The Complaints Procedure
Cardiff University allows students to submit complaints under the rules set out in the Student Complaint Procedure. These are strict rules that include the grounds under which you are able to complain, the deadline you must meet and the evidence you need to provide.

What can you complain about?
The bases on which you can complain are clearly defined in the Student Complaints Procedure and are called grounds of complaint. The permitted grounds of complaint in the University’s Student Complaints Procedure allows students to complain where they feel they have suffered a detriment, dissatisfaction or disadvantage; and this detriment, dissatisfaction or disadvantage is due to:
The alleged action(s) of a member of staff;
The alleged action(s) of a student;
Bullying, harassment, discrimination, or sexual violence from someone in the University community;
Irregularities in the delivery of a programme of study;
The quality of or access to supervision;
Issues with your placement or your placement year;
The quality of facilities, services, or learning resources.
It is really important to understand the grounds of complaint, the deadlines involved and the remedies available. If you do not
clearly demonstrate in your complaint that you have grounds to complain;
provide sufficient evidence to support what you say;
ask for a remedy available through the Complaints Procedure;
meet the deadlines, or evidence good reason for the delay;
It is likely that your complaint will be unsuccessful.
What can you ask for as a remedy?
If your complaint is upheld, the remedy offered will depend on the circumstances. In the first instance, the Complaints Administrator will usually look to
Provide an explanation or further information in response to your complaint;
Identify a suggested solution;
Offer an apology;
Offer mediation and/or restorative approaches;
If these remedies are not appropriate, or not sufficient to address the seriousness of your complaint, it will pass to the formal stage. The remedies available at the formal stage are not actually specified in the Procedure but can include
A practical remedy, such as a change of supervisor or recommendations to a School to make changes to the way they work moving forward; and/or
A financial remedy to compensate you for any financial loss and distress or inconvenience. Further information is available on our Claiming Compensation page.
The Student Complaints Procedure does not allow you to challenge academic judgment or ask for an academic remedy. If you wish to seek an academic outcome (re-assessment, change to grades/transcripts etc.) and/or challenge any academic decision in respect of your results, you will need to submit an academic appeal under the Academic Appeals Procedure.
In some case you may need to consider submitting both an academic appeal and a complaint. Although the Complaints Procedure does not allow for an acdemic outcome, an upheld complaint can be used to support an academic appeal. Further information is available on our Appeal Complaints page.
The University are usually very strict with their deadlines so, if you do want to make a complaint, you must do so within 28 days of the date the issue arose, or from the latest occurrence of the issue if it is ongoing. If you are no longer a registered student at the University, you must also complain within 28 days of your formal leaving date. If you miss the deadline, the University will only look at your complaint if you provide and evidence good reason why you were not able to meet it.
How to Complain
All complaints must be submitted using the University’s Student complaint form in either English or Welsh. You should explain your complaint clearly and fully but you should also be concise. Further information and guidance is available on our Writing your Complaint page.
The University usually expects you to submit your complaint to the Complaint Administrator for your School. You can find the details of the Complains Administrator for your School on the University's Students Complaints Procedure webpage. If your complaint is about the Head of School or the Complaints Administrator for your School, you should submit to the Complaints Administrator for your College instead.
Group Complaints
The University will accept group complaints where students are complaining about the same issue at the same time and seeking the same outcome.
The group is required to appoint one spokesperson to represent the group as a whole and to liaise with the other students. The spokesperson will need to ensure on behalf of the group that all required forms are completed and submitted to the person managing the complaint prior to the University accepting the group complaint.
To complain as a group you will need to submit
Providing Evidence
You must usually provide evidence to support everything you say in your complaint. Evidence should ideally be independent and support all elements of your argument.
It is your responsibility to provide all the evidence and information that you want to be considered at the time that you submit your complaint.
If you are unable to present evidence with your complaint, you should detail why the evidence has not been included and indicate when it will be provided.
Relevant evidence may include:
University documentation e.g. student handbook, programme information;
Correspondence: note that emails and letters must show the date on which they were sent and details of the sender and recipient;
Medical evidence;
Witness statements which have been signed and dated;
Reports by a third party e.g. police report or letter from a counsellor;
Financial information;
Offer of a place to study at Cardiff University;
Any other information relevant to the issue being raised.
