Annual Impact Reports
The Annual Impact Report shows the impact our Students' Union has throughout the year. The report also highlights key achievements and explains what we do for you, the students.
ENG Review of 2022-23
CYM Review of 2022-23
ENG Review of 2021-22
CYM Review of 2021-22
ENG Review of 2020-21
CYM Review of 2020-21
ENG Review of 2019-20
The Union's Financial Statements
CUSU Trustees' Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022-23
CUSL Directors' Annual Report and Statements 2022-23
CUSU Trustees' Annual Report and Financial Statements 2021-22
CUSL Directors' Annual Report and Financial Statements 2021-22
CUSL Directors' Annual Report and Financial Statements 2020-21
CUSU Trustees' Annual Report and Financial Statements 2020-21
CUSU Trustees' Annual Report and Financial Statements 2019-20
CUSL Directors' Annual Report and Financial Statements 2019-20
CUSU Trustees' Annual Report and Financial Statements 2018-19
CUSL Directors' Annual Report and Financial Statements 2018-19
CUSU Trustees' Annual Report and Financial Statements 2017-18
Governance & Policy
The Democractic Policy Book
Polisi Iaith Gymraeg
Welsh Language Policy