News Archive

Enriching Student Life Awards 2024 | Gwobrau Cyfoethogi Bywyd y Myfyrwyr 2024

Fri 10 May 2024

The highly anticipated Enriching Student Life Awards (ESLA) ceremony was held on Thursday 9th May. This prestigious partnership event between Cardiff University and Cardiff Students’ Union recognises individuals who have made remarkable contributions to enriching the student experience.

CSU voted as one of top 2 UK Students' Unions | Pleidleisio UMC yn un o 2 Undeb Myfyrwyr gorau’r DU

Thu 02 May 2024

After 9 years of being voted in the top 10 Best Students’ Unions in the UK and the best in Wales, Cardiff Students’ Union (CSU) celebrated a third year as one of the top 2 at the WhatUni Student Choice Awards.

Cardiff brings the Varsity Shield home! | Caerdydd yn dod â Tharian Varsity adref!

Wed 24 Apr 2024

More than 10,000 student spectators came to cheer on the teams as Cardiff travelled to Swansea for another epic Welsh Varsity tournament | Daeth dros 10,000 o fyfyrwyr i gefnogi’r timau wrth i Gaerdydd teithio i Abertawe am dwrnamaint Varsity Cymru epig arall.

ESLA 2024 Shortlist Announced | Cyhoeddi Rhestrau Fer Gwobrau Cyfoethogi Bywyd y Myfyrwyr

Tue 09 Apr 2024

The Enriching Student Life Awards (ESLAs) are an annual event, created to recognise the fantastic staff and students who contribute to the Cardiff student experience. In 2024, the awards are being run in partnership between Cardiff University’s Learning and Teaching Academy and the Students’ Union.

Spring Elections Results 2024 | Canlyniadau Etholiadau'r Gwanwyn 2024

Fri 08 Mar 2024

Meet your 2024/25 Elected Officer Team | Dyma'ch tîm Swyddogion Etholedig ar gyfer 2024/25.

Notice of Poll for 2024 Elections | Hysbysiad Pleidleisio Etholiadau 2024

Wed 07 Feb 2024

See the candidates running for roles this year | Gweler yr ymgeiswyr y rolau eleni

Welsh Varsity returns to Swansea in 2024 | Varsity Cymru yn dychwelyd i Abertawe yn 2024

Wed 17 Jan 2024

We are excited to announce that Swansea University and Cardiff University are set to go head-to-head in the country’s biggest student sporting event, the annual Welsh Varsity | Rydym yn gyffrous i gyhoeddi y bydd Prifysgol Abertawe a Phrifysgol Caerdydd yn mynd benben yn nigwyddiad chwaraeon myfyrwy

Revision Aid 2024 | Cymorth Adolygu 2024

Mon 08 Jan 2024

Your Elected Officers are here to help you throughout revision season. Find out where they will be for some hot drinks and a chat! | Mae eich Swyddogion Etholedig yma i'ch helpu drwy gydol y tymor adolygu. Darganfyddwch ble fydden nhw er mwyn mwynhau diod boeth a sgwrs!

Graduate Tutor and Demonstrator Contracts | Contractau Tiwtoriaid ac Arddangoswyr Graddedig

Fri 27 Oct 2023

A statement from your VP Postgraduate Students.

Statement: Support available for students | Datganiad: Cefnogaeth ar gael i fyfyrwyr

Wed 11 Oct 2023

In light of this weekend's news, the Students’ Union and its Elected Officer team want to express solidarity with any student who has been impacted by the events which have been unfolding in the Middle East. | Yn dilyn newyddion y penwythnos, hoffai’r Undeb Myfyrwyr a’u tîm o Swyddogion Etholedig

Our best Freshers' EVER! | Ein Hwythnos y Glas gorau ERIOED!

Tue 10 Oct 2023

We're buzzing with excitement as we look back on one of the most incredible Freshers' weeks ever at Cardiff Students' Union, and it's all thanks to you, our fantastic student community.

Cardiff Students to join Pride Cymru march | Myfyrwyr Caerdydd i ymuno â gorymdaith Pride Cymru

Wed 14 Jun 2023

Cardiff Students’ Union and Cardiff University proudly announces its participation in the upcoming Pride Cymru march, which will take place on June 17th and 18th in the vibrant Cardiff City Centre. 🏳️‍🌈

Spring Elections Results 2023 | Canlyniadau Etholiadau'r Gwanwyn 2023

Sat 11 Mar 2023

Meet your 2023/24 Elected Officer Team | Dyma'ch tîm Swyddogion Etholedig ar gyfer 2023/24.

Cardiff Students’ Union awarded Employer of the Year | UMC yn Ennill Gwobr Cyflogwr y Flwyddyn

Fri 03 Mar 2023

Cardiff Students’ Union has been chosen as Employer of the Year winner at the Cardiff and Vale College (CAVC) Apprenticeship Awards.

Results: Autumn Elections 2022 | Canlyniadau: Etholiadau Hydref 2022

Thu 27 Oct 2022

See the students elected to roles for 2022-23 | Y myfyrwyr a etholwyd i'r rolau ar gyfer 2022-23

AU Awards Winners 2022 | Enillwyr Gwobrau yr UA 2022

Thu 12 May 2022

The winners have been announced!|Mae'r enillwyr wedi cael eu cyhoeddi!

Spring Elections Results 2022 | Canlyniadau Etholiadau'r Gwanwyn 2022

Sat 19 Mar 2022

Meet your 2022/23 Elected Officer Team | Dyma'ch tîm Swyddogion Etholedig ar gyfer 2022/23.

Notice of Poll for 2022 Elections | Hysbysiad Pleidleisio Etholiadau 2022

Mon 14 Feb 2022

See the candidates running for roles this year | Gweler yr ymgeiswyr y rolau eleni

Bye-Elections Results 2022 | Canlyniadau Is Etholiadau 2022

Tue 08 Feb 2022

Find out who was elected | Darganfyddwch pwy gafodd eu hethol

Results: Autumn Elections 2021 | Canlyniadau: Etholiadau Hydref 2021

Fri 12 Nov 2021

See the students elected to roles for 2021-22 | Y myfyrwyr a etholwyd i'r rolau ar gyfer 2021-22

You could be one of our next Student Trustees! | Gallet fod yn un o’n Ymddiriedolwyr Myfyrwyr nesaf!

Wed 14 Apr 2021

Want something impressive to put on your CV? | Chwilio am rhywbeth anhygoel i roi ar dy CV?

Spring Elections Results 2021 | Canlyniadau Etholiadau'r Gwanwyn 2021

Sat 13 Mar 2021

Meet your 2021/22 Elected Officer Team | Dyma'ch tîm Swyddogion Etholedig ar gyfer 2021/22.

Results: Autumn Elections 2020 | Canlyniadau: Etholiadau Hydref 2020

Wed 11 Nov 2020

See the students elected to roles for 2020-21 | Y myfyrwyr a etholwyd i'r rolau ar gyfer 2020-21

Post Firebreak Announcement

Thu 05 Nov 2020

Details of our services and activities after the 9th November

Top 3 Students’ Union for the 2nd year

Fri 10 Jul 2020

WhatUni Student Choice Awards 2020