Housing Standards & Disrepair


Housing Standards


The standards of your rented home are determined by your tenancy agreement and statutory laws enforced by Shared Regulatory Services (SRS). A landlord has a number of legal obligations and these include ensuring that the house is fit for human habitation and safe to live in during your tenancy. 


Fitness for human habitation in law looks at, amongst other things, freedom from damp, having appropriate drainage, sanitary conveniences and facilities for preparatin and cooking of food. The property must also be free from hazards, such as damp and mould growth, fire risks and faulty boilers.


When an issue arises, your landlord has a legal obligation to repair it within a reasonable time. What is reasonable depends on what the issue is. A reasonable timescale to repair a broken boiler in winter, for example, is likely to be a lot less than repairing one of two showers at a property.


Most shared student houses in Cardiff are deemed as Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs). HMOs have additional Licensing, Safety and Amenity Standards, checked and enforced by SRS. These include minimum requirements for bathroom and kitchen facilities, room size, fire protection and security.


The definition of an HMO has been extended in the Cathays and Plasnewydd areas of Cardiff to include almost all privately rented accommodation. If you are renting a property with 3 or more tenants in Cathays or Plasnewydd (Roath), check with the agent or landlord if an additional licence has been applied for and granted. Additional licences look at the same property standards (including size of rooms, number of bathrooms etc.), health and safety, a ‘fit and proper person test’ for owner/manager and can have conditions attached (eg. maximum number of occupiers or that improvements are needed).


Detailed information on HMOs is available on our HMO Licensing webpage.


You can check if your house has an HMO license on the public register.


If you are concerned that your house fails to meet the required standards, is not licenced, or the landlord is failing to carry out repairs you can make a complaint to Shared Regulatory Services online.





Gas Safety Certificate
It is a legal requirement for landlords to have all gas appliances in rented property checked annually and a copy of the gas safety certificate given to tenants. This is important because carbon monoxide, which you cannot see, taste or smell, may accumulate in a property from unsafe appliances and carbon monoxide can kill. If you have requested a copy of the certificate and it has not been provided, you can report your landlord to the Health and Safety Executive Gas Safety Advice line on 0800300363 or their webpages.



Electrical safety
A landlord has a responsibility to ensure that the wiring and any electrical appliances supplied with the accommodation are safe. This includes heaters, cookers, kettles, and any other electrical goods. There is further detailed information can be found in the SRS Guide to Electrical Safety.


If you are concerned that an electrical appliance is not safe and your landlord is unwilling to check it, you can contact SRS.


Fire safety


When an application is made by a landlord for an HMO or Additional Licensing Licence, Cardiff Council will make a fire safety risk assessment and can impose conditions for fire safety. More information about this is available from Shared Regulatory Services at Cardiff Council.


Furniture supplied by the landlord


Any upholstered furniture provided by your landlord should be fire resistant. This includes:

  • sofas and armchairs
  • beds, headboards and mattresses
  • cushions.

There should be a symbol on your furniture to state that it is fire resistant. If they are not and your landlord won’t replace them, get in touch with your local council or trading standards office. They can take action against your landlord.

You are responsible for the condition of your own furniture.




Student house burglaries are very common. With multiple students all living in the same building, each with their own laptop, phone and other gadgets in most cases, burglars see student accommodation as a quick win with big rewards.

Always make sure doors are locked and windows are shut when you go out and do not leave valuables such as laptop computers in view.

When you are viewing a house, look at the locks on the front and back doors. Are there mortice locks with thumb turn locks on the inside? Window locks on the ground floor and other accessible windows are a deterrent to burglars. Most burglaries occur in properties where access is easy through open windows or unlocked doors. More information about security is available on the Save the Student website.




Cardiff Council can advise on dealing with pest problems, including mice, rats and bed bugs. There is a charge for their services.

You can find out more about this on the Cardiff Council website, phone 029 2087 2934 or email pestcontrol@cardiff.gov.uk

Your landlord may be unwilling to pay for the service if he says that lack of cleanliness/failure to dispose of rubbish correctly has caused the problem. If the problem existed when you moved in, or there is a problem with the property which is contributing to the situation, you can ask your landlord to pay for (or contribute to) the costs. Student Advice can give more information about this.

