Academic Misconduct (Taught Students)

Cardiff University have fundamental core values that they expect students to abide by in their academic work. These values are detailed in the University's Academic Integrity Policy and include integrity, honesty, openness, rigour, accountability, care, and respect.


As a student, you are expected to maintain high standards of academic practice and not engage in academic misconduct. Academic Misconduct, in principle, is working in a way that means you obtain an unfair advantage, or a higher mark, that you would otherwise not secure.


Academic Misconduct in coursework includes plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, using an external writing service such as a ghost writer or essay mill, or acting dishonestly. Importantly, Academic Misconduct can take place irrespective of whether your actions or inactions were intended to gain an unfair advantage or not.


Importantly, Academic Misconduct can take place irrespective of whether your actions or inactions were intended to gain an unfair advantage or not.

Cardiff University’s intranet pages on Academic Integrity state that:

 Academic integrity is one of the fundamental, core values of the university.

It requires all members of the university to be honest, open, rigorous, accountable, careful, and respectful in their academic work. For you, this means that all work submitted for assessment must be based on your own ideas and knowledge, and that where you draw on the work of others, that this is properly recognised and attributed.

Academic Misconduct is when the expected standards of academic practice, integrity and engagement have been breached. This can be intentional (deliberate), or unintentional, and can occur in a range of different ways.


For this reason it is very important to:


  • Seek help from academic staff if you are struggling with a piece of coursework;
  • Be very careful when seeking help or giving help to others. It is essential to understand the rules on sharing for each assignment. In some cases, helping each other is permitted, provided you do not actually share your work. In other cases, even the smallest amount of help is going too far;
  • Consider applying for an extension, submitting late but within 24 hours of the deadline, or not submitting at all and reporting Extenuating Circumstances if you have them. If you are rushing to meet a deadline you are most at risk of making mistakes. If you submit within 24 hours, your mark will be capped at the pass mark but, if you submit work that is not your own, or not properly referenced, you could be investigated and have the work marked to zero.
  • Know that many students who have been accused of Academic Misconduct have had some difficult circumstances that have affected their judgement. It is better to apply for Extenuating Circumstance than submit work that is not your own or not referenced properly;
  • Be aware that the University will not allow Extenuating Circumstances to be accepted if the University decides you are guilty of Academic Misconduct. You can explain any circumstances that may have affected your judgment during the investigation but, if the allegation is upheld, the Examining Board will not consider any circumstances reported through the Extenuating Circumstances procedure;
  • The University has very clear rules about how students should conduct themselves in exams. Make sure you know these rules.
  • When sitting an exam, double check your phone (or any other unauthorised material) is not in your pocket and put it in the box under then exam desk. Having a phone in your pocket is considered examination misconduct even if you don’t use it and it is turned off. Having notes in a dictionary is misconduct even if you did not know they were there.
  • Remember if you are on a Professional programme with a Fitness to Practise requirement, an upheld allegation of Academic Misconduct will be regarded and dishonesty and may prompt a Fitness to Practise Investigation.


What is Academic Misconduct?


The University's definitions are included in the Academic Integrity Policy, which states that Academic Misconduct includes;

  • Plagiarism – the use of someone else’s work or words, intellectual property, ideas without property acknowledgement i.e. improper referencing or not having the required permissions;
  • Self plagiarism – where you have re-submitted work that you have already completed yourself - this commonly occurs when work is re-submitted which has already been part of another assessment. Importantly this is not limited to your work at Cardiff University, and can include previous studies at other universities or institutes of higher education;
  • Collusion – Generally, this means that you have worked with others to produce your work or allowing your work to be submitted in someone else’s name. It can include where you:
  • submit work as your own when it has been produced by, or with, someone else
  • allow your work to be submitted in someone else’s name
  • copy data or the answers being submitted by another student
  • communicate with anybody, other than with an invigilator in an examination or in other timed online assessments, by speaking, using text, telephones, gestures, or on any other platform
  • impersonate another student or allow yourself to be impersonated.


  • The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – There is guidance available from the University in respect of Academic Misconduct. However, it is generally understood that although AI can be a valuable tool for generating ideas and improving writing structure, it can also be unreliable and cannot be relied upon for factual accuracy. We are aware of circumstances where AI has produced fictitious references, where these appear to be legitimate but the AI has created these and they do not actually exist (called hallucination), and where AIs have completely ‘made up’ an account of a theory/subject area based on information that it perceives to be relevant, but actually is several years out of date, created by somebody else (and so plagiarised), or just totally inaccurate.
  • External writing service: the use of an external writing service, for example essay banks, essay mills, ghost writers, or any external essay/thesis writing service, in place of or in addition to your own writing. Use of an essay mill, external essay service or any other additional writing service – paid or unpaid – is likely to amount to academic misconduct.
  • Examination Misconduct – this includes any conduct in the examination room which breached examination rules which could lead to an unfair advantage over other students. This could include bringing in unauthorised equipment or materials and communicating with another person during the examination.
  • Dishonesty – The presentation of facts that are untrue with the intent to deliberately deceive.
  • Breach of rules and protocol relating to research – Students undertaking research should read and follow the guidelines about conduct and ethics.
  • Any attempt to gain an unfair advantage.


The Investigation


If a concern is raised by your Academic School you will be notified by the Academic Misconduct Coordinator for your School. They will write to you to invite you to an investigation meeting, giving you at least 14 days’ notice of the meeting in accordance with the University’s Academic Integrity Policy and Academic Misconduct Procedure. They will also include details of the concern and provide evidence of this, which usually includes a Turnitin report, or sometimes, a highlighted document that compares your document to someone else’s. There are a number of ways that evidence can be presented to you and if you are not sure what the evidence is, or where it has come from, you can ask.


If you are invited to an investigation meeting, don't panic and don't respond in a hurry. It is really important to prepare and make sure you fully understand the concern before you say anything. We strongly recommend that you attend the meeting as this is your opportunity to understand the full extent of the concern and answer any questions. This meeting should not be disciplinary in its nature at this stage. It is an information gathering exercise and no decision will be made at the meeting. Decisions are made by the Chair of the Examining Board, and you will be given the opportunity to comment on the Meeting/Case Record (sent to you afterwards) and to provide a statement and any evidence that you wish to submit.  


If you are invited to an investigation meeting, don't panic and don't respond in a hurry. It is really important to prepare and make sure you fully understand the concern before you say anything.

It is common in cases of collusion for all students involved in the concern to be invited to the same meeting. You can request a separate meeting if you feel that a joint meeting will mean you cannot present your case effectively and honestly. If, for example, you were pressured into sharing your work by another student, you may not feel comfortable saying that in front of them. The same is true if you have some extenuating circumstances that you do not want to share with other students. If this applies to you, you will need to contact the Academic Misconduct Coordinator and let them know.


You should be given 14 days’ notice of the meeting itself and also provided with evidence that supports the allegation at least 7 days before the meeting date. The Academic Misconduct Coordinator and/or the person who raised the concern, should fully explain the concerns and give you full opportunity to respond. You will need to explain what has happened from your point of view and we recommend reading the following in preparation: 




If the School’s concern relates to potential plagiarism, we also strongly advise you to look at the University’s Why, when and how, citing and referencing tutorial, which covers plagiarism, paraphrasing, summarising and referencing.

Specific tutorials and guides on the referencing rules for your course can be found on the University’s intranet page and in your Student Handbook. It is important to be familiar with the referencing rules for your course because allegations of Academic Misconduct normally arise due to a failure to follow them.

If you have used someone else’s work, you need to identify where words/ideas are not your own by using the referencing rules for your programme. If you do not reference properly, you are not telling the reader that they are someone else’s words/ideas and so are presenting them as your own. This is what the University usually class as plagiarism.

Preparing for the meeting


First of all – try not to panic. Whilst it is understandable that this might be a very stressful situation, the Academic Misconduct Procedure is thorough to allow you the opportunity to respond to the concerns raised. Engaging with the process is by no means an admission of guilt and may reflect better on you and your circumstances, should the process escalate.

It is important that you prepare thoroughly for the meeting so you are able to respond to the allegations made against you. In Student Advice we refer to the OIA Best Practice Framework, which covers what an investigator and decision maker should consider (section 73 to 77). 


