Volunteering Events

Cardiff Volunteering Coordinators Chat
6th October 9am - 5pm
Environmental Champions Environmental Champions Freshers
6th October 9am - 5pm
If you are passionate about the environment this could be the project for you!
Make a Smile Make A Smile Freshers Fayre
6th October 9am - 5pm
Find out more about this magical student-led project!
No Limits Neurodiversity No Limits Neurodiversity Freshers Info
6th October 9am - 5pm
If you are interested in volunteering with children with ASD check out No Limits Neurodiversity.
Saib Saib - Freshers Fayre
6th October 9am - 5pm
Join Saib (meaning pause/rest in Welsh) to deliver workshops on mental health and wellbeing in secondary schools around Cardiff.
Cardiff Volunteering Coronavirus Tutoring Initiative
6th October 10:30am - 11:30am
Cardiff Volunteering Coronavirus Tutoring Initiative
6th October 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Cardiff Volunteering Coronavirus Tutoring Initiative
6th October 3:30pm - 4pm
Cardiff Volunteering Coronavirus Tutoring Initiative
6th October 5:30pm - 6:30pm

Societies Events

Filter by Categories ( you can pick more than 1 )

AfroJam Dance Society AfroJam Freshers fair 2
6th October 9am - 5pm
Join us on Zoom: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/82906130514?pwd=bkVQY3lBc0JVQ2NWY3JjQ282dlVCUT09 Meeting ID: 829 0613 0514 Password: 678980
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies | Cultural & International Societies | Physically Active Societies | Competitive Societies
Anime Society Anime Society - Society Introduction and Activites (With Nerd Societies)
6th October 9am - 7pm
Come and meet the anime society along with other nerd societies!
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Nerdy Societies
Bioscience Society Bioscience Society Virtual Freshers' Fair
6th October 9am - noon
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/85732994585?pwd=SGRjRVEwYkplOFhKWTg5UGhkVDFndz09 Meeting ID: 857 3299 4585 Password: 729583
Virtual | Course Based Societies | Society
Cardiff LINKS Cardiff LINKS Society Introduction and Q&A
6th October 9am - 10:30am
9:00-10:30am, Join us here: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/94999906967?pwd=UThvTWpvNnB6SG5PUE1GTjh2MDdDUT09 Meeting ID: 949 9990 6967 Password: 686846
Society | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Cardiff Regular and Irregular Tabletop Society CRITS: Society Introduction and Activities (With Nerd Societies)
6th October 9am - 7pm
Come and Join CRITS and the other Nerd Societies for a fun filled Nerdy introduction day!
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Nerdy Societies | Competitive Societies
CU Pride (LGBT+ Society) CU Pride Drop in Fayre
6th October 9am - 6pm
Join us on Zoom. https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/7550979288?pwd=VWp1YWFyWHRFeGV3YWV0YzJVcWZQQT09
Gold Tier Societies | Welfare and Community Societies | Society | Stand With LGBT+ | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies
Y Gym Gym Cyflwyniad i'r Cymdeithas - Introduction to the Society
6th October 9am - 2pm
Dewch i gwrdd â'n cymdeithas ni! Come and meet our society!
Cultural & International Societies | Course Based Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Society | Virtual
Real Ale Society Drop in session
6th October 9am - 6pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/82463896009?pwd=TFNXR2Q2bGJxL24xT21zbjczQ0Fidz09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies
Law Society Cardiff Drop in session
6th October 9am - 7pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/84960487260?pwd=cUhUU1o3NUpXVU1PaGtKemV4S0FOUT09
Society | Virtual | Political & Ideological Societies | Course Based Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Engineers without Borders Society Drop-in Q & A
6th October 9am - 7pm
Any Questions about Engineers Without Borders? Thinking of joining and want to know more? Feel free to pop-in and ask us any questions
Society | Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Course Based Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Oncology Society Drop-In Session and Q & A
6th October 9am - noon
Join us on Zoom at https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/5541781862?pwd=dm1nU0o3YTNpc2lNS3pVZ2w0SWlMdz09 Meeting ID: 554 178 1862 Password: 453052
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies
TECSoc Drop-In Session and Q & A
6th October 9am - 5pm
Join us at https://discord.gg/K7Jd2DA
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Course Based Societies | Nerdy Societies
Art Society Drop-In Session and Q & A
6th October 9am - noon
Join us for a Q&A drop in session between 9am-12pm on Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/89582693992?pwd=RkZKYnlHYTQvN2JZUGtmK3VlTHlBdz09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies | Quiet and Creative Societies
FAD (Dance Society) FAD Virtual Freshers Fair - Tuesday 6th
6th October 9am - 6pm
FAD Dance Society's virtual freshers fair stall! Drop in on Zoom throughout the day to get to know us!