If the problem existed when you moved in, or there is a problem with the property which is contributing to the situation, you can ask your landlord to pay for (or contribute to) the costs.




If your tenancy is for less than 7 years, your landlord is always responsible for repairs to:

  • the structure and exterior of the building – such as the walls, roof, external doors and windows;
  • sinks, baths, toilets and other sanitary fittings, including pipes and drains;
  • heating and hot water;
  • all gas appliances, pipes, flues and ventilation, and;
  • electrical wiring.


The landlord is also responsible for putting right any damage to internal decorations that was caused by the disrepair or the repairs they are responsible for carrying out.


As detailed above, landlords have certain extra responsibilities for gas, electrical and fire safety in your home and they must also make sure that your home is free from any hazards that could affect the health and safety of anyone in your household.


Tenant Responsibilities


As a tenant, you have to use your home in a responsible way. This includes;

  • keeping it reasonably clean
  • not damaging the property, and ensuring that your guests don’t either
  • carrying out minor maintenance (eg. checking smoke alarm batteries)
  • using the heating properly (eg. not blocking flues or ventilation).


SRS Concerns


All rented homes must meet certain health and safety standards. SRS can inspect your home and use the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) to assess if there are risks. They can take action against landlords if risks are identified.

You can make a complaint online or call 0300 123 6696.

The HHSRS assesses faults in your home and how they might affect your health and safety. The HHSRS considers how likely it is that a hazard would occur and how serious the outcome would be. If the assessment shows your home isn’t safe, the council can take action against your landlord.

The HHSRS looks at lots of different things, including:

  • damp and mould growth;
  • excessive cold;
  • overcrowding;
  • faulty gas boilers;
  • fire risks;
  • dangerous electrics, and;
  • the risk of falling on stairs, floors or paths leading to your home.

It covers problems in communal areas and outside spaces as well as problems inside the house.

If you live in an HMO, there are also limits on the number of people who can live in the property. The number of people allowed depends on the number and location of cooking, washing and toilet facilities. If you live in an HMO and think any of these facilities are not adequate, get advice as soon as you can. Your home may be dangerous.


SRS Enforcement


If SRS decides that your home includes a serious hazard, they have to take action.

They can do this by:

  • issuing a hazard awareness notice – this warns the landlord that the council is aware of the problem;
  • giving your landlord an improvement notice, ordering the landlord to carry out certain repairs or improvements by a certain time;
  • ordering the closure of all or part of a building or restricting the number of people who live in the property;
  • taking emergency action, to do the repairs themselves and reclaiming the costs from the landlord;
  • making an order to demolish the property, and;
  • buying the property from the landlord under the compulsory purchase rules.

If SRS identify minor repair issues in your house, they do not have to take action but they can decide to enforce the improvements, to avoid future problems.


Addressing the Problem


You should report any problems to your landlord in writing and allow a reasonable time for them to be fixed. The time needed will depend on the urgency of the problem. A reasonable time to fix a broken boiler in winter, for example, is likely to be a lot less than a reasonable time to fix a dripping tap.


Your contract is with your landlord and it is your landlord who has the legal obligation to keep the property in good repair. Most student private rented accommodation is managed by a letting agent, which means that all repair issues should be reported to the letting agent.  The agent must then inform the landlord and act on the landlord’s instructions. If you believe the agent is not acting as they should you can ask them to provide you with the landlord's contact details if you do not have them.  Agents must provide landlord contact details to tenants within 21 days of it being requested by a tenant.  This is a legal requirement under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985. Once you have the address we recommend writing directly to the landlord as well as the agent. 



Your first formal email/letter should state


  • Exactly what the problem(s) are;
  • If the issues have been reported before, detail when and include evidence if you have it;
  • That the landlord is legally obliged to provide an effective repair within a reasonable time;
  • What timescale you are deeming as reasonable;
  • What you want the landlord to do (i.e. complete an effective repair and pay compensation to cover any loss caused to you by the disrepair).
  • What action you will be taking to pursue the matter further (i.e. contacting Shared Regulatory Services and/or considering legal action)
  • Attach relevant evidence;
  • Keep a record of everything you send. If you are sending a letter, you should do so by ‘to sign for’ delivery through the Post Office, to make sure you have proof that the landlord has received it.