In your preparation you will need to:

  • Make sure that you fully understand both the University’s rules on Academic Integrity, Academic Misconduct and the referencing rules for your course.
  • Look at the evidence that has been sent to you and try and work out what has happened. If the concern relates to potential plagiarism and you have been sent a Turnitin report, look through that report and check each section that is highlighted as matching another source to see if it includes the appropriate reference. If not, be prepared to explain why not. Was it accidental? Have you attempted to reference but not done so fully? Did you list the source in your bibliography?
  • If the concern relates to potential collusion, go through the evidence and details of the concern and look at where your work matches that of another student. Can you explain why areas of the work are the same? Can you explain how you completed the work and how you came to the answers you did? Are the matches coincidence and is this coincidence believable?
  • If the concern relates to potential self-plagiarism, go through the evidence and details of the concern and look at where this piece of work matches work that you have submitted previously. Can you explain why areas of the work are the same? Can you explain how you completed the work and how you came to use the same words/ideas as you did before? Are the matches coincidence and is this coincidence believable?
  • What was your intention when you wrote this piece of work? Did you intend to gain an unfair advantage? If not, what happened? The issue of intention is not relevant to the finding of Academic Misconduct (you can be found guilty of Academic Misconduct even if you had no intention) but it is relevant to the penalty imposed.
  • Ask yourself if there are any mitigating factors that might have affected your judgment and obtain evidence. Section 77 in Part A of the OIA Good Practice Framework above covers possible points of mitigation. We advise to think about points such as if this is this your first assignment of this type, if you missed study skills training, if English is your second language, or anything else you can think of that may mitigate what happened.
  • Did you have any Extenuating Circumstances at the time that may have affected your judgment? If so, be sure to include a full explanation of what was happening and how it affected your judgment and work at the time.
  • Ask yourself if there are any additional consequences if the mark is set to 0. Was this your final attempt at the assignment? If the mark for this piece of work is set to 0, will you be withdrawn? The OIA Good Practice Framework says that the University should consider any additional impact when deciding on a penalty.
  • The OIA Good Practice Framework also says that the University should consider how much benefit you would have gained from what happened. For example, if there was just one line of text, then this would give you much less benefit than a paragraph. Equally if there is an accusation affecting just one question, this would offer less benefit than multiple questions.
  • Write a list of all points you want to raise, so you can be sure you don’t miss anything.
  • Think about if there is any evidence you can get to support what you say and try to get the best quality evidence possible. Good quality evidence is evidence that is independent and time specific, e.g.. a doctor’s note that confirms you were unwell for the week of the assessment, or a letter from a Counsellor to say that you have been having ongoing sessions with them for anxiety that covered the period you submitted your work. Evidence should be in English or Welsh, signed, dated and on headed paper. It is a good idea to try and get it in advance of the meeting but, if this is not possible, you can explain what evidence you will get and submit it with your statement later.
  • Make notes in the meeting of any points you feel you would like to expand on in your statement later, or any questions you were asked that you were not expecting. This will allow you time to think and cover anything you want to say in more detail in your statement.


You will be offered the opportunity to submit a written statement before the meeting but we strongly advise against doing so unless for very good reason you are unable to attend. We usually recommend sending your statement after the meeting, when you are fully aware of the concerns.

You may wish to write some notes to prepare for the meeting as understandably you may be a little nervous during the meeting. By having bullet points of the things that you wish to discuss it may help you to cover the above points.

You can have someone with you during the meeting. Decide who will be best able to support you. They will not be able to advocate for you or speak on your behalf, but they are able to take notes. If you decide to have someone support you during the meeting, let the Academic Coordinator know prior to the meeting who will be attending. Advisers in Student Advice can help you prepare for the meeting and attend with you, subject to availability.


Attending the Meeting


The Investigation Meeting can take place virtually or face to face. The Academic Misconduct Co-ordinator will be present, sometimes with a member of Student Cases staff to take notes of the meeting and will ask you questions. Usually, your module leader or the person that marked your work will also be in attendance.

You can have someone with you during the meeting. Decide who will be best able to support you. They will not be able to advocate for you or speak on your behalf, but they are able to take notes. If you decide to have someone support you during the meeting, let the Academic Coordinator know prior to the meeting who will be attending. Advisers in Student Advice can help you prepare for the meeting and attend with you, subject to availability.

You may be asked about your understanding of the importance of academic integrity, whether you attended study skills lectures or accessed information about academic integrity on Learning Central and how you prepare your work.


It is contrary to the University’s Academic Misconduct Procedure to ask you to sign the Meeting/Case Record in the meeting itself. We strongly advise against signing anything in the meeting itself. After the meeting you will be sent a copy of the Meeting/Case Record. Read through it carefully as it should be an accurate reflection of what was discussed during the meeting. Don’t be afraid to add notes to it if it is too brief, or inaccurate.


As above, the purpose of this meeting is to establish the facts relevant to the allegation. During the meeting the Academic Misconduct Coordinator will discuss the concerns with you. Your module leader, or the person who marked the work, may attend to explain the concerns about your work. A note taker may also be present. During this meeting it is important that you answer the questions you are asked as honestly as possible. Keep in mind the University's core principles of integrity, honesty, openness, rigour, accountability, care, and respect.


As advised in the preparation section above, we recommend that you cover the following points in the meeting, where applicable to your case:

  • Reflection to show care and respect. You ideally look to show an understanding of why academic integrity is so important and why your work or conduct has caused concern;
  • Apology to show accountability and respect. Even if your work has breached the Academic Integrity rules unintentionally;
  • Intent. Did you intend to gain an unfair advantage? If not, what happened?
  • Context. Explain how you produced the work. Show that you understand it and point out if and where you have attempted to reference. Note if you reached out for help from a staff member. If the case record does not accurately capture your explanation of how you went about your work, how you understand it and/or why you think there may be similarities, explain this as best you can in your statement.
  • Benefit. If the allegation is upheld, how much advantage would you have gained from the academic misconduct? 
  • Mitigation. Is this your first assignment of this type? Did you miss, or were you not offered, study skills training? Is English your second language?
  • Extenuating Circumstances. Was anything affecting you when you were writing the assignment/going into the exam?
  • Impact. Explain if a penalty will have additional impact on you, such as delaying graduation, or if you will be withdrawn because this was your final attempt.
  • Conclusion. What have you learned from this investigation? How are you going to prevent this from happening again? If you are denying the allegation, how important is honesty to you? How important is this course to you?


After the Meeting


Following the meeting, the Academic Misconduct Coordinator will complete a written record of the meeting for submission to the Chair of the Examining Board and will send this to you, normally by email. You have 7 days from receipt of this record in which to write to the Chair of the Examining Board, to either dispute the concern and/or add any comments you have about the content of the meeting record. This is your opportunity to say what you want to say to the Chair, who will then make a decision on your case. We strongly advise that you:

  • Take time to go through the case record and make comments on anything you feel is inaccurate or needs supplementing. The record is not supposed to be a verbatim record or minutes of the meeting but should cover all the main points raised. If it is so brief that it is not an accurate record of the meeting, e.g.. the meeting lasted 20 minutes but the case record is only a few sentences long, be sure to say this to the Chair.
  • Submit a clear statement of your case and respond fully to the record of the meeting. Your statement should cover all the points recommended above (reflection, apology, intent, context, benefit, mitigation, extenuating circumstances, impact, conclusion). The statement should be sent directly to the Chair of the Exam Board via email.
  • Submit good quality evidence where appropriate and possible.

Once you receive your Meeting/Case Record you have 7 days in which to sign and return it together with your statement. The Academic Misconduct Co-ordinator will advise you where the documents should be sent. 


Writing a Statement


The statement is your opportunity to explain what happened in detail and to submit evidence. Imagine that you are talking face to face with the Chair of the Examining Board - tell them exactly what happened. If you are not denying the concern, it is vitally important to include an apology and reflection.

Show how you produced your work and where you have attempted to reference. If you reached out to a staff member for support and guidance, include this information.

If you did not seek to gain any advantage, state this. Include information about any Extenuating Circumstances that impacted you at the time – were you experiencing particular stress? Do you have a protected characteristic that was exacerbated at this time? If English is your second language, explain any barriers that you have faced.

Tell them how you are going to avoid any further concerns. You could independently attend a Study Skills session to improve your referencing and paraphrasing skills.

Talk about any impact of a possible remedy. Will this delay your graduation? Will you have to repeat the year? Was this your final attempt at the assessment?

We suggest that you structure your statement as follows;

Once the seven days have expired, all documentation will be sent to the Chair of the Examination Board for consideration, regardless of whether you have responded or not.


Before you write your statement, we would advise you to ensure you have a thorough understanding of the concern that has been raised against you. By the time that your investigation meeting has concluded, you should be aware of the School’s concerns about your work in full. If you are unsure, don’t be afraid to ask questions; although I appreciate that this process can seem daunting, it is also intended as a learning exercise to prevent mistakes from happening again. Use your Turnitin Report, and the Meeting/Case Record to remind yourself of the concerns and to use this as a basis of what needs to be addressed in your statement.

In terms of writing your statement, we would advise you to follow the structure:

  • Reflection – on the importance of Academic Integrity.
  • Apology– if your work has breached the Academic Integrity rules.
  • Intent – Did you intend to gain an unfair advantage? If not, what happened?
  • Context – Explain how you produced the work. Show that you understand it and point out if and where you have attempted to reference. Note if you reached out for help from a staff member. If the case record does not accurately capture your explanation of how you went about your work, how you understand it and/or why you think there may be similarities, explain this as best you can in your statement.
  • Benefit – If the allegation is upheld, how much advantage would you have gained from the academic misconduct?
  • Mitigation – Is this your 1st assignment of this type? Did you miss, or were you not offered, study skills training? Is English your second language?
  • Extenuating Circumstances – was anything affecting you when you were writing the assignment/going into the exam?
  • Impact – Explain if a penalty will have additional impact on you, such as delaying graduation, or if you will be withdrawn because this was your final attempt.
  • Conclusion - How are you going to prevent this from happening again? If you are denying the allegation, how important is honesty and this course to you?


Your statement should be written in continuous prose and you should adopt a reflective and objective tone. It is important to draft your statement respectfully. This is your opportunity to convey your account in your own words but we strongly caution against being angry, sarcastic, threatening or too emotional/emotive in your writing, even if this process is having a profound or distressing impact on you.

If the points you are making a fairly complex in your case, you may feel it is appropriate to use subheadings and bullet points to divide the information. Subheadings would not have to correlate to the bullet points listed above; they may vary depending on the context of your case.

If you feel that your statement has covered everything that you want to be taken into account, then it should be ready to submit to the Chair of the Examining Board. Sometimes the Academic Misconduct Coordinator is able to send this to the Chair on your behalf, and other times you may be asked to send your statement directly to the Chair yourself. If the Academic Misconduct Coordinator hasn’t advised you on this, you may wish to contact them directly to ask them for your next steps and/or the details of the Chair.


