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Third Floor Redevelopment 2013

Between April and September last year, Cardiff University Students' Union embarked on its largest redevelopment project to date. Costing 1.3 million and addressing areas of the building that house some of the most important services, the project has been well received by students since the opening in September.
Innovative improvements include moving the Elected Officer team into a circular glass office directly opposite the entrance, as well as talking points like an indoor tree and a wall of real moss in the new Advice Centre. The redesign aimed to improve visibility of all services as well as encouraging students to see the space as their own. Seated areas are included throughout the modern design and the use of glass walls allows for plenty of natural light making the space much more welcoming than its predecessor.
The area engages with around 14,000 students each year and we aim to increase this to 17,500 by the end of the 2013-14 academic year.