Second formal email/letter


  • If the landlord/agent does nothing, you will need to send a second letter. In this you should:
  • Refer to your previous letter and the lack of response and/or action;
  • State if you have or will be reporting the issue to SRS;
  • State what you want the landlord/agency to do. This may be exactly the same as the first letter but may have changed if repairs have been started or the problem has become worse.
  • Give a set and reasonable deadline for the landlord/agent to do what you have asked;
  • State what you will be doing next if the landlord/agent fails to meet your deadline, i.e. going back to SRS and/or taking legal action.

If there is no response to your request for repair work, or if the disrepair is sufficiently serious, you can contact Shared Regulatory Services, who are responsible for enforcing certain housing standards as above.


Withholding Rent


You should not normally withhold rent because the landlord has failed to carry out a repair, as you will be breaking your contract. Although you may feel justified in refusing to pay the rent, your landlord could take court action against you.




Some disrepair will cause you inconvenience and distress or cause damage to your belongings. If this happens, you may be able to claim compensation from your landlord, even after you move out. If your landlord refuses to compensate you, your only option will be to issue a claim against them in County Court. You will need to make a claim in writing to the landlord or agent before taking legal action as the Court will expect you to try and avoid the need for a formal claim. We normally recommend an initial letter giving the first deadline, followed by a letter warning of legal action if the first letter gets no response (as detailed above).

Other steps you might wish to take 

  • Take the landlord to court yourself;
  • If your home is managed by a Letting Agent you may be able to make a complaint to The Property Ombudsman who can look at a complaint about the service you receive from your letting agent. It is your Landlords responsibility to carry out repairs so the Ombudsman will not consider a failure to carry out repairs in accordance with the law and tenancy agreement, but they will look at whether the agent communicated effectively with the landlord and acted promptly on instructions received;
  • Make a complaint to Rent Smart Wales


Contact Student Advice

+44 (0)2920 781410


Safonau Tai a Dadfeiliad


Safonau Tai


Mae safonau eich cartref wedi rhenti yn cael eu pennu gan eich cytundeb tenantiaeth a chyfreithiau statudol a orfodir gan reoliadau y Gwasanaethau Rheoliadol a Rennir. Mae gan landlord nifer o rwymedigaethau cyfreithiol ac mae’r rhain yn cynnwys sicrhau bod y ty yn addas ac yn ddiogel i fyw ynddo yn ystod eich tenantiaeth. 


Mae addasrwydd i bobl yn ôl y gyfraith yn golygu bod ryddid rhag lleithder, bod draeniad priodol, a chyfleusterau glanweithiol a chyfleusterau ar gyfer paratoi a choginio bwyd addas, ymhlith pethau eraill. Ni ddylai'r llety cael unrhyw beryglon, megis tyfiant llaith a llwydni, peryglon tân na boeleri diffygiol.


Pan fydd mater yn codi, mae gan eich landlord ddyletswydd gyfreithiol i'w atgyweirio o fewn amser rhesymol. Mae'r hyn sy'n rhesymol yn dibynnu ar y mater. Mae amserlen resymol i atgyweirio boeler sydd wedi torri yn y gaeaf, er enghraifft, yn debygol o fod yn llawer llai na thrwsio un o ddwy gawod mewn ty.


Mae'r rhan fwyaf o dai myfyrwyr yng Nghaerdydd yn cael eu hystyried yn Dai Amlfeddiannaeth (HMO). Mae gan dai amlfeddiannaeth Safonau Trwyddedu, Diogelwch ac Amwynder, ychwanegol, wedi'u gwirio a'u rheoli gan yr SRS. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys gofynion sylfaenol ar gyfer cyfleusterau ystafell ymolchi a chegin, maint ystafelloedd, amddiffyniad rhag tân a diogelwch.


Mae ddiffiniad HMO yn ardaloedd Cathays a Plasnewydd yng Nghaerdydd erbyn hyn yn cynnwys bron i bob llety sy'n cael ei rhenti'n breifat. Os ydych yn rhentu llety gyda 3 neu fwy o denantiaid yn Cathays neu Blasnewydd (y Rhath), holwch yr asiant neu’r landlord a oes cais llwyddiannus wedi bod am drwydded ychwanegol. Mae trwyddedau ychwanegol yn edrych ar yr un safonau llety (gan gynnwys maint ystafelloedd, nifer yr ystafelloedd ymolchi ac ati), iechyd a diogelwch, ‘prawf person addas a phriodol’ ar gyfer perchennog/rheolwr a gallant gynnwys amodau (e.e. uchafswm nifer y preswylwyr neu bod angen gwelliannau).