The Chair of the Examining Board


The Chair of the Examining Board will then look at your work, the written record of the meeting, your statement and any other evidence you have submitted. They will decide if it is more likely than not that Academic Misconduct has taken place. They should also take into account;

  • the extent and nature of the concern;
  • your level of study;
  • any exceptional circumstances or mitigating factors that might have affected your judgment. 

The Chair of the Exam Board can take the following actions:


  • Dismiss the concern.
  • Require your attendance at study skills sessions and advise of consequences of any future concerns (the study skills session may be provided online instead).
  • Award a mark of 0 for the assessment.
  • Award a mark of 0 for the module.
  • Refer to the University Academic Integrity Panel who will normally meet within 42 days of the referral being made. This would be when the case is considered very serious or there has been an allegation of Academic Misconduct before.
  • Refer you to other University procedures if relevant, e.g.. Fitness to Practise, Student or Staff Conduct Procedures.

The decision will only include if the concern has been upheld and the penalty.  If you are awarded a zero mark, the Exam Board will decide, at a later date if you will be permitted a further attempt at the assessment. Usually further attempts will be allowed if you have not exhausted the permitted number of attempt and failed the module.  In most cases undergraduate students are permitted 3 attempts at an assessment and postgraduate students are permitted 2 attempts. There are exceptions however so if you are concerned, please contact your School to enquire, or Student Advice.

You will be advised of the outcome and any penalty in writing. If the concern is upheld it will be noted on your transcript and cannot be removed. It will not be noted on your Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR), which is a digital achievement record that you receive after graduation.

If you are studying on a professional programme such as medicine, nursing, dentistry or the Bar Training Course, an upheld allegation maybe investigated as a Fitness to Practise concern or reported to a regulatory body. Student Advice are able to advise and support if this happens. 



University Academic Integrity Panel


If your case is referred to the Academic Integrity Panel you will be notified of the date of the panel giving you at least 14 days’ notice and you are required to confirm within 7 days whether you will be attending the meeting. Please note that the meeting will take place regardless of your attendance, so we would strongly recommend that you attend.  

The Chair of the Examining Board can refer the case to the University Academic Integrity Panel if:

  • There is more than one incident of alleged academic misconduct;
  • There has been a previous case of academic misconduct;
  • The extent of misconduct is considered to be serious;
  • The alleged case is at a higher level of study, i.e.. level 6, 7, or 8;
  • There is an aggravating factor, for example bribery, threatening behaviour, or intimidation.

If your case is referred to an Academic Integrity Panel, a Student Adviser can help you to prepare for the hearing. It is important to contact us as soon as possible if you would like us to do so.

The panel will be made up of 3 members of academic staff, all from outside of your School. One panel member will act as Chair and a member of Student Cases staff will oversee the hearing, to ensure that the panel follow procedure as they should. A note taker is usually present and the Academic Misconduct Coordinator for your School will be there to present the concerns.

At least 14 days before the date of the panel, the University will write to you with:

  • information of the allegation;
  • copies of any documentation to be considered by the panel, along with the details of any witnesses who will be called;
  • the date, time, and venue of the panel meeting and ask if you would like the panel conducted through the medium of English or Welsh.

You must reply within 7 days and confirm if you plan to attend or not. If you do not reply within the expected time, do not attend the panel, and all reasonable efforts have been made to contact you, the panel may proceed in your absence.

You must also send any additional information you want to be considered and the names of witnesses you intend to call and/or the name of anyone who will accompany you. This includes an additional statement should you want to submit one.

The panel will determine whether the allegation is substantiated and if so will determine the penalty that should be applied. The panel will take into account any previous concerns, any mitigating factors and any evidence provided.

The panel will try to make a decision on the day is possible. If this is not possible you will be notified of the decision in writing within 7 days of the meeting.




Preparing for the panel is much the same as preparing for the initial investigation. One important difference is that the Academic Integrity panel are able to impose much harsher penalties and, if your case is referred to one, it is likely because the Chair feels that a harsher penalty is appropriate.

Whether or not you decide to submit a further statement depends on whether or not you want to change or add to anything you have already said. If, for example, you denied the allegation earlier but now want to admit it and apologise, it is important to submit another statement with an updated reflection and sincere apology.

If you are on a course that leads to professional registration and you are found to have been dishonest to a formal panel, you risk further investigation and potentially serious consequences under the Fitness to Practise procedure.


If you are on a course that leads to professional registration and you are found to have been dishonest to a formal panel, you risk further investigation and potentially serious consequences under the Fitness to Practise procedure.

Conduct of the Panel


The Academic Misconduct Procedure covers what happens and when. It dictates the following order:

  • The Chair of the Examining Board/Academic Misconduct Investigator (or nominee) will present the concerns for the panel and bring witnesses, if appropriate.
  • The panel and you (or your representative) may ask questions of the Chair, the Investigating Officer, and the witnesses.
  • You will have the opportunity to give evidence and call witnesses. 
  • The panel members and the Investigating Officer will ask questions of you and any witnesses. If you are denying the allegation, be prepared to answer a lot of questions. If, for example, the allegation is plagiarism, the panel may ask you to go through every single highlighted part of the text and explain how and why that is a direct match to another source. If your answer is simply that it is a coincidence, is that coincidence believable?
  • You will have a final opportunity to make any additional comments.
  • The panel will then withdraw to consider all the evidence and make a decision about the case and any penalty that may be appropriate and proportionate.
  • The panel will usually provide the decision to you on the day but, If this is not possible, the outcome will be sent to you in writing within 7 days.


The Decision


The panel's role is to consider the available evidence and;

  • Determine whether or not the allegation is substantiated;
  • If the allegation is not substantiated, the panel will dismiss the concern;
  • If the allegation is substantiated, determine the penalty that should be imposed, taking into account any mitigating factors. The sanction will be proportionate to the case being considered and will take into account any previous substantiated cases of academic misconduct.

If the allegation is substantiated, the sanctions available to the panel are:

  • Require your attendance at study skills sessions and advise of consequences of any further concerns (the study skills session may be provided online instead).
  • Issue a formal reprimand.
  • Award a mark of 0 for the assessment component or module.
  • In exceptional circumstances, where the mitigating circumstances warrant this, you may be permitted a further attempt at the assessment with the mark to be either uncapped or capped.
  • Require you to be reassessed in a module or unit of study before progression or completion of your programme of study.
  • Recommend to the Academic Registrar that you are excluded temporarily for a specified period of up to 1 academic year.
  • Recommend to the Vice-Chancellor a reduction of the degree result by 1 level/class.
  • Recommend to the Vice-Chancellor that you are excluded from the programme, from University study, and from all future examinations for a fixed number of years or permanently.
  • Recommend to Awards and Progress Committee and Senate that the award of the degree be rescinded.

The panel will determine whether the allegation is substantiated and if so will determine the penalty that should be applied. The panel will take into account any previous concerns, any mitigating factors and any evidence provided.

The panel will try to make a decision on the day is possible. If this is not possible you will be notified of the decision in writing within 7 days of the meeting.

Possible penalties include:

  • Completing Study Skills training;
  • Issue of a formal reprimand;
  • Award a mark of zero for the assessment;
  • Award a mark of zero for the module;
  • Recommendation that you be excluded temporarily for up to a year;
  • A reduction in your degree classification by one level/class;
  • Permanent exclusion;
  • Recommendation that your degree be rescinded.

If you feel that the decision was unjust and you would like to challenge the outcome you are able to submit a University Review Request within 14 days of receiving the decision letter.

If you are on a course that leads to a professional registration and you are found to have been dishonest to a formal panel, you risk further investigation and potentially serious consequences under the Fitness to Practice procedure.




If you are not happy with the outcome of the investigation, you can challenge the decision under the University Review Procedure

Contact Student Advice
+44 (0)2920 781410


Camymddygiad Academaidd (Myfyrwyr a Addysgir)

Mae gan Brifysgol Caerdydd werthoedd craidd sylfaenol y maent yn disgwyl i fyfyrwyr gadw atynt yn eu gwaith academaidd. Manylir ar y gwerthoedd hyn ym Mholisi Uniondeb Academaidd y Brifysgol ac maent yn cynnwys uniondeb, gonestrwydd, didwylledd, manyldeb, atebolrwydd, gofal a pharch.


Fel myfyriwr, mae disgwyl i chi gynnal safon uchel o ymddygiad academaidd a pheidio â chymryd rhan mewn camymddwyn academaidd. Mewn egwyddor, Camymddygiad Academaidd yw gweithio mewn ffordd sy’n golygu eich bod yn cael mantais annheg, neu farc uwch, na fyddech fel arall yn ei gael.


Mae camymddwyn academaidd mewn gwaith cwrs yn cynnwys llên-ladrad, hunan-lên-ladrad, cydgynllwynio, defnyddio gwasanaeth ysgrifennu allanol fel rhithawduron, neu ymddwyn yn anonest. Yn bwysig, gall camymddygiad academaidd ddigwydd yn anfwriadol, hyd yn oed os nad oedd bwriad gennych i dderbyn mantais annheg yn sgil eich gweithredoedd.


Yn bwysig, gall camymddygiad academaidd ddigwydd yn anfwriadol, hyd yn oed os nad oedd bwriad gennych i dderbyn mantais annheg yn sgil eich gweithredoedd.

Mae tudalennau mewnrwyd Prifysgol Caerdydd ar Uniondeb Academaidd yn nodi:

 Uniondeb Academaidd yw un o werthoedd craidd sylfaenol y Brifysgol.

