Running a Club, Society, SLS or Association can be a scary thing, and often a very daunting challenge. But fear not; support is at hand to help you manage and run successful Student Groups.
This is your online resource on everything you may need to know, from how to upload a finance request, to publicising that big event. If you do need more information, some help or just someone to chat an idea through with then please do give one of the Activities Team an email or call.
Advice For Societies Following a COVID Positive Case - This document outlines the steps that you should take if someone within your society's activities tests or is suspected of being positive for Covid-19.
Activities Laws - The Activities Laws are a detailed guide to how the Activities Department supports your Group and how you should lead your Group.
Athletic Union Sports Club Behaviour Policy - This policy applies to all members, participants and other persons connected to Sports Clubs affiliated to the Students' Union as well as Sports teams participating in IMG Sports competitions. It is highly recommended that you familiarise yourself with this document.
Activities Behaviour Policy - This policy applies to all members, participants and other persons connected to Societies, Student-Led Services, Associations, Student Media, Volunteer projects and any other Student Group affiliated to or promoted by the Students' Union. It is highly recommended that you familiarise yourself with this document.
Committee Handbook 2024-2025 - This document outlines all the information you need to know when running a Society.
Guild of Societies Constitution Template - ENG
Athletic Union Constitution Template - ENG
Societies Development Plan Template - Please complete and return to
Associate Membership Form - Non-Cardiff University students can apply to join your Club or Society as an Associate Member by completing this form and sending it to the Committee for approval. The Committee will then need to send to SU Finance
Trip Form Template (For day trips only) - Please return to staff contact 1 working day prior to departure
Trip Pack Template (For overnight trips only) - Please return to your staff contact 2 working days prior to departure
Participant Pack Template - Send to club members attending your trip to be aware of itinerary, trip information, emergency contacts etc.
Tours and Big Trips Guidance
Event and Guest Speaker Booking Form - Use this form to declare Guest Speakers to the SU. Return completed forms to Your Societies and Volunteering Coordinator at least 21 days before the event.
Society SU Event Requirement Form - Use this form if you want to use one of our commercial spaces for an event that has special requirements, such as catering, sound and lighting or other setup requirements. Please return it to the Societies Team or AU Team to make a booking.
Coach Registration Form Template - use this form to register your coach/instructor. This is mandatory for both paid and volunteer coaches/instructors for insurance purposes.
Sponsorship Agreement Template - Use this form if you want to arrange a sponsourship agreement and have been asked to write the agreement yourself. Please Return this form to Societies Team or AU Team we must check any agreement before it is confirmed.
Sponsorship Invoices Form - Use this form if you have confirmed sponsorship. Return this form to SU Finance and the money you are receiving will be paid directly into your Club/Society Account.
Invoice Template - Use this template to produce an invoice for your Society or Sports Club e.g. for paying for an instructor.
Society Event Proposal Form - Use this template if you want to organise a larger event that is not your usual activity. Return this form to your society coordinator or club contact for approval.
Society Inventory Template - Use this template to keep track of your societies/clubs inventory
Template for Society AGM ENG
Template for Society AGM Cymraeg
Widening Access Policy Template - Use this template to create your Widening Access Policy, and set out your society or clubs goal to increase accessibility to your activity.
Society Tier Tracker
Society Tier Tracker-Cymraeg
Societies Risk Assessment Matrix