Mae gwybodaeth fanwl am Dai Amlfeddiannaeth ar gael ar ein tudalen Trwyddedu Tai Amlfeddiannaeth.


Gallwch wirio a oes gan eich ty drwydded HMO ar y  gofrestr gyhoeddus.


Os ydych yn pryderu bod eich ty yn methu â bodloni’r safonau gofynnol, nad yw wedi’i drwyddedu, neu fod y landlord yn methu â gwneud atgyweiriadau gallwch wneud cwyn i'r Gwasanaethau Rheoliadol a Rennir ar-lein.


Tystysgrif Diogelwch Nwy


Mae'n ofyniad cyfreithiol i landlordiaid wirio'r holl offer nwy mewn llety ar rent yn flynyddol a chynnig copi o'r tystysgrif diogelwch nwy i denantiaid. Mae hyn yn bwysig oherwydd gall carbon monocsid, na allwch ei weld, ei flasu neu ei arogli, gronni mewn llety o ganlyniad i gyfarpar anniogel a gall carbon monocsid ladd pobl. Os ydych wedi gofyn am gopi o’r dystysgrif ac nad yw wedi’i darparu, gallwch adrodd eich landlord i'r Awdurdod Gweithredol Iechyd a Diogelwch ar eu llinell gynor ar 0800300363 neu drwy eu tudalennau gwe.


Diogelwch Trydanol


Mae gan landlord gyfrifoldeb i sicrhau bod y gwifrau ac unrhyw offer trydanol yn y llety yn ddiogel. Mae hyn yn cynnwys gwresogyddion, poptai, tegelli, ac unrhyw nwyddau trydanol eraill. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth fanwl i'w chael o fewn Canllaw Diogelwch Trydanol yr SRS.


Os ydych yn pryderu nad yw teclyn trydanol yn ddiogel a bod eich landlord yn anfodlon ei wirio, gallwch gysylltu â'r SRS.


Diogelwch Tân


Pan fydd landlord yn gwneud cais am Dy Amlfeddiannaeth neu Drwydded Drwyddedu Ychwanegol, bydd Cyngor Caerdydd yn gwneud asesiad risg diogelwch tân a gall osod amodau ar gyfer diogelwch tân. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am hyn ar gael gan y Gwasanaethau Rheoliadol a Rennir yng Nghyngor Caerdydd.


Dodrefn a Gyflenwir gan y Landlord


Dylai unrhyw ddodrefn clustogog a ddarperir gan eich landlord allu gwrthsefyll tân. Mae hyn yn cynnwys:

  • soffas a chadeiriau breichiau
  • gwelyau, pen gwelyau a matresi
  • clustogau.

Dylai fod symbol ar eich dodrefn i ddatgan ei fod yn gwrthsefyll tân. Os oes label arnynt ac nad ydy eich landlord yn fodlon eu newid, cysylltwch â'ch cyngor lleol neu swyddfa safonau masnach. Gallant weithredu yn erbyn eich landlord.


Chi sy'n gyfrifol am gyflwr eich dodrefn eich hun.




Mae byrgleriaethau o dai myfyrwyr yn gyffredin iawn. Gyda nifer o fyfyrwyr i gyd yn byw yn yr un adeilad, pob un â chliniadur, ffôn a theclynnau eraill (yn y rhan fwyaf o'r amser), mae lladron yn gweld llety myfyrwyr fel opsiwn cyflym gyda gwobrau mawr.


Gwnewch yn siwr bod drysau wedi'u cloi a ffenestri ar gau pan fyddwch chi'n mynd allan a pheidiwch â gadael pethau gwerthfawr fel cliniaduron mewn golwg.


