Greek & Cypriot Society

The primary aims of the society is to bring all Greeks and Cypriots together and support them to adapt socially in the university and the city in general. Special support will be offered to all the newcomers where possible, who will be approached and helped to find accommodation and housemates. Secondary aims will include cultural events that will demonstrate our cuisine, customs and traditions to interested students from other countries and trips will be arranged regularly to various destinations in the UK. Importantly, Greek parties will be held regularly throughout the year in bars and clubs in Cardiff to promote new friendships among members of the society and people from other social backgrounds, where Greek/Cypriot songs and dances will be exhibited. Other social events will be held on Sundays at the Cypriot and/or Greek community where traditional games will be played among members with various prizes.

The aims described above will be accomplished with the society’s independent money and through a variety of events that are already being organised. The student support will be primarily provided through our facebook page that will encourage easy contact between members and administration committee. The email addresses and phone numbers of the administrators are given to all students through the webpage. After our last year unofficial participation in the Go Global event that received encouraging comments, yearly participation will be ensured. Contact will be made with the equivalent societies of neighbouring cities and parties will be organised in conjunction with them.  

Please log in to view the committee.


  • Greek & Cypriot Soicety Standard Membership£4.00
Cypriot Independence day BBQ 🇨🇾
4th October
The fitzalan CF24 0AN
Join us to celebrate Cyprus Independence Day on Friday, October 4th! What a better way to celebrate than with endless grilled meat and BBQ?