Shops & Services
For the latest updates on our shops, services, events and opening times, please click on the button below.
Opening times and updates
Whether you're looking for something to eat, a book for your course, to get a haircut, or some stationery, we've got shops and services here at the Students' Union that can help you. Based in the Union at the heart of the University campus, we're only ever a short walk away. Our services also include our very own letting agency, Cardiff Student Letting, that can help you find a house.
Siopau a Gwasanaethau
Os ydych chi'n chwilio am rywbeth i fwyta, llyfr ar gyfer eich cwrs, rhywle i dorri eich gwallt, neu ddeunydd ysgrifennu, mae gennym ni siopau a gwasanaethau yn Undeb y Myfyrwyr a all fod o help. Yn yr Undeb, wrth galon campws y Brifysgol, dydyn ni ond nepell i ffwrdd. Mae ein gwasanaethau hefyd yn cynnwys ein asiantaeth gosod tai ein hunan, Gosod Tai Myfyrwyr Caerdydd, all eich helpu chi i ddod o hyd i gartref.
Ar agor nawr