Bye-Elections Results 2022 | Canlyniadau Is Etholiadau 2022

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Thank you to everyone who voted in the bye-election and congratulations to the successful candidates. The following roles have been elected:

Student Senator

Alex Meers

Angie Flores

Bhavdeep Bola

Gurpal Sahota 

Scrutiny Committee

Alice Moore

Gurpal Sahota

Lucinda Hamilton-Mitchell

Diolch i bawb a bleidleisiodd yn a Is Etholiadau llongyfarchiadau mawr ir ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus. Etholwyd y rolau canlynol:

Seneddwr Myfyrwyr

Alex Meers

Angie Flores

Bhavdeep Bola

Gurpal Sahota 

Pwyllgor Craffu

Alice Moore

Gurpal Sahota

Lucinda Hamilton-Mitchell
