CU Equal Opportunities Law Society

Who are we?

We are a new society launching this year. We aim to support students from underrepresented and disadvantaged backgrounds who are interested in a legal career or law in general. We strive to widen participation and increase diversity and inclusion within the legal sector to reflect the society we live in today. Join us for a year full of fun socials and helpful events to expand your network!


Why become a member?

Our membership gives you exclusive access to our helpful newsletter, priority to our events and discounted prices on events. 


Who might want to become a member?

Students who might be interested in becoming a member could:

(Please note that this list is not exclusive, these are just some suggestions)

- Be an ethnic minority 

- Have a disability 


- Come from a low-income household 

- Be a caregiver 

- Have grown up in local authority or state care

- Be a refugee or asylum seeker

- Be estranged from their parents

- Be the first in their family to attend university

Connect with us on:
Instagram: cu.eo.lawsoc
LinkedIn: Cardiff University Equal Opportunities Law Society
Facebook: Cardiff University Equal Opportunities Law Society 


If you have any questions, feel free to message us on Instagram or email us at

Please log in to view the committee.


  • CU Equal Opportunities Law - Standard Membership£2.00