The University does not accept covert recordings as evidence to support your complaint.
What evidence you need will depend on what you are complaining about and what you are hoping to achieve. If, for example, you are complaining about poor supervision, you should try to include evidence of emails that were not responded to, or feedback that was sent too late to use. If you are complaining about the quality of online teaching, you can include copies of the lecture material and the relevant QAA Subject Benchmark Statement.
The Complaint Process
Once you have submitted your complaint, the Complaints Administrator should contact you within 14 days of receiving it and may take 1 or more of the following actions:
Dismiss your complaint as not justified;
Seek further information;
Provide an explanation or further information in response to your complaint;
Identify a suggested solution;
Offer an apology;
Offer mediation and/or restorative approaches;
Refer for consideration under a different University procedure;
Refer to the Formal Investigation Stage (Stage 2).
When you receive the complaint outcome from the Administrator you must respond within 14 days to confirm if you are satisfied or not. Your complaint will be closed if you do not respond. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, it will be escalated to stage 2 (Formal).
If escalated to stage 2, the Administrator will refer your complaint to Student Cases. Student Cases will assess your complaint within 7 days and may take 1 or more of the following actions:
Dismiss the complaint as not justified;
Offer mediation or restorative approach;
Request further information, clarification, or evidence;
Commence a formal investigation;
Refer complaint for investigation under the appropriate University Procedure, such as Staff Disciplinary Procedures, Student Conduct Procedures or Financial Regulations - Tuition Fee Policy.
If your complaint proceeds to a formal investigation, the Academic Registrar should refer it to an Investigating Officer and inform you of the referral. The Investigating Office will gather information and evidence and compile a formal complaint report. They may ask to meet with you and any other parties relevant to the complaint. They should be given all the information and evidence gathered in stage 1. The timescale for this stage varies depending on the complexity of your complaint and the number of people who need to be interviewed. The Investigating Officer should advise you of the likely timescales in your case. When the report is finished it will be sent, along with all evidence, to the Academic Registrar for consideration.
The Academic Registrar should inform the Head of Student Cases of the outcome of your complaint within 14 days of the investigation being completed. The Head of Student Cases should then send you a letter detailing the decision. The letter should include:
The decision;
A clear explanation of the decision (to the extent that the University can share this information) and, if appropriate, any remedy;
What support is available to you;
Information on how to take the complaint to the University Review Stage if you are dissatisfied with the decision.
When does the student complaint procedure not apply?
Academic judgement cannot be challenged under any procedure. Academic judgement is the decision made by academic staff on the quality of academic work or the criteria being applied to mark work (rather than the administrative marking process) as defined in the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) - The Good Practice Framework for handling complaints and academic appeals.
Review stage
If you remain dissatisfied with the formal complaint decision you may be able to request a review of the decision by a reviewer under the University Review Procedure.
Contact Student Advice
+44 (0)2920 781410
Y Drefn Gwyno
Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd yn caniatáu i fyfyrwyr gyflwyno cwynion o dan y rheolau a nodir yn y Drefn Gwyno Myfyrwyr. Mae'r rhain yn reolau llym sy'n cynnwys ar ba sail y gallwch gwyno, y dyddiad cau a'r dystiolaeth y mae angen i chi ei darparu.

Beth allwch chi gwyno amdano?
Mae'r seiliau ar gyfer cwyno wedi'u diffinio'n glir yn y Weithdrefn Gwyno Myfyrwyr ac fe'u gelwir sail y gwyn. Mae’r seiliau cwyno a ganiateir yng Ngweithdrefn Gwyno Myfyrwyr y Brifysgol yn caniatáu i fyfyrwyr gwyno os ydynt yn teimlo eu bod wedi dioddef anfantais neu anfodlonrwydd; ac mae'r anfantais neu anfodlonrwydd yn ganlyniad i:
Weithred(oedd) honedig gan aelod o staff;
Gweithred(oedd) honedig gan fyfyriwr;
Bwlio, aflonyddu, gwahaniaethu, neu drais rhywiol gan rywun yng nghymuned y Brifysgol;
Afreoleidd-dra wrth weithio trwy raglen astudio;
Ansawdd goruchwyliaeth neu fynediad at oruchwyliaeth;
Problemau gyda lleoliad neu flwyddyn leoliad;
Ansawdd cyfleusterau, gwasanaethau neu adnoddau dysgu.