Mae'n ei wneud yn ofynnol i bob aelod o'r brifysgol fod yn onest, agored, trylwyr, atebol, gofalus a pharchus yn eu gwaith academaidd. I chi, mae hyn yn golygu bod yn rhaid i'r holl waith a gyflwynir i'w asesu fod yn seiliedig ar eich syniadau a'ch gwybodaeth eich hun, a lle byddwch yn tynnu ar waith pobl eraill, bod hyn yn cael ei gydnabod a'i arddangos yn briodol.”


Camymddygiad Academaidd yw pan dorrir y safonau disgwyliedig o ymarfer academaidd, uniondeb, ac ymgysylltu. Gall hyn fod yn fwriadol (ar bwrpas), neu'n anfwriadol, a gall ddigwydd mewn amrywiaeth o wahanol ffyrdd.


Am y rheswm hwn, mae'n bwysig iawn i wneud y canlynol:


  • Gofyn am help gan staff academaidd os ydych yn cael trafferth gyda darn o waith cwrs.

  • Bod yn ofalus iawn wrth ofyn am gymorth neu roi cymorth i eraill. Mae'n hanfodol deall y rheolau ar rannu ar gyfer pob aseiniad. Mewn rhai achosion, caniateir helpu eich gilydd, ar yr amod nad ydych yn rhannu eich gwaith. Mewn achosion eraill, mae hyd yn oed y cymorth lleiaf yn mynd yn rhy bell.

  • Ystyried gwneud cais am estyniad, cyflwyno yn hwyr ond o fewn 24 awr i'r dyddiad cau, neu beidio â chyflwyno o gwbl ac adrodd amgylchiadau esgusodol os yn briodol. Os ydych yn rhuthro i gwrdd â dyddiad cau mae’n hawdd gwneud camgymeriadau. Os byddwch yn cyflwyno o fewn 24 awr, bydd eich marc yn cael ei gapio ar y marc pasio ond, os byddwch yn cyflwyno gwaith nad yw'n eiddo i chi, neu nad sy'n cyfeirio'n briodol, gallwch gael eich ymchwilio a derbyn marc o sero am y gwaith.

  • Gwybod bod llawer o fyfyrwyr sydd wedi'u cyhuddo o gamymddwyn academaidd wedi cael rhai amgylchiadau anodd sydd wedi effeithio ar eu hymddygiad. Mae'n well gwneud cais am amgylchiadau esgusodol na chyflwyno gwaith nad sy'n eiddo i chi neu nad sy’n cyfeirio'n briodol.

  • Bod yn ymwybodol na fydd y Brifysgol yn caniatáu i amgylchiadau esgusodol cael eu derbyn os bydd y Brifysgol yn penderfynu eich bod yn euog o gamymddwyn academaidd. Gallwch egluro unrhyw amgylchiadau a allai fod wedi effeithio ar eich ymddygiad yn ystod yr ymchwiliad, ond os cadarnheir yr honiad, ni fydd y Bwrdd Arholi yn ystyried unrhyw amgylchiadau a adroddir trwy'r weithdrefn amgylchiadau esgusodol.

  • Mae gan y Brifysgol rheolau clir iawn ynghylch sut y dylai myfyrwyr gynnal eu hunain mewn arholiadau. Sicrhewch eich bod yn ymwybodol o’r rheolau hyn.

  • Wrth sefyll arholiad, gwnewch yn siŵr nad yw eich ffôn (neu unrhyw ddeunydd anawdurdodedig arall) yn eich poced a'i roi yn y blwch o dan y ddesg arholiad. Mae cael ffôn yn eich poced yn cael ei ystyried yn gamymddygiad arholiad hyd yn oed os nad ydych chi'n ei ddefnyddio ac mae wedi’i ddiffodd. Mae cael nodiadau mewn geiriadur yn gamymddygiad hyd yn oed os nad oeddech chi'n gwybod eu bod yno.

  • Cofiwch os ydych ar raglen broffesiynol gyda gofyniad addasrwydd i ymarfer, bydd honiad o gamymddwyn academaidd yn cael ei ystyried a gall hyn ysgogi Ymchwiliad Addasrwydd i Ymarfer.


Beth yw Camymddygiad Academaidd?


Mae diffiniadau'r Brifysgol wedi'u cynnwys yn y Polisi Uniondeb Academaidd, sy'n nodi bod camymddwyn academaidd yn cynnwys:


  • Llên-ladrad – defnyddio gwaith neu eiriau rhywun arall, eiddo deallusol neu syniadau heb gydnabyddiaeth eiddo h.y. cyfeirio amhriodol neu beidio â chael y caniatâd gofynnol.

  • Hunan lên-ladrad – lle rydych yn ailgyflwyno gwaith rydych chi eisoes wedi'i gwblhau eich hun - mae hyn fel arfer yn digwydd pan fydd gwaith sydd eisoes wedi bod yn rhan o asesiad arall yn cael ei ailgyflwyno. Yn bwysig, nid yw hyn wedi'i gyfyngu i'ch gwaith ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, a gall gynnwys astudiaethau blaenorol mewn prifysgolion neu sefydliadau addysg uwch eraill.

  • Cydgynllwynio – yn gyffredinol, mae hyn yn golygu eich bod wedi gweithio gydag eraill i gynhyrchu eich gwaith neu ganiatáu i'ch gwaith gael ei gyflwyno yn enw rhywun arall. Gall gynnwys:
  • cyflwyno gwaith fel eich gwaith eich hun pan fydd wedi'i gynhyrchu gan, neu gyda, rhywun arall
  • caniatáu i'ch gwaith gael ei gyflwyno o dan enw rhywun arall
  • copïo data neu atebion myfyriwr arall
  • cyfathrebu ag unrhyw un, ac eithrio gyda goruchwyliwr, mewn arholiad neu mewn asesiadau ar-lein wedi'u hamseru, trwy siarad, defnyddio neges destun, ffonau, ystumiau, neu unrhyw blatfform arall
  • dynwared myfyriwr arall neu ganiatáu i'ch hun cael eich dynwared


  • Defnyddio deallusrwydd artiffisial (AI) – mae yna ganllawiau ar gael gan y Brifysgol mewn perthynas â chamymddygiad academaidd. Deallir yn gyffredinol, er y gall AI fod yn offeryn gwerthfawr ar gyfer cynhyrchu syniadau a gwella strwythur ysgrifennu, gall hefyd fod yn annibynadwy a ni ellir dibynnu arno ar gyfer cywirdeb ffeithiol. Rydym yn ymwybodol o amgylchiadau lle mae AI wedi cynhyrchu cyfeiriadau ffug, sy’n ymddangos yn ddilys ond mae'r AI wedi’u creu ac nid ydynt yn bodoli mewn gwirionedd, ac achosion lle mae AI wedi ffurfio safbwynt ar theori/ pwnc yn seiliedig ar wybodaeth y mae'n credu ei fod berthnasol, ond sydd mewn gwirionedd wedi’i dyddio, wedi'i chreu gan rywun arall (ac felly llên-ladrad), neu ddim ond yn rhannol gywir.

  • Gwasanaeth ysgrifennu allanol – defnyddio gwasanaeth ysgrifennu allanol, er enghraifft banciau traethodau, rhithawduron, neu unrhyw wasanaeth ysgrifennu traethawd arall, yn lle neu yn ychwanegol at eich ysgrifennu eich hun. Mae'n debygol y bydd defnyddio gwasanaeth traethawd allanol neu unrhyw wasanaeth ysgrifennu ychwanegol arall – cyflogedig neu ddi-dâl – yn gyfystyr â chamymddwyn academaidd.

  • Camymddwyn mewn arholiad – mae hyn yn cynnwys unrhyw ymddygiad yn yr ystafell arholi a oedd yn torri rheolau arholiadau a all arwain at fantais annheg o gymharu â myfyrwyr eraill. Gall hyn gynnwys dod ag adnoddau wedi’u gwahardd i mewn neu gyfathrebu gyda rhywun arall yn ystod yr arholiad.

  • Anonestrwydd – cyflwyno ffeithiau sy'n anghywir gyda'r bwriad o dwyllo'n fwriadol.

  • Torri rheolau a phrotocol sy'n ymwneud ag ymchwil – Dylai myfyrwyr sy'n gwneud ymchwil ddarllen a dilyn y canllawiau ynghylch ymddygiad a moeseg.

  • Unrhyw ymgais i ennill mantais annheg.


Yr Ymchwiliad


Os codir pryder gan eich Ysgol Academaidd cewch eich hysbysu gan Gydlynydd Camymddwyn Academaidd eich Ysgol. Byddant yn ysgrifennu atoch i'ch gwahodd i gyfarfod, gan roi o leiaf 14 diwrnod o rybudd i chi o'r cyfarfod yn unol â Pholisi Uniondeb Academaidd a Gweithdrefn Camymddwyn Academaidd y Brifysgol. Byddant hefyd yn cynnwys manylion y pryder ac yn darparu tystiolaeth o hyn, sydd fel arfer yn cynnwys adroddiad Turnitin, neu weithiau, dogfen wedi'i hamlygu sy'n cymharu eich dogfen â dogfen rhywun arall. Mae nifer o ffyrdd y gellir cyflwyno tystiolaeth i chi ac os nad ydych yn siŵr beth yw'r dystiolaeth, neu o ble y daeth, gallwch ofyn.