Competitive Societies | Society | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Physically Active Societies
Gastroenterology Society Freshers Fair Day 2: Society Introduction
6th October 9am - 7pm
Come and Join the Gastroenterology Society, for the Virtual Freshers Fair! https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73582610690?pwd=TFN5OHFDdDc2MGFMZ1hHVSt6cUFldz09
Society | Freshers Events | Heath | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies
Latin American Society Freshers Fair Day 2: Society Introduction and a Q&A
6th October 9am - 7pm
Come and Join the Latin American Society at the Virtual Freshers Fair! In Three Sessions (9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm, 5pm-7pm) Web link: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/2706805140?pwd=V0hiOHJEVFhrNWNTUEJkN3J1QitGZz09 Meeting ID: 270 680 5140 Password: 752522
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | Society | Freshers Events
Hong Kong Society Freshers Fair Drop In 2
6th October 9am - 5pm
Come and Join the Hong Kong Society, at Virtual Freshers Fair! Two session: 9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/86215717490?pwd=VWJRamw3dW5BWDl0NVBzbkJuVVVSUT09
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | New Societies
Quiz Society Freshers Fair: Return of the Nerds- Special Edition
6th October 9am - 7pm
Come and Join the Nerd Societies for a Zoom collaboration to end all Zoom collaborations
Society | Give It A Go | Nerd Varsity | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Nerdy Societies | Quiet and Creative Societies | Competitive Societies
Gaming Society Gaming Society: Society Introduction and Activities (With Nerd Societies)
6th October 9am - 7pm
Come and Join The Gaming Society, and other Nerdy Societies for a fun filled day!
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Nerd Varsity | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Nerdy Societies | Competitive Societies
Harry Potter Society Harry Potter Society: Society Introduction and Activities (With Nerd Societies)
6th October 9am - 7pm
Come and Join the Harry Potter Society, and other Nerd Societies, for a day of fun, nerdy activities!
Gold Tier Societies | Nerdy Societies | Society | Freshers' Fairs | Nerd Varsity | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies
Healthcare Music Society Healthcare Music Society Zoom Q&A
6th October 9am - 10:30am
Join HMS on zoom to find out more about us and ask any questions, Freshers' Week-related or otherwise!
Society | Heath | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Heath Based Societies | Competitive Societies
Pro-Choice Society Introduction Presentation
6th October 9am - 5pm
Join us at https://www.canva.com/design/DAEJd8PSDsM/eGdHrkLrvTuKhSRCLXDHOw/view?utm_content=DAEJd8PSDsM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton
Society | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | New Societies
Medieval Re-enactment Society Medieval Re-enactment Society Drop in session
6th October 9am - 5pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/83328652957?pwd=S25wSllsTTJ1TmpnN05ibllIWWJSQT09
Physically Active Societies | Nerdy Societies | New Societies | Competitive Societies | Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies | Gold Tier Societies
MedSoc MedSoc Q&A
6th October 9am - 5pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/88429301358?pwd=Tm0rN1doOWN5S0ZwTzlxL2ZRMWplUT09
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Malaysian Students Society MSSCF Introduction and Q&A
6th October 9am - 6pm
Join us between 9am-12pm and 2pm-6pm at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/85316808941?pwd=dkp4QjZaTDZWSytxc0plS2d0azVlQT09
Society | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Cultural & International Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Sci-Fi & Fantasy Society Sci-Fi and Fantasy - Society Introduction and Activites (With Nerd Societies)
6th October 9am - 7pm
Sci-fan has banded together with the other Nerdy Societies to create this alliance in order to better introduce ourselves in tandem with the societies we collab with the most! Join us for chill QandAs, film screenings, presentations, quizzes and fun!