Pan fyddwch chi'n edrych ar dy, edrychwch ar y cloeon ar y drysau blaen a chefn. A oes cloeon mortais gyda chloeon troi bawd ar y tu mewn? Mae cloeon ffenestri ar y llawr gwaelod a ffenestri hygyrch eraill yn lleihau'r siawns o fwrgleriaeth. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o fyrgleriaethau yn digwydd mewn llety lle mae mynediad hawdd trwy ffenestri agored neu ddrysau heb eu cloi. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am ddiogelwch ar gael ar wefan Save the Student website.




Gall Cyngor Caerdydd roi cyngor ar ddelio â phroblemau plâu, gan gynnwys llygod, llygod mawr a llau gwely. Mae angen talu am eu gwasanaethau.


Gallwch ddarganfod mwy ar wefan Cyngor Caerdydd,, trwy ffonio 029 2087 2934 neu e-bostio pestcontrol@cardiff.gov.uk


Mae’n bosibl y bydd eich landlord yn anfodlon talu am y gwasanaeth os yw’n dweud mai diffyg glendid/methiant i gael gwared ar sbwriel yn gywir sydd wedi achosi’r broblem. Os oedd y broblem yn bodoli pan symudoch i mewn, neu os oes problem gyda’r llety sy’n cyfrannu at y sefyllfa, gallwch ofyn i’ch landlord dalu am (neu gyfrannu) at y costau. Gall wasanaeth Cyngor Myfyrwyr roi rhagor o wybodaeth am hyn.


Os oedd y broblem yn bodoli pan symudoch i mewn, neu os oes problem gyda’r eiddo sy’n cyfrannu at y sefyllfa, gallwch ofyn i’ch landlord dalu am (neu gyfrannu) at y costau.




Os yw eich tenantiaeth yn para llai na 7 mlynedd, mae eich landlord bob amser yn gyfrifol am atgyweiriadau i:

  • strwythur a thu allan yr adeilad - megis y waliau, to, drysau allanol a ffenestri;
  • sinciau, baddonau, toiledau a gosodiadau glanweithiol eraill, gan gynnwys pibellau a draeniau;
  • gwres a dwr poeth;
  • yr holl offer nwy, pibellau, ffliwiau ac awyru, a;
  • gwifrau trydanol.


Mae'r landlord hefyd yn gyfrifol am drwsio unrhyw ddifrod i addurniadau mewnol a achoswyd gan dadfeiliad neu'r atgyweiriadau y mae'n gyfrifol am eu gwneud.


Fel y manylir uchod, mae gan landlordiaid rai cyfrifoldebau ychwanegol dros ddiogelwch nwy, trydanol a thân yn eich cartref a rhaid iddynt hefyd sicrhau nid oes unrhyw beryglon a allai effeithio ar iechyd a diogelwch unrhyw un yn eich cartref.


Cyfrifoldebau Tenantiaid


Fel tenant, mae'n rhaid i chi ddefnyddio'ch cartref mewn ffordd gyfrifol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys;

  • Cadw'r lle'n weddol lân
  • Peidio â difrodi'r eiddo, a sicrhau nad yw eich gwesteion yn gwneud hynny ychwaith
  • Gwneud mân waith cynnal a chadw (e.e. gwirio batris larymau mwg)
  • Defnyddio'r gwres yn iawn (e.e. peidio â rhwystro ffliwiau neu systemau awyru).


Pryderon SRS


Rhaid i bob cartref sy'n cael ei rentu fodloni safonau iechyd a diogelwch penodol. Gall yr SRS archwilio'ch cartref a defnyddio'r System Mesur Iechyd a Diogelwch Tai (HHSRS) i asesu a oes risgiau. Gallant weithredu yn erbyn landlordiaid os nodir risgiau.


Gallwch wneud cwyn ar-lein neu drwy ffonio 0300 123 6696.


Mae'r HHSRS yn asesu diffygion yn eich cartref a sut y gallent effeithio ar eich iechyd a diogelwch. Mae’r HHSRS yn ystyried pa mor debygol yw hi y byddai perygl yn digwydd a pha mor ddifrifol fyddai’r canlyniadau. Os yw'r asesiad yn dangos nad yw'ch cartref yn ddiogel, gall y cyngor weithredu yn erbyn eich landlord.


Mae’r HHSRS yn edrych ar lawer o bethau gwahanol, gan gynnwys:

  • tyfiant lleithder a llwydni;
  • oerfel gormodol;
  • gorlenwi;
  • boeleri nwy diffygiol;
  • risgiau tân;
  • trydan peryglus, a'r;
  • risg o ddisgyn ar risiau, lloriau neu lwybrau sy’n arwain at eich cartref.


