Cardiff University Philosophy Society

Cymdeithas Athroniaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd


Committee's Welcome (2023-24)

We would like to thank you for visiting the Cardiff University Philosophy Website. Although one of the smaller societies in Cardiff, we intend to guarantee each member an experience greater than leaving University with just a degree. Through organising an array of social activities, educational resources, and extracurricular affairs. By organising a wide range of social, careers-based, educational and extracurricular activities, we want to upgrade your university experience. 

The Philosophy Society is dedicated to upholding the Students' Union's core principles of Student Leadership, Inclusion, Partnership, and Diversity. Irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, native language, residency status or academic discipline. Each person is who they are individually and in respect of that, we ensure there is a place for you within our community. 

By engaging with the University, Journals, and other prospective areas of employment, this society intends to benefit your employability and expand your network.

We will host many events throughout the year, some more spontaneously, others can be anticipated now. Members can expect a Christmas Party, ENCAP Societies Ball, and Careers Dinner.  

For general enquiries, please email:


We look forward to meeting you soon!

President Amelia Milner-Smith 

Treasurer Grace Mann

Secretary Ginny Bamber 

Welfare Officer Kavi Suseetharan 

Social Secretary Izzy Kettle 



Croeso'r Pwyllgor (2023-24)


Hoffem ddiolch i chi am ymweld â Gwefan Athroniaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd. Er ei bod yn un o’r cymdeithasau llai yng Nghaerdydd, rydym yn bwriadu gwarantu profiad gwell i bob aelod na gadael y Brifysgol gyda gradd yn unig. Trwy drefnu amrywiaeth o weithgareddau cymdeithasol, adnoddau addysgol, a materion allgyrsiol. Trwy drefnu ystod eang o weithgareddau cymdeithasol, seiliedig ar yrfaoedd, addysgiadol ac allgyrsiol, rydym am uwchraddio eich profiad prifysgol.

Mae'r Gymdeithas Athroniaeth yn ymroddedig i gynnal egwyddorion craidd Undeb y Myfyrwyr sef Arwain Myfyrwyr, Cynhwysiant, Partneriaeth ac Amrywiaeth. Waeth beth fo'u hoedran, rhyw, ethnigrwydd, hil, crefydd, anabledd, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol, iaith frodorol, statws preswylio neu ddisgyblaeth academaidd. Mae pob person yn unigol ac o ran hynny, rydym yn sicrhau bod lle i chi o fewn ein cymuned.

Trwy ymgysylltu â’r Brifysgol, Cylchgronau, a darpar feysydd cyflogaeth eraill, mae’r gymdeithas hon yn bwriadu bod o fudd i’ch cyflogadwyedd ac ehangu eich rhwydwaith.

Byddwn yn cynnal llawer o ddigwyddiadau trwy gydol y flwyddyn, rhai yn fwy digymell, gellir rhagweld eraill nawr. Gall aelodau ddisgwyl Parti Nadolig, Dawns Gymdeithasau ENCAP, a Chinio Gyrfaoedd.

Ar gyfer ymholiadau cyffredinol, e-bostiwch:


Edrychwn ymlaen at gwrdd â chi yn fuan!

Llywydd Amelia Milner-Smith 

Trysorydd Grace Mann 

Ysgrifennydd Ginny Bamber 

Swyddog Lles Kavi Suseetharan 

Ysgrifennydd Cymdeithasol Izzy Kettle 

Committee Members

Please log in to view the committee.


  • Philosophy Society Standard Membership£2.00
No elections are currently running