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Nerdy Societies | Competitive Societies
Sikh Society Sikh Society Get to know us Q&A
6th October 9am - 7pm
Join us on Zoom Meeting ID: 835 1770 4495 Password: 834060
Society | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | Political & Ideological Societies | Faith Societies
Engineering Society Societies Virtual Fairs - Welcome and Drop In Q&A Session 3
6th October 9am - noon
Do you want to know more about us, our events and the benefits of joining our society? See you on our Virtual Zoom Stand, we're looking forward to meeting you!
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Course Based Societies
Nordic Society Society Introduction
6th October 9am - 7pm
Join us at https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/83588374870?pwd=bUpQTDFqMkFhZ3hSWGdoZzg2eW40QT09
Society | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies
Model United Nations Society Society Introduction and Q&A
6th October 9am - 5pm
Join us at to learn more about our society and what we do! Click the title to gain access to the Zoom meeting link and the password. See you there! We will host a Virtual GIAG session afterward to show you the ropes, find out more in the entry below!
Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Political & Ideological Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Competitive Societies | Society
Students for Organ Donation Society Introduction and Q&A
6th October 9am - 7pm
Join us at https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/89596402741?pwd=TjlFSjlhNGtWaXhiV0UrSDRONVl4dz09
Society | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | New Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Unison: Cardiff University Variety Singers Society Introduction and Q&A
6th October 9am - 3pm
https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/81225590439?pwd=cHkwRW1lNTlmS1RXQW95Wmw1MjhFQT09 ID:812 2559 0439 Password:567353
Competitive Societies | Society | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies
Vegetarian & Vegan Society Vegetarian & Vegan Society Drop in session
6th October 9am - 5pm
We've had to close early today! If you have any questions, please message: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CUVeggieSoc/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cuveggiesoc/ Come to our Give It A Go: https://www.cardiffstudents.com/ents/event/19
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies
Bullet Journal Society Bullet Journal Society Q&A
6th October 10am - 6pm
Join us between 10am-12pm at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/81353423963?pwd=c0tqNW1RYXFtVkordndHaGRDK2xvUT09 Join us between 2pm-6pm at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/85401877282?pwd=V290QTBlMFBOL21qdm8rZGQvMEczUT09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | New Societies | Quiet and Creative Societies
Alternative Music Society Drop in session with rotating hosts from 10-2
6th October 10am - 2pm
Join us on Zoom: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/86525999379?pwd=SEw3eFlmSkIzTnFQb1dwc1J0SFliZz09
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies
Christian Union Drop In With The Christian Union
6th October 10am - 3pm
Drop In and meet out members on a Zoom Call
Society | Virtual | Political & Ideological Societies | Faith Societies
Brass Band Society Freshers Fair Drop In 2
6th October 10am - 5pm
Our virtual fresher's fair event! Drop in to our zoom call to chat all things brass band, and what our plans are for the upcoming year! Two sessions: 10-1pm, 3-5pm Use password brassband to join the meeting.