Mae'n bwysig iawn deall sail y gwyn, y terfynau amser dan sylw a'r atebion posib. Os nad ydych yn
dangos bod gennych sail i gwyno yn glir yn eich cwyn;
darparu tystiolaeth ddigonol i gefnogi'r hyn a ddywedwch;
gofyn am ateb sydd yn bosib drwy'r Weithdrefn Gwyno;
cwrdd â'r terfynau amser, neu roi tystiolaeth o reswm da dros oedi;
mae'n debygol y bydd eich cwyn yn aflwyddiannus.
Beth allwch chi ofyn amdano?
Os caiff eich cwyn ei phrosesu'n llwyddiannus, bydd y datrysiad a gynigir yn dibynnu ar yr amgylchiadau. Yn y lle cyntaf, bydd y Gweinyddwr Cwynion fel arfer yn ceisio
- Cynnig esboniad neu wybodaeth bellach mewn ymateb i'ch cwyn;
- Nodi ateb a awgrymir;
- Cynnig ymddiheuriad;
- Cynnig cyfryngu a/neu ddulliau adferol;
Os nad yw'r camau unioni hyn yn briodol, neu'n annigonol, i fynd i'r afael â difrifoldeb eich cwyn, caiff ei drosglwyddo i'r cam ffurfiol. Nid yw'r rhwymedïau sydd ar gael yn y cam ffurfiol wedi'u nodi yn y Weithdrefn ond gallant gynnwys
- Ateb ymarferol, megis newid goruchwyliwr neu argymhellion i Ysgol i wneud newidiadau i'r ffordd y mae'n gweithio; a/neu
- Ateb ariannol i'ch digolledu am unrhyw golled ariannol a thrallod neu anghyfleustra. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael ar ein tudalen Hawlio Iawndal.
Nid yw'r Weithdrefn Gwyno i Fyfyrwyr yn caniatáu i chi herio barn academaidd na gofyn am rwymedi academaidd. Os dymunwch geisio canlyniad academaidd (ailasesiad, newid graddau/trawsgrifiadau ac ati) a/neu herio unrhyw benderfyniad academaidd mewn perthynas â’ch canlyniadau, bydd angen i chi gyflwyno apêl academaidd o dan ein Gweithdrefn Apeliadau Academaidd.
Mewn rhai achosion efallai y bydd angen i chi ystyried cyflwyno apêl academaidd a chwyn. Er nad yw'r Weithdrefn Gwyno yn cynnig newidiadau i ganlyniadau academaidd, gellir defnyddio cwyn lwyddiannus i gefnogi apêl academaidd. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael ar ein tudalen Cwynion Apêl.
Dyddiadau cau
Mae'r Brifysgol fel arfer yn llym iawn o ran dyddiadau cau felly, os hoffech wneud cwyn, rhaid i chi wneud hynny o fewn 28 diwrnod o'r dyddiad y cododd y mater, neu o'r digwyddiad diweddaraf os yw'n fater barhaus. Os nad ydych bellach yn fyfyriwr cofrestredig yn y Brifysgol, rhaid i chi hefyd gwyno o fewn 28 diwrnod o'ch dyddiad gadael ffurfiol. Os byddwch yn methu’r dyddiad cau, ni fydd y Brifysgol yn edrych ar eich cwyn oni bai eich bod yn rhoi rheswm da dros beidio â’i chyflwyno, ac yn dangos tystiolaeth o reswm da.
Sut i Gwyno
Rhaid cyflwyno pob cwyn gan ddefnyddio ffurflen gwyno Myfyriwr y Brifysgol yn Saesneg neu yn Gymraeg. Dylech esbonio eich cwyn yn glir ac yn llawn ond dylech hefyd fod yn gryno. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ac arweiniad ar gael ar ein tudalen Ysgrifennu eich Cwyn.
