Eating Disorders


For urgent support:


  • If you are concerned about the safety of yourself or someone else, as a result of an eating disorder or otherwise, call 999 if you have an immediate concern for their safety.


  • You can also complete the Student Intervention Team referral form on the intranet if the situation involves:
  • a significant change in behaviour relating to a mental health or wellbeing issue
  • behaviour that could pose a risk to self, such as; self-harm, disordered eating and substance misuse; or a risk to others
  • suicidal ideation including thoughts, plans or intent
  • signs of paranoia or psychosis
  • difficulty managing everyday activities, challenges engaging and seeking or adhering to support offered by other services

Your concerns will be picked up by the University's Student Intervention Team, who will respond to your query where possible within one day between 10:00 and 16:00 Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) term time only.


  • B-EAT Eating Disorders


This is a Helpline service that provides support and information 365 days a year. Call their Helpline on 0345 634 1414.

You can visit their website for more information and advice:


  • You may also want to visit the Student Minds website which has a lot of information on how to seek help with eating disorders and who else may be able to assist you.


For additional help with an eating disorder, you can also visit your GP who can provide you with information and support.


Eating disorders are characterised by an abnormal attitude towards food that causes someone to change their eating habits and behaviour. A 2015 report commissioned by Beat (A UK based eating disorder charity) estimates more than 725,000 people in the UK are affected by an eating disorder.


There are different types of eating disorder;

  • Anorexia nervosa – The condition often develops out of an anxiety about body shape and weight that originates from a fear of being fat or a desire to be thin. Many people with anorexia have a distorted image of themselves, thinking they're fat when they're not.
  • Bulimia – People who have bulimia try to control their weight by severely restricting the amount of food they eat, then binge eating and purging the food from their body by making themselves vomit or using laxatives.
  • Binge Eating Disorder (BED) Binge eating is an eating disorder where a person feels compelled to overeat on a regular basis through regular binges. People who binge eat consume very large quantities of food over a short period of time, even when they are not hungry.


As with other eating disorders, bulimia nervosa can be associated with:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Alcohol misuse
  • Depression
  • Self-harm


There are a number of sources you can refer to if you or a friend are suffering with an eating disorder.


Anhwylderau Bwyta

Nodweddir anhwylderau bwyta gan agwedd annormal tuag at fwyd sy'n achosi i rywun newid eu harferion bwyta a'u hymddygiad. Mae adroddiad a gomisiynwyd gan Beat (elusen anhwylderau bwyta yn y DU) yn 2015 yn amcangyfrif bod mwy na 725,000 o bobl yn y DU yn cael eu heffeithio gan anhwylder bwyta.


Mae gwahanol fathau o anhwylderau bwyta;

  • Anorecsia nerfosa – Mae’r cyflwr yn aml yn datblygu o bryder am siâp a phwysau’r corff sy’n deillio o ofn bod yn dew neu awydd i fod yn denau. Mae gan lawer o bobl ag anorecsia ddelwedd ystumiedig ohonynt eu hunain, gan feddwl eu bod yn dew pan nad ydynt.
  • Bwlimia – Mae pobl sy’n dioddef o fwlimia yn ceisio rheoli eu pwysau drwy gyfyngu’n ddifrifol ar faint o fwyd y maent yn ei fwyta, yna’n gorfwyta mewn pyliau a gwaredu’r bwyd o’u corff trwy wneud eu hunain i chwydu neu ddefnyddio moddion gweithio (laxatives).
  • Anhwylder Gorfwyta mewn Pyliau (BED) Mae gorfwyta mewn pyliau yn anhwylder bwyta lle mae person yn teimlo bod rhaid iddo orfwyta yn rheolaidd mewn pyliau rheolaidd. Mae pobl sy'n gorfwyta mewn pyliau yn bwyta llawer iawn o fwyd dros gyfnod byr o amser, hyd yn oed pan nad ydynt yn newynog.


Fel gydag anhwylderau bwyta eraill, gall bwlimia nerfosa fod yn gysylltiedig â:

  • Hunan-barch isel
  • Camddefnyddio alcohol
  • Iselder
  • Hunan-niwed


Mae nifer o ffynonellau y gallwch gyfeirio atynt os ydych chi neu ffrind yn dioddef o anhwylder bwyta.


Beat - Anhwylderau Bwyta

Mae hwn yn wasanaeth Llinell Gymorth sy'n darparu cefnogaeth a gwybodaeth 365 diwrnod y flwyddyn. Ffoniwch eu Llinell Gymorth ar 0345 634 1414.

Gallwch ymweld â'u gwefan am ragor o wybodaeth a chyngor:


Efallai y byddwch hefyd am ymweld â gwefan Meddyliau Myfyrwyr sydd â llawer o wybodaeth am sut i gael cymorth gydag anhwylderau bwyta a phwy arall all eich cynorthwyo.


I gael help ychwanegol gydag anhwylder bwyta, gallwch hefyd ymweld â'ch meddyg teulu a all roi gwybodaeth a chymorth i chi.