Competitive Societies | Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Wine and Cheese Society Introduction and Drop-In Q&A
6th October 10am - 4pm
There will be an introduction between 10:00 and 16:00 with a drop-in Q&A throughout the day. Join us at https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/7581795383?pwd=ZG8vd2N3S0VEY1IvSjkvUW1YSDZOUT09 Meeting ID: 758 179 5383 Password: wine
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | New Societies
Music Production Society Introductory Presentations (with F&Qs)
6th October 10am - 7pm
Come and Join the Music Production Society at the Virtual Freshers Fair. There will be three presentations (one at 10am, one at 2pm and one at 5pm)
Society | Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies
Enactus Society Introduction
6th October 10am - noon
Join us at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73042854198?pwd=Y1R1aEpNUHJyTUhLa0VrRlptOWw4QT09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies
Traffic DJ Society Society Introduction and Q&A
6th October 10am - 5pm
Join us from 10-12 and 2-5 at https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/88644080771?pwd=QzA3Y0lQaHFuSlhXMklocEpicTFqZz09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies
Student Scout and Guide and Duke of Edinburgh's Award Society SSAGS & DofE Freshers Drop-in Day 2
6th October 10am - 5pm
Have questions about our society? Interested in joining? This is the final chance to get to know our committee and quiz us! (10.00-12.00 and 15.00-17.00)
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Physically Active Societies
Debating Society Debating Society - Q&A and Information Session
6th October 10:30am - 5pm
Join us from 10:30-13:00 and 2:30 till 17:00 at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/82392962549?pwd=YjJaUUJOVjFkM29STHFWUmNydjEwdz09 (Meeting ID 823 9296 2549 ) (Password: 123456)
Competitive Societies | Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Political & Ideological Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Ahlul Bayt Society Freshers Fair- Drop-In Session
6th October 10:30am - 7pm
Join us at https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/82443319557?pwd=cEdjT0IzdkllN29OempRL3RWRWtYQT09
Society | Virtual | Political & Ideological Societies | Faith Societies
Islamic Society Society Introduction Drop-In and Q&A
6th October 10:30am - 7pm
Come and Join the Islamic Society at the Virtual Freshers Fair! Three Sessions: 10:30am-11:30am, 2pm-3pm, 6pm-7pm https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/83815084657?pwd=T0JiTXE2M0FPRmc3ZUZkclZrbjl5QT09
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | Political & Ideological Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Faith Societies
Cardiff LINKS Cardiff LINKS Society Introduction and Q&A
6th October 11am - 12:30pm
11:00am-12:30pm, Join us here: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/98138774062?pwd=TUZ4UmF1TUtjK2lUb3plMFozYmdoZz09 Meeting ID: 981 3877 4062 Password: 592737
Society | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Feminist Society Feminist Society Drop in session
6th October 11am - noon
Join Zoom Meeting https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/83767570421?pwd=L3VDQlJYa3N3cnhDQ012QkJqb0Zudz09
Society | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Political & Ideological Societies
Help For Homeless Society Fresher Fair Day 2: Q&As
6th October 11am - 2pm
Come and Join Help the Homeless, at the Virtual Freshers Fair! https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/83351726990?pwd=aGVTWnJKTUQzbUx3MGFOeldlcVAzZz09
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Quadball Society QNA
6th October 11am - 7pm
Come and Join the Quidditch Society at the Virtual Freshers Fair! https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/82661046494?pwd=Rld2aGxoYWZ4cXVHMGE3ZE1iS0VpZz09
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Physically Active Societies | Nerdy Societies | New Societies | Competitive Societies
Enactus Society Introduction
6th October 11am - 1pm
Join us on Zoom between 11am and 1pm for a drop in session. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3705943216?pwd=ZVhDWFpyR1labGF5VGZhU2YvRUNFQT09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies
Cardiff Medicals Rugby Drop In - Q&A
6th October noon - 4pm
Join us for a drop in Q&A at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/87544427156?pwd=cDI1eTRUZjhteks1UE9XKzBjcUZQZz09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Quiet and Creative Societies
KChoreo - KPop Dance Society Drop-In with KChoreo
6th October noon - 2pm
Come find out more about our society!
Performance & Artistic Societies | Cultural & International Societies | Physically Active Societies | Competitive Societies | Society | Virtual
Windband Drop-in with Windband
6th October noon - 4pm
Drop in and find out about Windband Society
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Cardiff Students For Liberty Fresher Fair Day 2: Pop in session
6th October noon - 6pm
Come and Join Cardiff Students for Liberty, at the Virtual Freshers Fair! https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74147875867?pwd=UVQvS1p0R05ENkJOR1hjS1lCdU5SQT09 741-4787-5867 LTFU9M
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Political & Ideological Societies | New Societies
Japanese Society Freshers Fair Q+A Session 12:00-14:00
6th October noon - 2pm
This is our second freshers fair event! Come along to meet some of the committee and find out more about Japanese Society! Click the event title to open zoom link. Meeting ID: 880 8359 1176 Password: 127940
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | Course Based Societies | New Societies
Sexpression Fresher's fair zoom call!
