
MedSoc is Cardiff University’s Medical Society, run by students for students, here to make life easier and more fun for medical students in Cardiff.


Our academic team organise revision sessions and other informative talks as well as facilitate the delivery of feedback from students to staff through the student-staff panel.


The welfare team are on-hand to be a listening ear, to signpost to support services within the university and externally as well as organise welfare promotion events such as welfare cafes. 


Our socials, including balls and post-exam parties are organised by our social team. 


Our committee also includes an EDI officer, international officer and graduates officer to ensure that all medical students are represented. 


The benefits of purchasing membership include:

  • Free revision sessions
  • Discounted ball and social tickets
  • Medsoc discount e-card
  • Opportunity to become a committee member




MedSoc yw Cymdeithas Feddygol Prifysgol Caerdydd, yn cael ei redeg gan fyfyrwyr i fyfyrwyr, yma i wneud bywyd yn haws ac yn fwy hwyl i fyfyrwyr meddygol yng Nghaerdydd.


Mae ein tîm academaicc yn trefnu sesiynau adolygu a sesiynau addysgiadol eraill yn ogystal â hwyluso rhannu adborth myfyrwyr gyda'r Ysgol Feddygaeth trwy'r panel myfyrwyr a staff.


Mae'r tîm lles yma i fod yn glust i wrando, i gyfeirio at wasanaethau cefnogi,o fewn y brifsygol a rhai allanol, ac i drefnu digwyddiadau hyrwyddo lles yn cynnwys caffis lles.


Mae ein digwyddiadau cymdeithasol, yn cynnwys gwleddau a phartion ar ôl arholiadau, yn cael eu trefnu gan ein tîm cymdeithasol.


Mae ein pwyllgor hefyd yn cynnwys swyddog CAC, swyddog rhyngwladol a swyddog graddedigion i sicrhau bod pob myfyriwr meddygol yn cael eu cynrychioli.


Mae buddion prynu aelodaeth yn cynnwys:

  • Sesiynau adolygu am ddim
  • Tocynau partion a chymdeithasol rhatach
  • E-gerdyn gostyngiadau
  • Y cyfle i ddod yn aelod o'r pwyllgor

Buy Your MedSoc Membership Here!


  • MEDSOC Guild of Societies Lifetime (Until Graduation) Membership£54.00
  • MedSoc Standard One Year Membership£6.00

Upcoming Events

CHIPS X MedSoc Chinese New Year Dinner
15th February
The Crispy Duck, CF14 3JN
Join us as we celebrate Chinese New Year—better late than never! 🎉 To accommodate for the Progress Test and Year 4 Mock ISCEs, we’re hosting our celebration a little later, but it’s going to be just as fun!
Badminton Social Wednesdays
19th February
CMC sports and social club, CF14 4XW
Badminton Social Wednesdays
26th February
CMC sports and social club, CF14 4XW
Y3 Halfway Ball
11th March
Portland House
MedSoc MedEd Conference
5th April
UHW LT1 Cardiff
Grad Ball
14th June
Coal Exchange Hotel Cardiff Bay
Current Medsoc Elections

Medsoc - Year 3 Academic Rep Elections 24/25

Voting will open on the 11th of February until the 15th of February, until then nominations are open

1 post is up for election.

Nominations are now closed.

The polls are open and will close at 23:59 on Saturday 15 February 2025 (in 2 days and 1 hours)