Os cewch eich gwahodd i gyfarfod, peidiwch â chynhyrfu a pheidiwch ag ymateb ar frys. Mae'n bwysig iawn paratoi a sicrhau eich bod yn deall y pryder yn llawn cyn i chi ddweud unrhyw beth. Rydym yn argymell yn gryf eich bod yn mynychu'r cyfarfod gan mai dyma'ch cyfle i ddeall maint llawn y pryder ac ateb unrhyw gwestiynau. Ni ddylai'r cyfarfod hwn fod yn ddisgybledig yn ei natur ar hyn o bryd. Mae'n ymarfer casglu gwybodaeth a ni wneir unrhyw benderfyniad yn y cyfarfod. Gwneir penderfyniadau gan Gadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi, a rhoddir cyfle i chi wneud sylwadau ar Gofnod y Cyfarfod/Achos (a anfonwyd atoch wedyn) ac i ddarparu datganiad ac unrhyw dystiolaeth yr hoffech ei chyflwyno.  


Os cewch eich gwahodd i gyfarfod, peidiwch â chynhyrfu a pheidiwch ag ymateb ar frys. Mae'n bwysig iawn paratoi a sicrhau eich bod yn deall y pryder yn llawn cyn i chi ddweud unrhyw beth.

Mae'n gyffredin mewn achosion o gydgynllwynio i bob myfyriwr sy'n ymwneud â'r mater cael eu gwahodd i'r un cyfarfod. Gallwch ofyn am gyfarfod ar wahân os ydych yn teimlo y bydd cyfarfod ar y cyd yn golygu na allwch gyflwyno'ch achos yn effeithiol ac yn onest. Os, er enghraifft, y rhoddwyd pwysau arnoch i rannu eich gwaith gyda myfyriwr arall, efallai na fyddwch yn teimlo'n gyfforddus yn dweud hynny o'u blaenau. Mae'r un peth yn wir os oes gennych amgylchiadau esgusodol nad ydych am eu rhannu â myfyrwyr eraill. Os yw hyn yn berthnasol i chi, bydd angen i chi gysylltu â'r Cydlynydd Camymddwyn Academaidd a rhoi gwybod iddynt.


Dylech gael 14 diwrnod o rybudd ar gyfer y cyfarfod a thystiolaeth sy'n cefnogi'r honiad o leiaf 7 diwrnod cyn y cyfarfod. Dylai'r Cydlynydd Camymddwyn Academaidd a/neu'r sawl a gododd y pryder, esbonio'r pryderon yn llawn a rhoi cyfle llawn i chi ymateb. Bydd angen i chi egluro beth sydd wedi digwydd o'ch safbwynt chi ac rydym yn argymell darllen y canlynol wrth baratoi:





Os yw pryder yr Ysgol yn ymwneud â llên-ladrad posibl, rydym hefyd yn eich cynghori'n gryf i edrych ar diwtorial osgoi llên-ladrad y Brifysgol, sy'n cwmpasu llên-ladrad, aralleirio, crynhoi a chyfeirio.


Gellir dod o hyd i diwtorialau a chanllawiau penodol ar y rheolau cyfeirio ar gyfer eich cwrs ar fewnrwyd y Brifysgol ac yn ein Llawlyfr Myfyrwyr. Mae'n bwysig bod yn gyfarwydd â'r rheolau cyfeirio ar gyfer eich cwrs oherwydd bod honiadau o gamymddwyn academaidd fel arfer yn codi oherwydd methiant i'w dilyn.


Os ydych wedi defnyddio gwaith rhywun arall, mae angen i chi nodi lle nad yw geiriau/syniadau yn eiddo i chi drwy ddefnyddio'r rheolau cyfeirio ar gyfer eich rhaglen. Os nad ydych chi'n cyfeirio'n gywir, nid ydych chi'n dweud wrth y darllenydd mai geiriau/syniadau rhywun arall ydyn nhw ac felly'n eu cyflwyno fel eich geiriau eich hun. Dyma beth mae'r Brifysgol fel arfer yn ei ystyried fel llên-ladrad.


Paratoi Ar Gyfer y Cyfarfod


Yn gyntaf oll – ceisiwch beidio mynd i banig. Er ei bod yn ddealladwy bod hon fod yn sefyllfa sy'n peri straen, mae'r Weithdrefn Camymddwyn Academaidd yn drylwyr er mwyn rhoi'r cyfle i chi ymateb i'r pryderon a godir. Nid yw ymgysylltu â'r broses yn gyfaddefiad o euogrwydd o bell ffordd a gall adlewyrchu'n well arnoch chi a'ch amgylchiadau.


Mae'n bwysig eich bod yn paratoi'n drylwyr ar gyfer y cyfarfod er mwyn i chi allu ymateb i'r honiadau a wnaed yn eich erbyn. Yn Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr rydym yn cyfeirio at Fframwaith Arfer Gorau'r OIA, sy'n ymdrin â'r hyn y dylai ymchwilydd ei ystyried (adrannau 73 i 77).


Wrth baratoi bydd angen i chi:


  • Sicrhau eich bod yn deall rheolau'r Brifysgol ar Uniondeb Academaidd, Camymddygiad Academaidd a'r rheolau cyfeirio ar gyfer eich cwrs.

  • Edrych ar y dystiolaeth sydd wedi cael ei hanfon atoch a cheisio gweithio allan beth sydd wedi digwydd. Os yw'r pryder yn ymwneud â llên-ladrad posibl ac rydych wedi derbyn adroddiad Turnitin, edrychwch drwy'r adroddiad hwnnw a gwiriwch bob adran a amlygir fel un sy'n cyfateb i ffynhonnell arall i weld a yw'n cynnwys y cyfeirnod priodol. Os na, byddwch yn barod i esbonio pam. Oedd e'n ddamweiniol? Ydych chi wedi ceisio cyfeirio ond heb wneud hynny'n llawn? A wnaethoch chi restru'r ffynhonnell yn eich llyfryddiaeth?

  • Os yw'r pryder yn ymwneud â chydgynllwynio posibl, ewch drwy'r dystiolaeth a manylion y pryder ac edrychwch ar ble mae'ch gwaith yn cyfateb i waith myfyriwr arall. Allwch chi esbonio pam fod rhannau o’r gwaith yr un fath? A allwch chi esbonio sut gwnaethoch gwblhau'r gwaith a sut daethoch i'r atebion a wnaethoch? A yw'r mannau tebyg yn gyd-ddigwyddiad ac a yw hyn yn gyd-ddigwyddiad credadwy?

  • Os yw'r pryder yn ymwneud â hunan lên-ladrad posibl, ewch drwy'r dystiolaeth a manylion y pryder ac edrychwch ar ble mae'r darn o waith yn cyfateb i waith yr ydych wedi'i gyflwyno o'r blaen. Allwch chi esbonio pam fod adrannau o’r gwaith yr un fath? A allwch chi esbonio sut gwnaethoch chi gwblhau'r gwaith a sut wnaethoch ddefnyddio'r un geiriau/syniadau ag y gwnaethoch o'r blaen? A yw'n gyd-ddigwyddiad ac a yw hyn yn gyd-ddigwyddiad credadwy?

  • Beth oedd eich bwriad pan wnaethoch ysgrifennu'r darn hwn o waith? Oeddech chi'n bwriadu ennill mantais annheg? Os na, beth ddigwyddodd? Nid yw'r mater o fwriad yn berthnasol i ganfod Camymddygiad Academaidd (gellir eich cael yn euog o gamymddygiad academaidd hyd yn oed os nad oedd gennych unrhyw fwriad) ond mae'n berthnasol i'r gosb a osodir.

  • Gofynnwch i'ch hun os oedd unrhyw ffactorau esgusodol yn effeithio ar eich ymddygiad a dewch o hyd i dystiolaeth. Mae Adran 77 Rhan A Fframwaith Arfer Gorau'r OIA yn trafod yr holl amgylchiadau esgusodol posibl. Rydym yn eich cynghori i feddwl am y rhain, megis ai dyma'ch asesiad cyntaf o'r fath, a wnaeth golli hyfforddiant sgiliau astudio, ai Saesneg yw eich ail iaith, neu a wnaeth unrhyw beth arall ddigwydd a all esbonio'r gwaith.

  • A oedd gennych unrhyw amgylchiadau esgusodol ar yr adeg a allai fod wedi effeithio ar eich ymddygiad? Os felly, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn cynnwys esboniad llawn o'r hyn oedd yn digwydd a sut yr effeithiodd ar eich ymddygiad a'ch gwaith ar y pryd.

  • Gofynnwch i'ch hun a oes unrhyw ganlyniadau ychwanegol os yw'r marc wedi'i osod ar 0. Ai dyma oedd eich ymgais olaf ar yr aseiniad? Os bydd y marc ar gyfer y darn hwn o waith wedi'i osod ar 0, a fyddwch yn cael eich tynnu o’r cwrs? Mae Fframwaith Arfer Da'r OIA yn dweud y dylai'r Brifysgol ystyried unrhyw effaith ychwanegol wrth benderfynu ar gosb.

  • Mae Fframwaith Arfer Da’r OIA hefyd yn dweud y dylai'r Brifysgol ystyried faint o fudd y byddech wedi'i gael o'r hyn a ddigwyddodd. Er enghraifft, pe bai un llinell o waith yn unig, byddai hyn yn rhoi llawer llai o fudd i chi na pharagraff cyfan. Yn yr un modd, os oes cyhuddiad yn effeithio ar un cwestiwn yn unig, byddai hyn yn cynnig llai o fudd na chwestiynau lluosog.

  • Ysgrifennwch restr o'r holl bwyntiau rydych am eu codi, fel y gallwch chi fod yn siŵr nad ydych chi'n colli unrhyw beth.