6th October noon - 7pm
Online via Zoom
Come along to our final zoom call fresher's fair to ask us any and all questions about our society where we volunteer to educate young people about sex and relationships :)
Society | Give It A Go | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
HistorySoc HistorySoc Q&A
6th October noon - 1pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/89107764014?pwd=Ty9pM1M2YVJJaHFqZlR5aGFQa09tUT09
Virtual | Course Based Societies | New Societies | Society | Freshers Events
Lawyers Without Borders Society Lawyers Without Borders Society Intro and Q&A
6th October noon - 2pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/83539132781?pwd=YzZaYjdWTXgrZWdNNjQxNno0N1I1dz09
Society | Virtual | New Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Expression Dance Society Freshers Fair Day 2: Society Introduction and a Q&A
6th October 1pm - 5pm
Come and Join the Expression Dance Society, at the Virtual Freshers Fair https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/99469547073?pwd=djJxRERoeStsN3FZQUJvOVpIcWJxZz09 Meeting ID: 994 6954 7073 Password: 875057
Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Physically Active Societies | Competitive Societies
French Society Freshers Fair Day 2: Society Introduction and a Q&A
6th October 1pm - 6pm
Come and Join the French Society at the Virtual Freshers Fair https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/88636719556?pwd=eC80QWZqOUk0V2JReGtjRkIwNStMQT09
Gold Tier Societies | Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | Course Based Societies
Bioscience Society Bioscience Society Virtual Freshers' Fair
6th October 2pm - 5pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/87036836716?pwd=Y0d5TlMvN2xnSE5hVWZuWDQvM0dmdz09 Meeting ID: 870 3683 6716 Password: 488577
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies
Cardiff LINKS Cardiff LINKS Society Introduction and Q&A
6th October 2pm - 3:30pm
14:00-15:30, Join us here: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/99442532703?pwd=ZmwwTjFOSkxSMVVlOXJiK05ZajVkQT09 Meeting ID: 994 4253 2703 Password: 522473
Society | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Plaid Cymru Drop-In Session (Bilingual)
6th October 2pm - 5pm
Join us at https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/85313680007?pwd=LzQzSkplbUFSQ2FyWjI0bDhrR2pqQT09 Meeting ID: 853 1368 0007 Password: plaidifanc For other platforms see description
Society | Virtual | Political & Ideological Societies
Cardiff Student Christian Movement Fresher Fair Day 2: Q&A
6th October 2pm - 4pm
Come and Join the Cardiff Student Christian Movement, for the Virtual Freshers Fair https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/95950281986?pwd=Y0VWRE04TWZZSkd6ZGhxYThrZ2l0UT09
Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Political & Ideological Societies | New Societies | Faith Societies
Archaeology Society Freshers Fair Q&A guest starring the Ancient History Society
6th October 2pm - 5pm
Zoom meeting
Grab a cuppa and come join us for a virtual meet-and-greet! Get to know your committee members and what we are offering this year, and we'll also be answering your questions - be it about the society, studying or university life. We'll see you there!
Course Based Societies | Society | Virtual
Pakistani Society Pakistani Society Q&A
6th October 2pm - 5pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/83982776491?pwd=UUpIYVRnK1k3elFpcDc2bEJOUFRhZz09
Society | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies
Engineering Society Societies Virtual Fairs - Welcome and Drop In Q&A Session 4
6th October 2pm - 5pm
Do you want to know more about us, our events and the benefits of joining our society? See you on our Virtual Zoom Stand, we're looking forward to meeting you!
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Course Based Societies
Irish Society Society Introduction Drop-In
6th October 2pm - 5pm
Come and Join the Irish Society, at the Virtual Freshers Fair! https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/89711871647?pwd=ZWJrUlNQNEZaejBsc2dVVitPY3JRQT09
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | New Societies
Book Club Book Club Freshers Fair Drop In Day 2!
