Diploma Of Professional Development (DPD) in Leadership

Leadership skills are sought after by many employers; they not only show that you have good interpersonal skills, they also show that you have the ability to co-ordinate, motivate and shape individuals and team members. Entitled "Professional Development In Leadership," the Diploma is an "Apprenticeship-type" award for those of you who are able to attend workshops and evidence interpersonal experiences against laid down standards undertaken in work/volunteering situations. A list of the types of roles this can apply to are below.  This is not exhaustive by any means and many candidates will be undertaking suitable roles outside of University and the Students' Union from which to draw on their experiences, so any Cardiff University student may apply. 

Diplomas are jointly signed by the University Vice-Chancellor and Students' Union President.     


  1. Attend and actively participate in 5 taught units in Leadership Styles, Leadership In Difficult Situations, Problem Solving, Teamwork and Team Briefings.
  2. Complete a "case history" of experiences in which you'll infer what you carried out against standards applicable to the 5 sessions in criteria 1 above. A case history is a short personal account of the situation you were in and the ways in which you handled the scenarios. Evidence from past experiences can be included going back three years of the award enrolment date. 
  3. Attend and actively participate in a session on articulating and reflecting of knowledge, skills and experiences acquired and complete a reflection exercise.

How to apply for the DPD

Please express your interest with the Skills Development Service at SDS@cf.ac.uk before commencement.

Please note that there are only so many places available on the Diploma scheme so early registration would be strongly recommended. 

Workshop Dates

Workshops can be viewed and booked at https://www.cardiffstudents.com/whatson/skills/

Bookings open 2 weeks prior to each date.

“I thoroughly enjoyed completing the diploma and sincerely thank you for all your help and the workshops delivered! It was very interesting, informative and enjoyable, and I have learnt so many useful skills that I will take forward as a junior doctor. Thank you!”

Cardiff University Medicine Student 2022