  • Ystyriwch a oes unrhyw dystiolaeth y gallwch ei chael i gefnogi'r hyn rydych chi'n ei ddweud a cheisiwch gael tystiolaeth o'r ansawdd gorau posibl. Mae tystiolaeth o ansawdd da yn dystiolaeth sy'n annibynnol ac yn benodol i amser e.e. nodyn meddyg sy'n cadarnhau eich bod yn sâl ar gyfer wythnos yr asesiad, neu lythyr gan gwnselydd i ddweud eich bod wedi bod yn cael sesiynau parhaus gyda nhw am bryder a oedd yn cwmpasu'r cyfnod y gwnaethoch gyflwyno'ch gwaith. Dylai tystiolaeth fod yn Gymraeg neu Saesneg, wedi'i llofnodi a’i dyddio, ac ar bapur pennawd. Mae'n syniad da ceisio ei chael cyn y cyfarfod ond, os nad yw hyn yn bosibl, gallwch egluro pa dystiolaeth y byddwch yn ei chael a'i chyflwyno gyda'ch datganiad yn nes ymlaen.

  • Gwnewch nodiadau yn y cyfarfod o unrhyw bwyntiau rydych chi'n teimlo yr hoffech ymhelaethu arnyn nhw yn eich datganiad yn nes ymlaen, neu unrhyw gwestiynau a ofynnwyd i chi nad oeddech chi'n eu disgwyl. Bydd hyn yn rhoi amser i chi feddwl a rhoi sylw i unrhyw beth yr hoffech fanylu arno yn eich datganiad.


Byddwch yn cael cyfle i gyflwyno datganiad ysgrifenedig cyn y cyfarfod ond rydym yn cynghori'n gryf yn erbyn gwneud hynny oni bai na allwch fod yn bresennol, a hynny am reswm da iawn. Rydym fel arfer yn argymell anfon eich datganiad ar ôl y cyfarfod, pan fyddwch yn gwbl ymwybodol o'r pryderon.


Efallai yr hoffech ysgrifennu nodiadau i baratoi ar gyfer y cyfarfod oherwydd, yn ddealladwy, efallai y byddwch ychydig yn nerfus yn ystod y cyfarfod. Gall cael pwyntiau bwled eich helpu i gofio am y pethau hoffech eu trafod.


Mynychu'r Cyfarfod


Gellir cynnal y Cyfarfod Ymchwilio yn rhithiol neu wyneb yn wyneb. Bydd y Cydlynydd Camymddygiad Academaidd yn bresennol, weithiau gydag aelod o staff Achosion Myfyrwyr i gymryd nodiadau o'r cyfarfod. Fel arfer, bydd arweinydd eich modiwl neu'r person a farciodd eich gwaith hefyd yn bresennol.


Gallwch ddod â rhywun gyda chi yn ystod y cyfarfod. Penderfynwch bwy fydd yn gallu eich cefnogi orau. Ni fyddant yn gallu eirioli na siarad ar eich rhan, ond gallant gymryd nodiadau. Os penderfynwch gael rhywun i'ch cefnogi yn ystod y cyfarfod, rhowch wybod i'r Cydlynydd Academaidd cyn y cyfarfod ynglŷn â phwy fydd yn bresennol. Gall cynghorwyr o Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr eich helpu i baratoi ar gyfer y cyfarfod a mynychu gyda chi, yn amodol ar argaeledd.


Efallai y gofynnir i chi am eich dealltwriaeth o bwysigrwydd uniondeb academaidd, p'un a aethoch i ddarlithoedd sgiliau astudio neu ddarllen gwybodaeth am uniondeb academaidd ar Ddysgu Canolog a sut rydych chi'n paratoi eich gwaith.


Mae'n groes i Weithdrefn Camymddwyn Academaidd y Brifysgol i ofyn i chi lofnodi Cofnod y Cyfarfod/Achos yn y cyfarfod ei hun. Rydym yn cynghori'n gryf yn erbyn arwyddo unrhyw beth yn y cyfarfod ei hun. Ar ôl y cyfarfod, anfonir copi o Gofnod y Cyfarfod/Achos atoch. Darllenwch drwyddo yn ofalus i sicrhau ei fod yn adlewyrchiad cywir o'r hyn a drafodwyd yn ystod y cyfarfod. Peidiwch â bod ofn ychwanegu nodiadau ato os yw'n rhy fyr, neu'n anghywir.


Fel uchod, pwrpas y cyfarfod hwn yw sefydlu'r ffeithiau sy'n berthnasol i'r honiad. Yn ystod y cyfarfod, bydd y Cydlynydd Camymddygiad Academaidd yn trafod y pryderon gyda chi. Yn ystod y cyfarfod hwn, mae'n bwysig eich bod yn ateb y cwestiynau a ofynnir i chi mor onest â phosibl. Cadwch mewn cof egwyddorion craidd y Brifysgol o uniondeb, gonestrwydd, didwylledd, trylwyredd, atebolrwydd, gofal a pharch.


Fel cynghorwyd yn yr adran baratoi uchod, rydym yn argymell eich bod yn ymdrin â'r pwyntiau canlynol yn y cyfarfod, lle bo'n berthnasol i'ch achos:

  • Myfyrio – I ddangos gofal a pharch. Yn ddelfrydol, rydych yn ceisio dangos dealltwriaeth o pam fod uniondeb academaidd mor bwysig a pham bod eich gwaith neu ymddygiad wedi achosi pryder.
  • Ymddiheuriad – I ddangos atebolrwydd a pharch. Hyd yn oed os wnaethoch dorri'r rheolau Uniondeb Academaidd yn anfwriadol.
  • Bwriad – A oeddech chi'n bwriadu ennill mantais annheg? Os na, beth ddigwyddodd?
  • Cyd-destun – Esboniwch sut gwnaethoch gynhyrchu'r gwaith. Dangoswch eich bod yn ei ddeall a nodwch os a ble rydych wedi ceisio cyfeirio yn y gwaith. Nodwch os gwnaethoch estyn allan am help gan aelod o staff. Os nad yw cofnod yr achos yn adlewyrchu’n gywir eich esboniad o sut aethoch ati i gyflawni’r gwaith, sut rydych chi'n ei ddeall a/neu pam rydych chi'n meddwl y gallai fod tebygrwydd, eglurwch hyn cystal ag y gallwch chi yn eich datganiad.
  • Budd – Pe bai'r honiad yn cael ei gadarnhau, faint o fantais fyddech chi wedi'i chael o'r camymddwyn academaidd?
  • Lliniaru – Ai hwn yw eich aseiniad cyntaf o'r math? A wnaethoch chi fethu, neu heb gael cynnig, hyfforddiant sgiliau astudio? Ai Saesneg yw eich ail iaith?
  • Amgylchiadau Esgusodol – A oedd unrhyw beth yn effeithio arnoch pan oeddech yn ysgrifennu'r aseiniad/cwblhau'r arholiad?
  • Effaith – Esboniwch a fydd cosb yn cael effaith ychwanegol arnoch chi, fel gohirio graddio, neu a fyddwch yn cael eich tynnu'n o’ch cwrs oherwydd dyma oedd eich ymgais olaf.
  • Casgliad – Beth ydych chi wedi'i ddysgu o'r ymchwiliad hwn? Sut fyddwch chi'n atal hyn rhag digwydd eto? Os ydych chi'n gwadu'r honiad, pa mor bwysig yw gonestrwydd i chi? Pa mor bwysig yw'r cwrs i chi?


Ar Ôl y Cyfarfod


Yn dilyn y cyfarfod, bydd y Cydlynydd Camymddygiad Academaidd yn cwblhau cofnod ysgrifenedig o'r cyfarfod i'w gyflwyno i Gadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi a byddant yn anfon hwn atoch, fel arfer dros e-bost. Mae gennych 7 diwrnod wedi derbyn y cofnod hwn i ysgrifennu at Gadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi, naill ai i anghytuno â'r pryder a/neu i ychwanegu unrhyw sylwadau sydd gennych am gynnwys cofnod y cyfarfod. Dyma'ch cyfle i ddweud beth rydych chi am ei ddweud wrth y Cadeirydd, a fydd wedyn yn gwneud penderfyniad ar eich achos. Rydym yn eich cynghori'n gryf i:


  • Cymryd amser i fynd trwy gofnod yr achos a gwneud sylwadau ar unrhyw beth rydych chi'n teimlo sy'n anghywir neu hoffech ychwanegu ato. Nid yw'r cofnod i fod yn gofnod air am air ond dylai gwmpasu'r holl brif bwyntiau a godir. Os yw mor fyr fel nad yw'n gofnod cywir o'r cyfarfod, e.e. parhaodd y cyfarfod am 20 munud ond dim ond ychydig frawddegau o hyd yw'r cofnod, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn dweud hyn wrth y Cadeirydd.
  • Cyflwyno datganiad clir o'ch achos ac ymateb yn llawn i gofnod y cyfarfod. Dylai eich datganiad ymdrin â'r holl bwyntiau a argymhellir uchod (myfyrdod, ymddiheuriad, bwriad, cyd-destun, budd, lliniaru, amgylchiadau esgusodol, effaith, casgliad). Dylid anfon y datganiad yn uniongyrchol at Gadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi dros e-bost.
  • Cyflwyno tystiolaeth o ansawdd da lle bo'n briodol ac yn bosibl.


Ar ôl i chi dderbyn Cofnod y Cyfarfod/Achos, mae gennych 7 diwrnod i'w lofnodi a'i ddychwelyd ynghyd â'ch datganiad. Bydd y Cydlynydd Camymddygiad Academaidd yn eich cynghori ynglŷn â ble dylid anfon y dogfennau.


