi gael llofnod pob tiwtor i ddangos presenoldeb. Ar ddiwedd y cyfnod rhybuddio, bydd Pennaeth yr Ysgol yn ystyried eich ymgysylltiad a'r dystiolaeth a ddarperir i benderfynu un o’r canlynol:


  • bu digon o welliant yn eich ymgysylltiad ac ni ddylid cymryd unrhyw gamau pellach
  • bu rhywfaint o welliant, ond nid yw'n ddigon i'r rhybudd o waharddiad gael ei godi. Gellir ymestyn y cyfnod rhybudd am un cyfnod arall, hyd at uchafswm o 28 diwrnod yn olynol. Ni ddylai'r cyfnod rhybudd cyffredinol fod yn fwy na 56 diwrnod yn olynol o ddyddiad y rhybudd ffurfiol cyntaf
  • ni fu digon o welliant a dylech fynychu Panel Ymgysylltiad Academaidd ar gyfer argymhelliad gwahardd ffurfiol dros dro neu barhaol


Bydd y Panel Ymgysylltiad Academaidd yn cynnwys Pennaeth yr Ysgol, fel Cadeirydd, ac 1 aelod o staff academaidd o'r Ysgol, nad sy'n ymwneud yn uniongyrchol â'ch addysg.


Gall Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr eich helpu i baratoi ar gyfer y cyfarfod hwn.


What can the The Academic Engagement Panel determine?

They can determine that:

  • there will be no further action; or 
  • there will be a period of extended monitoring; or 
  • you will be excluded temporarily for a specified period with a right to re-enter the programme at a defined point; or 
  • you will be excluded permanently from the programme. 

If the Academic Engagement Panel decides to exclude you temporarily or permanently, you will be notified of the decision via email by the Head of School.


What if I am unhappy with the outcome of the Panel?

If you are unhappy with the outcome of the panel, you may be able to challenge the decision under the University Review Procedure.