6th October 3pm - 7pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 842 5640 6745 Password: 864847
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Quiet and Creative Societies
Mind Your Head Drop-In Zoom Q+A
6th October 3pm - 4pm
Come and Join Mind Your Head at the Virtual Freshers Fair! https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/82765415019?pwd=N1R6YkR1bTBmNzBManU3TDBveWtWZz09
Freshers' Fairs | Student Led Services | Virtual | Welfare and Community Societies
Marrow Society Freshers Fair Day 2: Drop in Q&A Session
6th October 3pm - 5pm
Come and Join the Cardiff Marrow Society, at the Virtual Freshers Society
Volunteering | Society | Freshers Events | Charity | Heath | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Heath Based Societies
German Society German Society Q&A
6th October 3pm - 4pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/84741279100?pwd=emFzZXN5Vm5lMldLaC9OYm5Ia3ZSUT09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Cultural & International Societies | Course Based Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Sports and Exercise Medicine Q&A session at 3-4pm and 7:30-8:30pm
6th October 3pm - 4pm
Join us on Zoom: 3-4pm: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/2943766938?pwd=a0NEOFZDa3pWOXI5UlpNdDArMkxvUT09
Society | Freshers Events | Heath | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Heath Based Societies | Physically Active Societies
AIESEC Society Introduction
6th October 3pm - 7pm
3-4 https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5801225644?pwd=ZkxYTXEyQndGbFJLUHluU2NMMHg1dz09 Meeting ID: 580 122 5644 Passcode: AIESECINCD 6-7 https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5801225644?pwd=ZkxYTXEyQndGbFJLUHluU2NMMHg1dz09 Meeting ID: 580 122 5644 Passcode: AIESECINCD
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Cultural & International Societies
Jewish Society JSoc second drop in/Q&A
6th October 4pm - 5pm
Please join us for a drop in/Q&A about our activities for the coming year
Cultural & International Societies | Political & Ideological Societies | Faith Societies | Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual
Cardiovascular Society Cardiovascular Society Freshers Fair Day 2
6th October 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Interested in Cardiology? Come join us for our Freshers Fair - a chance to ask us any questions and take a look at all we have in store for this year! Link is: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/92344912538?pwd=R05leGx5L3FBWDFpZEMyL3R4blhKZz09
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies | Gold Tier Societies
TANGGS Introduction and quizzes
6th October 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/88651381356?pwd=cUplTWUrd1hLamdYY3AzUUluSGZHQT09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | New Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
WPSA Pharmaceutical Society Q&A Drop-in
6th October 4:30pm - 6pm
Come and Join the WPSA at the Virtual Freshers Fair! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8298967553?pwd=KzFjV25iMXQrdENsOURnSnZxRHpZQT09 Meeting ID: 829 896 7553 Passcode: WPSA2020
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Gold Tier Societies
SAWSA - Architecture Society Drop-In Q&A
6th October 5pm - 7pm
Join us on Zoom at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/88122727656?pwd=ckpKVExkdmZvVW9McU5HQmc5WTNtQT09
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies
Dermatology Society Fresher Fair Day 2: Q&A Drop-in
6th October 5pm - 7pm
Come and join the Cardiff University Dermatology Society, again! https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/96514020210?pwd=djlYQkxpNURXZlIvcTZoUE9QK0pVdz09 Meeting ID: 965 1402 0210 Password: 879284
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies
Gospel Choir Society Freshers Fair Day 2: Q&A
6th October 5pm - 7pm
Come and Join the Gospel Choir Society, at the Virtual Freshers Fair! https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/88068131900?pwd=NjZiY0hnYU0xZ1FiTXYyejRuOGtvdz09 Meeting ID: 880 6813 1900 Password: 061020
Society | Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Political & Ideological Societies | Faith Societies
Afghan Society Freshers Fair Day 2: Society Introduction and a Q&A
6th October 5pm - 7pm
Come and Join the Afghan Society, for the Virtual Freshers Fair! https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/81362672492?pwd=YUk3NnhnbnNQZzNlL2dBcGtrem9vZz09