Ysgrifennu Datganiad


Y datganiad yw eich cyfle i esbonio'r hyn a ddigwyddodd yn fanwl ac i gyflwyno tystiolaeth. Dychmygwch eich bod yn siarad wyneb yn wyneb â Chadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi - dywedwch wrthynt yn union beth ddigwyddodd. Os nad ydych yn gwadu'r pryder, mae'n hanfodol cynnwys ymddiheuriad.


Dangoswch sut wnaethoch gynhyrchu eich gwaith a lle rydych chi wedi ceisio cyfeirio. Os wnaethoch estyn allan at aelod o staff am gymorth ac arweiniad, dylech gynnwys y wybodaeth hon.


Os nad oeddech wedi ceisio ennill unrhyw fantais, dywedwch hyn. Dylech gynnwys gwybodaeth am unrhyw amgylchiadau esgusodol a effeithiodd arnoch ar y pryd – a oeddech chi'n profi straen penodol? A oes gennych nodwedd warchodedig a waethygodd yn ystod y cyfnod? Os mai Saesneg yw eich ail iaith, esboniwch unrhyw rwystrau rydych chi wedi'u hwynebu.


Dywedwch wrthynt sut y byddwch yn osgoi unrhyw bryderon pellach. Gallwch fynychu Sesiwn Sgiliau Astudio i wella'ch sgiliau cyfeirio ac aralleirio.


Siaradwch am unrhyw effaith canlyniadau posibl. A fydd hyn yn oedi eich graddio? Bydd angen i chi ail-sefyll y flwyddyn? Ai dyma oedd eich ymgais olaf yn yr aseiniad?


Unwaith i'r saith diwrnod dod i ben, bydd yr holl ddogfennau yn cael eu hanfon at Gadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi i'w hystyried, p'un a ydych wedi ymateb ai peidio.


Cyn ysgrifennu eich datganiad, byddem yn eich cynghori i sicrhau bod gennych ddealltwriaeth drylwyr o'r pryder a godwyd yn eich erbyn. Erbyn i'ch cyfarfod ymchwilio dod i ben, dylech fod yn gwbl ymwybodol o bryderon yr Ysgol am eich gwaith. Os ydych yn ansicr, peidiwch â bod ofn gofyn cwestiynau; er gall y broses hon ymddangos yn frawychus, bwriedir hefyd fel ymarfer dysgu i atal camgymeriadau rhag digwydd eto. Defnyddiwch eich Adroddiad Turnitin, a Chofnod y Cyfarfod / Achos i atgoffa'ch hun o'r pryderon ac i ddefnyddio hyn fel sail i'ch datganiad.


O ran ysgrifennu eich datganiad, byddem yn cynghori dilyn y strwythur:

  • Myfyrio – Ar bwysigrwydd Uniondeb Academaidd.
  • Ymddiheuriad– Os yw eich gwaith wedi torri'r rheolau Uniondeb Academaidd.
  • Bwriad – A oeddech chi'n bwriadu ennill mantais annheg? Os na, beth ddigwyddodd?
  • Cyd-destun – Esboniwch sut wnaethoch gynhyrchu'r gwaith. Dangoswch eich bod yn ei ddeall a nodwch a ydych wedi ceisio cyfeirio yn y gwaith. Nodwch os gwnaethoch estyn allan am help gan aelod o staff. Os nad yw cofnod yr achos yn adlewyrchu yn gywir eich esboniad o sut aethoch ati i gyflawni’r gwaith, sut rydych chi'n ei ddeall a/neu pam rydych chi'n meddwl y gallai fod tebygrwydd, eglurwch hyn cystal ag y gallwch chi yn eich datganiad.
  • Budd – Pe bai’r honiad yn cael ei gadarnhau, faint o fantais fyddech chi wedi'i chael o'r camymddwyn academaidd?
  • Lliniaru – Ai hwn yw eich aseiniad cyntaf o'r math? A wnaethoch fethu, neu heb gael cynnig, hyfforddiant sgiliau astudio? Ai Saesneg yw eich ail iaith?
  • Amgylchiadau Esgusodol – Oedd unrhyw beth yn effeithio arnoch pan oeddech yn ysgrifennu'r aseiniad/cwblhau’r arholiad?
  • Effaith – Esboniwch os bydd cosb yn cael effaith ychwanegol arnoch, fel gohirio graddio, neu a fyddwch chi'n cael eich tynnu'n o’ch cwrs oherwydd dyma oedd eich ymgais olaf.
  • Casgliad - Sut fyddwch chi'n atal hyn rhag digwydd eto? Os ydych chi'n gwadu'r honiad, pa mor bwysig yw gonestrwydd i chi? Pa mor bwysig yw'r cwrs hwn i chi?


Dylech fabwysiadu tôn myfyriol yn eich datganiad. Dyma'ch cyfle i gyfleu'ch stori yn eich geiriau eich hun ond rydym yn eich rhybuddio rhag bod yn ddig, sarcastig, bygythiol neu'n rhy emosiynol yn eich ysgrifennu, hyd yn oed os yw'r broses hon yn cael effaith fawr arnoch chi.


Os yw'r pwyntiau rydych chi'n eu gwneud yn weddol gymhleth, efallai y byddwch chi'n teimlo ei bod hi'n briodol defnyddio is-benawdau a phwyntiau bwled i rannu'r wybodaeth. Nid oes rhaid i is-benawdau ddilyn y pwyntiau bwled a restrir uchod; gallant amrywio yn dibynnu ar gyd-destun eich achos.


Os ydych chi'n teimlo bod eich datganiad wedi ymdrin â phopeth rydych chi am ei ystyried, yna dylai fod yn barod i'w gyflwyno i Gadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi. Weithiau gall y Cydlynydd Camymddwyn Academaidd anfon hwn at y Cadeirydd ar eich rhan, ac ar adegau eraill efallai y gofynnir i chi anfon eich datganiad yn uniongyrchol at y Cadeirydd. Os nad yw'r Cydlynydd Camymddwyn Academaidd wedi eich cynghori ar hyn, efallai yr hoffech gysylltu â nhw'n uniongyrchol i ynglŷn â’r camau nesaf a/neu fanylion y Cadeirydd.


Cadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi


Bydd Cadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi wedyn yn edrych ar eich gwaith, cofnod ysgrifenedig y cyfarfod, eich datganiad, ac unrhyw dystiolaeth arall rydych wedi'i chyflwyno. Byddant yn penderfynu a yw'n fwy tebygol na pheidio bod camymddwyn academaidd wedi digwydd. Dylent hefyd ystyried:

  • maint a natur y pryder
  • eich lefel astudio
  • unrhyw amgylchiadau eithriadol neu ffactorau lliniaru a allai fod wedi effeithio ar eich ymddygiad

Gall Cadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi gymryd y camau canlynol:


  • Diystyru'r pryder.
  • Gofyn am eich presenoldeb mewn sesiynau sgiliau astudio a rhoi gwybod am ganlyniadau unrhyw bryderon yn y dyfodol (gellir cwblhau’r sesiwn sgiliau astudio ar-lein).
  • Dyfarnu marc o 0 ar gyfer yr asesiad.
  • Dyfarnu marc o 0 ar gyfer y modiwl.
  • Cyfeirio at Banel Uniondeb Academaidd y Brifysgol a fydd fel arfer yn cyfarfod o fewn 42 diwrnod wedi i'r atgyfeiriad gael ei wneud. Byddai hyn yn digwydd pan ystyrir yr achos yn ddifrifol iawn neu pan fu honiad o gamymddygiad academaidd yn flaenorol.
  • Eich cyfeirio at weithdrefnau eraill y Brifysgol os yw'n berthnasol e.e. Gweithdrefnau Addasrwydd i Ymarfer, neu Ymddygiad Myfyrwyr neu Staff.


Bydd y penderfyniad ond yn cynnwys a yw'r pryder wedi'i gadarnhau a'r gosb.Os dyfernir marc o sero i chi, bydd y Bwrdd Arholi yn penderfynu yn nes ymlaen os caniateir ymgais arall ar yr asesiad. Fel arfer, caniateir ymdrechion pellach os nad ydych wedi defnyddio’r holl ymdrechion a ganiateir ac wedi methu'r modiwl.Yn y rhan fwyaf o achosion caniateir 3 ymgais i fyfyrwyr israddedig a 2 ymgais i fyfyrwyr ôl-raddedig. Fodd bynnag, mae eithriadau felly os ydych yn bryderus, cysylltwch â'ch Ysgol, neu Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr.


Fe'ch hysbysir o'r canlyniad ac unrhyw gosb yn ysgrifenedig. Os caiff y pryder ei gadarnhau, bydd yn cael ei nodi ar eich trawsgrifiad ac ni ellir ei ddileu. Ni fydd yn cael ei nodi ar eich Cofnod Cyflawniad Addysg Uwch (HEAR), sy'n gofnod cyflawniad digidol a gewch ar ôl graddio.


Os ydych chi'n astudio ar raglen broffesiynol fel meddygaeth, nyrsio, deintyddiaeth neu gwrs hyfforddi'r bar, efallai y bydd honiad wedi'i gadarnhau yn cael ei ymchwilio fel pryder Addasrwydd i Ymarfer neu'n cael ei adrodd i gorff rheoleiddio. Gall Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr rhoi cyngor a chefnogaeth os bydd hyn yn digwydd.


Panel Uniondeb Academaidd y Brifysgol


Os caiff eich achos ei gyfeirio at y Panel Uniondeb Academaidd, byddwch yn cael gwybod am ddyddiad y panel o leiaf 14 diwrnod o flaen llaw ac mae'n ofynnol i chi gadarnhau o fewn 7 diwrnod a fyddwch yn mynychu'r cyfarfod ai peidio. Sylwch y bydd y cyfarfod yn cael ei gynnal os fyddwch yn bresennol ai peidio, felly byddem yn argymell yn gryf eich bod yn mynychu.


