Islamic Society


In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful

Our vision: To create an ISoc that caters to the social, educational and religious needs of Muslim students, unifying them to facilitate the worship of God. To demonstrate the beauty of Islam to those of different faiths by aiming to be the best of Muslims through the guidance of the Quran and Sunnah. "And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful." [3:104]


Cardiff University Islamic Society is one of the most vibrant and diverse societies on campus. We are a religious society catering non-exclusively to Muslim students through a wide range of activities and events. 


One of the main aims of the Islamic society is to provide Muslim students with the necessary means to develop spiritually and learn more about their religion. We have regular classes where our members can discuss issues they themselves deem relevant. We hold numerous lectures with internationally recognised guest speakers who cover a wide array of topics. 


Regular socials also take place throughout the year allowing our members to get to know each other, to build brotherhoods and sisterhoods, as well as lifelong friendships. 


Finally, we build friendships across the campus through our annual Charity Week and Discover Islam Week events, as well as through collaborations with other societies to involve all Cardiff students. Through this we aim to raise awareness of Islam, teaching non-Muslim students about Islam and dispelling misconceptions that have arisen in the current climate. Through our engagement with the wider community by working with the Muslim Chaplaincy, mosques and charities, we hope to better the local community. 


Ramadan Project 2023 🕌


This Ramadan we have partnered with One Ummah charity to build a mosque in Africa. We hope to raise a target of £8000 collectively with Bath and UWE ISoc, this is no small target so we need your help! 

Our vision as an ISoc this year was to create and nurture an environment for students to become active worshippers of Allah SWT.  The mosque is at the beating heart of any community and I’m sure it’s safe to say some of ISocs best socials were held in the mosque itself. From masjid motives to retreats to food sales, without our local masjids being so accommodating none of this would’ve been possible.

As we recognise the importance of these beautiful places of worship, a question you may ask yourself: what are the benefits of building a mosque? 
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “Whoever builds a Masjid for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise.” [Bukhari]
The reward is great and ongoing! Every prayer, Quran recitation and good action you’ve helped build in the mosque by donating towards it, a share of the reward will be recorded on your scales of good deeds inshaAllah!

In the same way we’re privileged enough to experience the benefits of local masjids, let’s try to build a community together for those that need it the most!

Useful Links

♦Places to Pray on Campus♦

♦Our Website♦

♦Ramadan Project - Build a Mosque♦


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  • Islamic Society Standard Membership£2.00
Sisters yoga/pilates session (retreat)
16th February
Y Stiwdio, Student Union


  • Sisters martial arts (dawah week) Thu 13 Feb 2025 - General£0.00
  • Sisters yoga/pilates session (retreat) Sun 16 Feb 2025 - General£0.00