Mae'n ymdrin â phroblemau mewn ardaloedd cymunedol a mannau awyr agored yn ogystal â phroblemau y tu mewn i'r ty.


Os ydych chi'n byw mewn HMO, mae yna hefyd gyfyngiadau ar nifer y bobl sy'n gallu byw yn y llety. Mae nifer y bobl a ganiateir yn dibynnu ar nifer a lleoliad y cyfleusterau coginio, ymolchi a thoiled. Os ydych yn byw mewn HMO ac yn meddwl nad yw unrhyw un o'r cyfleusterau hyn yn ddigonol, mynnwch gyngor cyn gynted ag y gallwch. Gall eich cartref fod yn beryglus.


Pwer yr SRS


Os bydd yr SRS yn penderfynu bod perygl difrifol yn eich cartref, mae'n rhaid iddynt weithredu.


Gallant wneud hyn trwy:

  • gyhoeddi hysbysiad ymwybyddiaeth o beryglon – mae hwn yn rhybuddio’r landlord fod y cyngor yn ymwybodol o’r broblem;
  • rhoi hysbysiad gwella i'ch landlord, gorchymyn y landlord i wneud atgyweiriadau neu welliannau penodol o fewn amser penodol;
  • gorchymyn cau adeilad cyfan neu ran o adeilad neu gyfyngu ar nifer y bobl sy'n byw yn y llety;
  • cymryd camau brys, gwneud y gwaith atgyweirio eu hunain ac adennill y costau gan y landlord;
  • gwneud gorchymyn i ddymchwel y llety, a;
  • prynu’r eiddo gan y landlord o dan y rheolau prynu gorfodol.


Os bydd SRS yn nodi problemau atgyweirio bach yn eich ty, nid oes rhaid iddynt gymryd camau ond gallant benderfynu gorfodi’r gwelliannau, er mwyn osgoi problemau yn y dyfodol.


Delio â'r Broblem


Dylech roi gwybod am unrhyw broblemau i'ch landlord yn ysgrifenedig a chaniatáu amser rhesymol iddynt gael eu trwsio. Bydd yr amser sydd ei angen yn dibynnu ar frys y broblem. Mae amser rhesymol i drwsio boeler sydd wedi torri yn y gaeaf, er enghraifft, yn debygol o fod yn llawer llai nag amser rhesymol i drwsio tap sy'n gollwng bach o ddwr.


Mae eich contract gyda'ch landlord a'ch landlord sydd â'r rhwymedigaeth gyfreithiol i gadw'r llety mewn cyflwr da. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o lety rhent preifat i fyfyrwyr yn cael ei reoli gan asiant gosod, sy'n golygu y dylid hysbysu'r asiant gosod am faterion atgyweirio. Rhaid i'r asiant wedyn hysbysu'r landlord a gweithredu ar gyfarwyddiadau'r landlord. Os ydych yn credu nad yw'r asiant yn gweithredu fel y dylai, gallwch ofyn iddynt roi manylion cyswllt y landlord i chi. Rhaid i asiantiaid ddarparu manylion cyswllt landlord i denantiaid o fewn 21 diwrnod i denant ofyn amdanynt. Mae hwn yn ofyniad cyfreithiol o dan y Ddeddf Landlord a Thenant 1985. Unwaith y bydd y cyfeiriad gennych, rydym yn argymell ysgrifennu'n uniongyrchol at y landlord yn ogystal â'r asiant.  


Dylai eich e-bost/llythyr ffurfiol cyntaf nodi:


  • Yn union beth yw'r broblem(au);
  • Os yw'r materion wedi'u hadrodd o'r blaen, rhowch fanylion pryd a chynhwyswch dystiolaeth os yn bosib;
  • Bod y landlord dan rwymedigaeth gyfreithiol i ddarparu atgyweiriad effeithiol o fewn amser rhesymol;
  • Pa gyfnod amser yr ydych yn ei hystyried yn rhesymol;
  • Beth rydych am i'r landlord ei wneud (h.y. cwblhau atgyweiriad effeithiol a thalu iawndal i dalu am unrhyw golled a achosir i chi gan y broblem).
  • Pa gamau y byddwch yn eu cymryd i fynd â’r mater ymhellach (h.y. cysylltu â’r Gwasanaethau Rheoliadol a Rennir a/neu ystyried camau cyfreithiol)
  • Tystiolaeth berthnasol;
  • Cadwch gofnod o bopeth a anfonwch. Os ydych yn anfon llythyr, dylech ddewis opsiwn ble mae angen i'r debynnydd arwyddo wrth dderbyn y llythyr. Mae hyn yn hawdd dewis yn Swyddfa'r Post, ac yn sicrhau bod gennych brawf bod y landlord wedi'i dderbyn.


Ail e-bost/llythyr ffurfiol


  • Os na fydd y landlord/asiant yn gweithredu, bydd angen i chi anfon ail lythyr. Yn hyn dylech chi:
  • Gyfeirio at eich llythyr blaenorol a'r diffyg ymateb a/neu weithredu;
  • Nodi a ydych wedi neu a fyddwch yn adrodd am y mater i'r SRS;
  • Nodi beth hoffech i'r landlord/asiantaeth ei wneud. Gall hyn fod yn union yr un fath â'r llythyr gyntaf ond efallai y bydd wedi newid os yw atgyweiriadau wedi'u cychwyn neu os yw'r broblem wedi gwaethygu.
  • Rhoi terfyn amser penodol a rhesymol i'r landlord/asiant wneud yr hyn yr ydych wedi gofyn amdano;
  • Nodi beth fyddwch chi'n ei wneud nesaf os bydd y landlord/asiant yn methu â chwrdd â'ch terfyn amser, h.y. mynd yn ôl i SRS a/neu gymryd camau cyfreithiol.


Os nad oes ymateb i’ch cais am waith atgyweirio, neu os yw’r broblem yn ddigon difrifol, gallwch gysylltu â'r Gwasanaethau Rheoliadol a Rennir, sy'n gyfrifol am orfodi safonau tai penodol fel yr uchod.


Dal Rhent yn Ôl


Ni ddylech fel arfer stopio talu rhent oherwydd bod y landlord wedi methu â gwneud atgyweiriad, gan y byddwch yn torri eich contract. Er y gallech deimlo bod cyfiawnhad gyda chi dros wrthod talu’r rhent, gallai eich landlord ddwyn achos llys yn eich erbyn. .




Bydd rhywfaint o adfeiliad yn achosi anghyfleustra a gofid i chi neu'n achosi difrod i'ch eiddo. Os bydd hyn yn digwydd, efallai y gallwch hawlio iawndal gan eich landlord, hyd yn oed ar ôl i chi symud allan. Os yw’ch landlord yn gwrthod talu, eich unig opsiwn fydd cyflwyno hawliad yn ei erbyn yn y Llys Sirol. Bydd angen i chi wneud hawliad yn ysgrifenedig i’r landlord neu’r asiant cyn cymryd camau cyfreithiol gan y bydd y Llys yn disgwyl i chi geisio osgoi’r angen am hawliad ffurfiol. Fel arfer rydym yn argymell llythyr cychwynnol yn nodi’r terfyn amser cyntaf, ac yna llythyr yn rhybuddio am gamau cyfreithiol os na fydd y llythyr cyntaf yn derbyn ymateb (fel y manylir uchod).


Camau Eraill y Gallech Gymryd  


  • Cymryd y landlord i'r llys ar ben eich hun;
  • Os yw eich cartref yn cael ei reoli gan Asiant Gosod efallai y byddwch yn gallu gwneud cwyn i'r Ombwdsmon Eiddo a all edrych ar gwyn am y gwasanaeth gan eich asiant gosod. Eich landlord sy’n gyfrifol am wneud atgyweiriadau felly ni fydd yr Ombwdsmon yn ystyried methiant i wneud atgyweiriadau yn unol â’r gyfraith a chytundeb tenantiaeth, ond bydd yn edrych i weld a yw’r asiant wedi cyfathrebu’n effeithiol â’r landlord ac wedi gweithredu’n brydlon ar gyfarwyddiadau a dderbyniwyd;
  • Gwneud cwyn i Rhentu Doeth Cymru


Cysylltwch â Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr

+44 (0)2920 781410