Chemistry Society

Our society is designed to be a break from the manic timetable and heavy workload of studying a chemistry degree. We aim to organise socials in which everyone can catch up with friends, have a laugh and a good time. We also try our best to integrate the years so that people are able to interact with different social groups, and try to build upon the informal relations between academic staff and students. This enables students to feel more comfortable asking for help and allows them to be more informed on what is ahead of them in their degree. We arrange many socials throughout the year; such as a freshers welcome social, our highly popular Cheese and Wine social, quiz nights, pub golf, and our annual ChemSoc Ball. Alongside these we run other events, such as our popular Chemistea, with free food and interesting talks from lecturers, and other events in collaboration with the RSC.


Cynlluniwyd ein cymdeithas fel seibiant oddi wrth yr amserlen brysur a’r llwyth gwaith trwm o astudio gradd cemeg. Ein nod yw trefnu nosweithiau cymdeithasol lle gall pawb dal lan gyda ffrindiau, cael hwyl a chael amser da. Rydym hefyd yn ceisio ein gorau i integreiddio’r blynyddoedd fel bod pobl yn gallu rhyngweithio efo grwpiau cymdeithasol gwahanol, ac yn ceisio adeiladu ar y berthynas anffurfiol rhwng staff academaidd a myfyrwyr. Mae hyn yn galluogi myfyrwyr i deimlo’n fwy cyfforddus yn gofyn am gymorth, ac yn eu galluogi nhw i fod yn fwy gwybodus ynghylch yr hyn sydd o'u blaenau yn eu gradd. Rydym yn trefnu llawer o nosweithiau cymdeithasol trwy gydol y flwyddyn; megis noson groesawu yn ystod wythnos y glas, ein noson caws a gwin sydd yn hynod boblogaidd, nosweithiau cwis a dawns fawreddog Chemsoc.

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No elections are currently running


  • Chemistry Society Standard Membership£2.00
STEM Bar Crawl 8th November
8th November
🚀 Embark on the ULTIMATE Cardiff STEM Bar Crawl! 🍻 🧪The highly anticipated STEM Bar Crawl is BACK🔬! We are calling all STEM enthusiasts at Cardiff University to join us as we take the town by storm, one lab coat at a time! 🧬


  • ChemSoc Fleeces 2024/25£34.99
  • ChemSoc Hoodies - 2024/25£29.99