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | New Societies
Plant Society Plant Society Q&A
6th October 5pm - 7pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/81918902029?pwd=dG9id2RjZ2syOVZUeUNzOXByUWdkUT09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | New Societies | Quiet and Creative Societies
Maths Society Q&A Tuesday 6th October 5pm-6pm
6th October 5pm - 6pm
Join us on Zoom: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/87938391976?pwd=NTlkazBodjNWVVRSUldsZGVIM1ZJUT09
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies
Cardiff University Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society Virtual Fayre Day 2
6th October 5pm - 7pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/86075171116?pwd=djUxOW12aVI3NHZNYXhQUXBKV211UT09
Society | Heath | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies | New Societies
Cardiff LINKS Cardiff LINKS Society Introduction and Q&A
6th October 5:30pm - 7pm
17:30-19:00, Join us here: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/94723316870?pwd=dFl4ajh6aHFxaGJ0OGhZN3hGeGZidz09 Meeting ID: 947 2331 6870 Password: 093812
Society | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Amnesty International Society Society Introduction & Q&A (17:30-19:00 Tuesday 6th October)
6th October 5:30pm - 7pm
join us on zoom: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/85773423071?pwd=YVJwM0FNSXpRUnVjRHZTalVsNHRkZz09 PASSWORD= 123
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Student Orthopaedic Society A career in Orthopaedics
6th October 6pm - 7pm
Virtual event (link tbc)
A chance to hear about what a career in Orthopaedics entails from an Orthopaedic surgeon!
Society | Give It A Go | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Cardiovascular Society Cardiology & Chill
6th October 6pm - 7:15pm
Join us for an interactive evening of quiz & games!
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Christian Medical Fellowship CMF Freshers' Q&A
6th October 6pm - 7pm
Join us on Zoom Meeting ID: 874 0531 4076 Password: 247638
Society | Virtual | Political & Ideological Societies | Heath Based Societies | New Societies | Faith Societies
Model United Nations Society Introductory Debate
6th October 6pm - 8pm
An introductory MUN debate designed to introduce University style Model United Nations to anyone.
Competitive Societies | Society | Give It A Go | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Political & Ideological Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Ophthalmology Society Ophthalmology Society Introduction and Q&A
6th October 6pm - 7pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/88386960354?pwd=cFZMaVRFNS9pUTFsTXJiRTJBNURudz09
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies
Healthcare Music Society Healthcare Music Society Zoom Q&A
6th October 7pm - 8:30pm
Join HMS on zoom to find out more about us and ask any questions, Freshers' Week-related or otherwise!
Society | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Heath Based Societies | Competitive Societies
Cardiff LINKS St John Ambulance Cymru First Aid GIAG
6th October 7pm - 8pm
Zoom link emailed to all ticket holders
Would you know how to save a life?
Activity & Appreciation Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Welfare and Community Societies | Society | Give It A Go | Virtual
Live Music Society LMS Quiz Night!
6th October 7:30pm - 8:30pm
join us for our weekly Tuesday social event
Society | Give It A Go | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies
Sports and Exercise Medicine Q&A session at 3-4pm and 7:30-8:30pm
6th October 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Join us on Zoom: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/2943766938?pwd=a0NEOFZDa3pWOXI5UlpNdDArMkxvUT09
Society | Heath | Virtual | Heath Based Societies | Physically Active Societies
Cardiff Student Media Cardiff Student Media Q&A
6th October 8pm - 9:30pm
Join us here: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/82390443712?pwd=YnpFc2JvU1V5cjZvWnByOGxvVXVYQT09
Society | Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Student Media
CUTV Cardiff Student Media Welcome Meet
6th October 8pm - 9pm
Cardiff Student Media (CSM) are hosting a welcome call for all four of our Student Media platforms in the Student's Union - Gair Rhydd, Quench, Xpress Radio and Cardiff Uni TV.  Note: You can join via any of the four platform's event listings.
Society | Cardiff Student Media | Virtual | Student Media