Gall Cadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi gyfeirio'r achos at Banel Uniondeb Academaidd y Brifysgol os:

  • Mae mwy nag un achos o gamymddygiad academaidd honedig
  • Bu achos blaenorol o gamymddwyn academaidd
  • Ystyrir bod yr achos o gamymddwyn yn ddifrifol
  • Mae'r achos honedig ar lefel astudio uwch h.y. lefel 6, 7, neu 8
  • Mae yna ffactor gwaethygu, er enghraifft llwgrwobrwyo, ymddygiad bygythiol, neu frawychu


Os caiff eich achos ei gyfeirio at y Panel Uniondeb Academaidd, gall Cynghorydd Myfyrwyr eich helpu i baratoi ar gyfer y gwrandawiad. Mae'n bwysig eich bod yn cysylltu â ni cyn gynted ag y bo modd os hoffech i ni wneud felly.


Bydd y panel yn cynnwys 3 aelod o staff academaidd, pob un o du allan i'ch Ysgol. Bydd un aelod o'r panel yn gweithredu fel Cadeirydd a bydd aelod o staff Achosion Myfyrwyr yn goruchwylio'r gwrandawiad, er mwyn sicrhau bod y panel yn dilyn y weithdrefn fel y dylent. Fel arfer, mae rhywun sy'n cymryd nodiadau yn bresennol a bydd Cydlynydd Camymddwyn Academaidd eich Ysgol yno i gyflwyno'r pryderon.


O leiaf 14 diwrnod cyn dyddiad y panel, bydd y Brifysgol yn ysgrifennu atoch gyda:

  • gwybodaeth am yr honiad
  • copïau o unrhyw ddogfennau i'w hystyried gan y panel, ynghyd â manylion unrhyw dystion a fydd yn cael eu galw
  • dyddiad, amser a lleoliad y cyfarfod a gofyn a hoffech i'r panel gael ei gynnal drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg neu'r Saesneg


Rhaid i chi ymateb o fewn 7 diwrnod a chadarnhau a ydych yn bwriadu mynychu ai peidio. Os na fyddwch yn ymateb o fewn yr amser a ddisgwylir, ddim yn mynychu'r panel, a gwnaed pob ymdrech resymol i gysylltu â chi, gall y panel fynd ymlaen yn eich absenoldeb.


Rhaid i chi hefyd anfon unrhyw wybodaeth ychwanegol yr hoffech ei hystyried ac enwau'r tystion yr ydych yn bwriadu eu ffonio a/neu enw unrhyw un a fydd gyda chi. Mae hyn yn cynnwys datganiad ychwanegol os ydych am gyflwyno un.


Bydd y panel yn penderfynu a yw'r honiad yn cael ei gadarnhau ac, os felly, y gosb dylid ei chymhwyso. Bydd y panel yn ystyried unrhyw bryderon blaenorol, unrhyw ffactorau lliniaru ac unrhyw dystiolaeth a ddarperir.


Bydd y panel yn ceisio gwneud penderfyniad ar y diwrnod os yn bosibl. Os nad yw hyn yn bosibl, cewch eich hysbysu o'r penderfyniad yn ysgrifenedig o fewn 7 diwrnod i'r cyfarfod.




Mae paratoi ar gyfer y panel yr un fath â pharatoi ar gyfer yr ymchwiliad cychwynnol. Un gwahaniaeth pwysig yw bod y panel Uniondeb Academaidd yn gallu gosod cosbau llawer llymach ac, os caiff eich achos ei gyfeirio at un, mae'n debygol bod hyn oherwydd bod y Cadeirydd yn teimlo bod cosb lymach yn briodol.


Mae p'un a ydych yn penderfynu cyflwyno datganiad pellach ai peidio yn dibynnu a ydych am newid neu ychwanegu at unrhyw beth rydych eisoes wedi'i ddweud. Os, er enghraifft, eich bod wedi gwadu'r honiad yn gynharach ond bellach am ei gyfaddef ac ymddiheuro, mae'n bwysig cyflwyno datganiad arall gydag adlewyrchiad wedi'i ddiweddaru ac ymddiheuriad diffuant.


Os ydych ar gwrs sy'n arwain at gofrestriad proffesiynol a chanfyddir eich bod wedi bod yn anonest i banel ffurfiol, rydych mewn perygl o ymchwiliad ymhellach a chanlyniadau difrifol posibl o dan y weithdrefn Addasrwydd i Ymarfer.


Os ydych ar gwrs sy'n arwain at gofrestriad proffesiynol a chanfyddir eich bod wedi bod yn anonest i banel ffurfiol, rydych mewn perygl o ymchwilio ymhellach a chanlyniadau difrifol posibl o dan y weithdrefn Addasrwydd i Ymarfer.

Trefn y Panel


Mae'r Weithdrefn Camymddwyn Academaidd yn cwmpasu'r hyn sy'n digwydd a phryd. Mae'n pennu'r drefn canlynol:

  • Bydd Cadeirydd y Bwrdd Arholi/Ymchwilydd Camymddwyn Academaidd (neu enwebai) yn cyflwyno'r pryderon i'r panel ac yn galw tystion, os yw'n briodol.
  • Gall y panel a chi (neu'ch cynrychiolydd) ofyn cwestiynau i'r Cadeirydd, y Swyddog Ymchwilio, a'r tystion.
  • Cewch gyfle i roi tystiolaeth a galw tystion.
  • Bydd aelodau'r panel a'r Swyddog Ymchwilio yn gofyn cwestiynau i chi ac unrhyw dystion. Os ydych yn gwadu'r honiad, byddwch yn barod i ateb llawer o gwestiynau. Os, er enghraifft, llên-ladrad yw'r honiad, gall y panel ofyn i chi fynd drwy bob rhan o'r testun a amlygir ac egluro sut a pham y mae hynny'n cyfateb yn uniongyrchol i ffynhonnell arall. Os dywedwch mai cyd-ddigwyddiad yw’r holl beth, a yw'r cyd-ddigwyddiad hwnnw'n gredadwy?
  • Bydd gennych gyfle olaf i wneud sylwadau ychwanegol.
  • Yna bydd y panel yn ystyried yr holl dystiolaeth ac yn gwneud penderfyniad ynghylch yr achos ac unrhyw gosb a allai fod yn briodol ac yn gymesur.
  • Fel arfer, bydd y panel yn rhoi'r penderfyniad i chi ar y diwrnod ond, os nad yw hyn yn bosibl, anfonir y canlyniad atoch yn ysgrifenedig o fewn 7 diwrnod.


Y Penderfyniad


Rôl y panel yw ystyried y dystiolaeth sydd ar gael a:

  • Penderfynu a yw'r honiad yn cael ei gadarnhau ai peidio
  • Os na phrofir yr honiad, bydd y panel yn gwrthod y pryder
  • Os profir yr honiad, byddant yn penderfynu ar y gosb y dylid ei gosod, gan ystyried unrhyw ffactorau lliniaru. Bydd y gosb yn gymesur i'r achos sy'n cael ei ystyried a bydd yn ystyried unrhyw achosion blaenorol o gamymddwyn academaidd.


Os profir yr honiad, y sancsiynau sydd ar gael i'r panel yw:

  • Mynnu eich presenoldeb mewn sesiynau sgiliau astudio a rhoi gwybod am ganlyniadau unrhyw bryderon pellach (gellir cwblhau’r sesiwn sgiliau astudio ar-lein)
  • Cerydd ffurfiol
  • Dyfarnu marc o 0 ar gyfer yr asesiad neu'r modiwl
  • Mewn amgylchiadau eithriadol, lle mae'r amgylchiadau lliniaru yn gwarantu hyn, efallai y caniateir ymgais arall yn yr asesiad, gyda'r marc wedi'i gapio o bosib.
  • Ei gwneud yn ofynnol i chi gael eich ailasesu mewn modiwl neu uned cyn symud ymlaen neu gwblhau eich rhaglen astudio.
  • Argymell i'r Cofrestrydd Academaidd eich bod wedi'ch eithrio dros dro am gyfnod penodol o hyd at 1 flwyddyn academaidd.
  • Argymell i'r Is-Ganghellor ostyngiad o 1 lefel/dosbarth i ganlyniad eich gradd.
  • Argymell i'r Is-Ganghellor eich bod wedi'ch eithrio o'r rhaglen, o astudio yn y Brifysgol, ac o bob arholiad yn y dyfodol am nifer penodol o flynyddoedd neu'n barhaol.
  • Argymell i’r Pwyllgor Gwobrau a Chynnydd a'r Senedd y dylid dirymu dyfarniad y radd.


Os ydych yn teimlo bod y penderfyniad yn anghyfiawn ac yr hoffech herio'r canlyniad, gallwch gyflwyno Cais Adolygu o fewn 14 diwrnod i dderbyn y llythyr penderfyniad.

Os ydych ar gwrs sy'n arwain at gofrestriad proffesiynol a chanfyddir eich bod wedi bod yn anonest â phanel ffurfiol, rydych mewn perygl o ymchwiliad ymhellach a chanlyniadau difrifol posibl o dan y weithdrefn Addasrwydd i Ymarfer.




Os nad ydych yn hapus â chanlyniad yr ymchwiliad, gallwch herio'r penderfyniad o dan Weithdrefn Adolygu’r Brifysgol


Cysylltwch â Chyngor i Fyfyrwyr
+44 (0)2920 781410