Cardiff University Student Support and Wellbeing


Coffee Lounge with Wellbeing Champions


Come join your Wellbeing Champions in the CSL for free tea/coffees/refreshments and biscuits. 


The Coffee Lounge provides an opportunity for students to talk with international students and Wellbeing Champions in a relaxed environment. There is no need to book but you can find some more information on the coffee lounges here.



woman in black long sleeve shirt holding black ceramic mug



Cardiff University has a range of services dedicated to helping students make the most of their University experience. Most of these services sit within Student Support and Wellbeing.


Specialist staff are available to help you in a variety of ways, including:

  • Supporting your study

  • Looking after your health and wellbeing

  • Preparing for your future

  • Managing your money

  • Providing practical advice for living in Cardiff and the UK


Teams within Student Support and Wellbeing


  • Academic Study Skills and Mentoring Team – Offers support and guidance on the transition into student lift and provides a variety of academic student skills classes.
  • Careers and Employability – Provides careers advice, work experience opportunities, academic and employability skills development, access to student and graduate recruitment opportunities and events, enterprise and business start-up support.
  • Counselling, Health and Wellbeing – Delivers practical advice and support for good health and wellbeing. This service includes face to face and online appointments, workshops, self-help resources and an occupational health service. This includes the University’s Student Support Intervention Team (SSIT) which is an amalgamation of the previously named Disclosure Response Team and Student Intervention Team, creating one streamlined team of practitioners who specialise in violence and abuse support or mental health support and intervention.


  • Disability and Dyslexia Service – Offers advice and guidance to disabled students, offers specialist support services and facilities accessibility and adjustments including examination provision.
  • Global Opportunities Team – Creates and supports opportunities abroad to enhance the student experience.
  • International Student Support – Provides practical support for international students including advice on immigration and assistance with visa extensions.
  • Money and Funding Advice Service– Delivers practical advice and guidance for students on academic issues, specialist funding advice, money skills, emergency funds, bursaries and scholarships.


You can contact all of the above services via Student Connect - using the portal, or by contacting // 029 22 518 888. If you have an immediate concern for someone or yourself that you need to report to the Student Support Intervention Team (SSIT), complete this referral form or email . 

Contact Student Advice
+44 (0)2920 781410

Cymorth a Llesiant Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd


woman in black long sleeve shirt holding black ceramic mug


Mae gan Brifysgol Caerdydd ystod o wasanaethau sy'n ymroi i helpu myfyrwyr i fanteisio ar eu profiad yn y Brifysgol. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r gwasanaethau hyn yn dod o dan Cymorth a Lles Myfyrwyr.


Mae staff arbenigol ar gael i'ch helpu mewn amrywiaeth o ffyrdd, sy’n cynnwys:

  • Cefnogi eich astudiaethau

  • Gofalu am eich iechyd a’ch lles

  • Paratoi ar gyfer eich dyfodol

  • Rheoli eich arian

  • Cyngor ymarferol ar gyfer byw yng Nghaerdydd a'r DU


Timau o fewn Cymorth a Llesiant Myfyrwyr


  • Tîm Sgiliau Astudio Academaidd a Mentora – Maent yn cynnig cefnogaeth ac arweiniad ar bontio i fywyd myfyrwyr ac yn darparu amrywiaeth o ddosbarthiadau sgiliau academaidd i fyfyrwyr.
  • Gyrfaoedd a Chyflogadwyedd – sy’n rhoi cyngor gyrfaol, canllawiau a gwybodaeth, cyfleoedd profiad gwaith, datblygu sgiliau academaidd a chyflogadwyedd, cyfleoedd a digwyddiadau recriwtio i fyfyrwyr a graddedigion a chymorth ar gyfer dechrau busnes neu fenter.
  • Cwnsela, Iechyd a Lles Myfyrwyr – Maent yn rhoi cyngor a chymorth ymarferol ar gyfer iechyd a lles. Mae'r gwasanaeth hwn yn cynnwys apwyntiadau wyneb yn wyneb ac ar-lein, gwasanaeth galw heibio, gweithdai, adnoddau hunangymorth a gwasanaeth iechyd galwedigaethol.
  • Gwasanaeth Anabledd a Dyslecsia – Maent yn cynnig cyngor ac arweiniad i fyfyrwyr anabl, yn ogystal â gwasanaethau cymorth arbenigol, ac maent yn hwyluso hygyrchedd ac addasiadau gan gynnwys darpariaeth mewn arholiadau.
  • Tîm Cyfleoedd Byd-eang – Creu a chefnogi cyfleoedd tramor i wella profiad myfyrwyr.
  • Cymorth i Fyfyrwyr Rhyngwladol – Maent yn rhoi cymorth ymarferol i fyfyrwyr rhyngwladol gan gynnwys cyngor ar fewnfudo a chymorth gydag estyniadau fisa.
  • Gwasanaeth Cyngor Ariannol a Chyllid– Maent yn cynnig cyngor ymarferol a chanllawiau i fyfyrwyr ynghylch materion academaidd ac ariannol gan gynnwys cyngor nawdd arbenigol, sgiliau ariannol, arian brys, bwrsariaethau ac ysgoloriaethau.


Cewch fanylion cyswllt yr holl dimau o fewn Cymorth a Lles Myfyrwyr ar ein tudalen cysylltiadau defnyddiol.


Cysylltu â Chyngor i Fyfyrwyr
+44 (0)2920 781410