Mae'r Brifysgol fel arfer yn disgwyl i chi gyflwyno'ch cwyn i'r Gweinyddwr Cwynion ar gyfer eich Ysgol. Os yw eich cwyn yn ymwneud â Phennaeth yr Ysgol neu Weinyddwr Cwynion eich Ysgol, dylech ei chyflwyno i Weinyddwr Cwynion eich Coleg.
Cwynion Grwp
Bydd y Brifysgol yn derbyn cwynion grwp lle mae myfyrwyr yn cwyno am yr un mater ar yr un pryd ac yn ceisio'r un canlyniad.
Mae'n ofynnol i'r grwp benodi un llefarydd i gynrychioli'r grwp cyfan ac i gysylltu â'r myfyrwyr eraill. Bydd angen i'r llefarydd sicrhau ar ran y grwp bod yr holl ffurflenni gofynnol yn cael eu llenwi a'u cyflwyno i'r person sy'n rheoli'r gwyn cyn i'r Brifysgol dderbyn cwyn y grwp.
I gwyno fel grwp bydd angen i chi gyflwyno
Darparu Tystiolaeth
Fel arfer rhaid i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth i gefnogi popeth a ddywedwch yn eich cwyn. Yn ddelfrydol, dylai tystiolaeth fod yn annibynnol a chefnogi pob elfen o'ch dadl.
- Eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw darparu'r holl dystiolaeth a gwybodaeth hoffech gael eu hystyried pan yn cyflwyno'ch cwyn.
- Os na allwch gyflwyno tystiolaeth gyda’ch cwyn, dylech nodi pam nad yw’r dystiolaeth wedi’i chynnwys a nodi pryd y bydd ar gael.
Gall tystiolaeth berthnasol gynnwys:
- Dogfennaeth y Brifysgol e.e. llawlyfr myfyrwyr, gwybodaeth am y rhaglen;
- Gohebiaeth: nodwch fod yn rhaid i e-byst a llythyrau ddangos y dyddiad y cawsant eu hanfon a manylion yr anfonwr a'r derbynnydd;
- Tystiolaeth feddygol;
- Datganiadau tystion wedi'u llofnodi a'u dyddio;
- Adroddiadau gan drydydd parti e.e. adroddiad heddlu neu lythyr gan gwnselydd;
- Gwybodaeth ariannol;
- Cynnig i astudio ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd;
- Unrhyw wybodaeth arall sy’n berthnasol i’r mater.
- Nid yw'r Brifysgol yn derbyn cofnodion cudd fel tystiolaeth i gefnogi'ch cwyn.
Bydd pa dystiolaeth sydd ei hangen arnoch yn dibynnu ar yr hyn yr ydych yn cwyno amdano a'r hyn yr ydych yn gobeithio ei gyflawni. Er enghraifft, os ydych yn cwyno am oruchwyliaeth wael, dylech geisio cynnwys tystiolaeth o negeseuon e-bost nad ymatebwyd iddynt, neu adborth a anfonwyd yn rhy hwyr i'w ddefnyddio. Os ydych yn cwyno am ansawdd addysgu ar-lein, gallwch gynnwys copïau o ddeunydd y ddarlith a'r Datganiad Meincnodi Pwnc ASA perthnasol.
Y Broses Gwyno
Unwaith i chi gyflwyno’ch cwyn, dylai’r Gweinyddwr Cwynion gysylltu â chi o fewn 14 diwrnod o’i derbyn a gall gymryd 1 neu fwy o’r camau gweithredu canlynol:
- Gwrthod eich cwyn gan nad oes cyfiawnhad;
- Chwilio am wybodaeth bellach;
- Cynnig esboniad neu wybodaeth bellach mewn ymateb i'ch cwyn;
- Nodi ateb a awgrymir;
- Cynnig ymddiheuriad;
- Cynnig cyfryngu a/neu ddulliau adferol;
- Cyfeirio am ystyriaeth o dan weithdrefn Prifysgol wahanol;
- Cyfeiriwch at y Cam Ymchwilio Ffurfiol (Cam 2).
Pan fyddwch yn derbyn canlyniad y gwyn gan y Gweinyddwr rhaid i chi ymateb o fewn 14 diwrnod i gadarnhau a ydych yn fodlon ai peidio. Bydd eich cwyn yn cael ei chau os na fyddwch yn ymateb. Os nad ydych yn hapus gyda'r canlyniad, caiff y gwyn ei huwchgyfeirio i gam 2 (Ffurfiol).
Os caiff ei huwchgyfeirio i gam 2, bydd y Gweinyddwr yn cyfeirio'ch cwyn at Achosion Myfyrwyr. Bydd Achosion Myfyrwyr yn asesu eich cwyn o fewn 7 diwrnod a gall gymryd 1 neu fwy o’r camau gweithredu canlynol:
- Gwrthod eich cwyn gan nad oes cyfiawnhad;
- Cynnig cyfryngu neu ddull adferol;
- Gofyn am ragor o wybodaeth, eglurhad neu dystiolaeth;
- Cychwyn ymchwiliad ffurfiol;
- Cyfeirio cwyn ar gyfer ymchwiliad dan Weithdrefn briodol y Brifysgol, megis Gweithdrefnau Disgyblu Staff, Gweithdrefnau Ymddygiad Myfyrwyr neu Reoliadau Ariannol - Polisi Ffioedd Dysgu.
Os bydd eich cwyn yn troi'n ymchwiliad ffurfiol, dylai'r Cofrestrydd Academaidd ei chyfeirio at Swyddog Ymchwilio a rhoi gwybod i chi am yr atgyfeiriad. Bydd y Swyddfa Ymchwilio yn casglu gwybodaeth a thystiolaeth ac yn llunio adroddiad cwyn ffurfiol. Efallai y byddant yn gofyn am gael cyfarfod â chi ac unrhyw bartïon eraill sy'n berthnasol i'r gwyn. Dylent gael yr holl wybodaeth a thystiolaeth a gasglwyd yng ngham 1. Mae'r amserlen ar gyfer y cam hwn yn amrywio yn dibynnu ar gymhlethdod eich cwyn a nifer y bobl y mae angen eu cyfweld. Dylai'r Swyddog Ymchwilio roi gwybod i chi am yr amserlenni tebygol. Pan fydd yr adroddiad wedi'i orffen caiff ei anfon, ynghyd â'r holl dystiolaeth, at y Cofrestrydd Academaidd i'w ystyried.
Dylai'r Cofrestrydd Academaidd hysbysu Bennaeth Achosion Myfyrwyr o ganlyniad eich cwyn o fewn 14 diwrnod i gwblhau'r ymchwiliad. Yna dylai Bennaeth Achosion Myfyrwyr anfon llythyr atoch yn manylu ar y penderfyniad. Dylai’r llythyr gynnwys:
- Y penderfyniad;
- Esboniad clir o'r penderfyniad (i'r graddau y gall y Brifysgol rannu'r wybodaeth hon) ac, os yw'n briodol, unrhyw rwymedi;
- Pa gefnogaeth sydd ar gael i chi;
- Gwybodaeth am sut i fynd â’r gwyn i gam adolygu’r Brifysgol os ydych yn anhapus â’r penderfyniad.
Pryd nad yw gweithdrefn gwyno myfyrwyr yn berthnasol?
Ni ellir herio barn academaidd o dan unrhyw weithdrefn. Barn academaidd yw’r penderfyniad a wneir gan staff academaidd ar ansawdd gwaith academaidd neu’r meini prawf a ddefnyddir i farcio gwaith (yn hytrach na’r broses marcio gweinyddol) fel y’i diffinnir yn nogfen Swyddfa'r Dyfarnwr Annibynnol (OIA) - Y Fframwaith Arfer Da ar gyfer ymdrin â chwynion ac apeliadau academaidd. .
Cam adolygu
Os ydych yn dal yn anfodlon gyda’r penderfyniad cwyn ffurfiol efallai y gallwch ofyn am adolygiad o’r penderfyniad gan adolygydd fel rhan o Drefn Adolygu'r Brifysgol.
Cysylltwch â Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr
+44 (0)2920 781410