Amateur Radio Society

The Amateur Radio Society is the home on campus for a wide variety of radio activities. Amateur radio is a popular technical hobby and volunteer public service that uses designated radio frequencies for non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, and emergency communications. Radio amateurs are able to transmit radio signals on a number of frequency bands allocated specifically to the radio amateurs by Ofcom and international treaties.

Radio amateurs make use of their frequencies in a number of ways:

  • Contacting people all over the world by radio which often leads to developing international friendships
  • Competing in international competitions to test how effective their equipment is, and how good they are as an operator
  • Technical experimentation — many of the leaps forward in radio technology have been initiated by radio amateurs
  • Communication through amateur space satellites or with the International Space Station (which carries an amateur radio station)
  • Providing communications at times of emergencies and undertaking exercises to ensure the operators keep the capability to do so.

The Cardiff University Amateur Radio Society is open to anyone with an interest in amateur radio. We meet weekly during the school year and offer regular amateur radio licensing exam sessions on campus for the Cardiff University community and the general public. We do not yet have a dedicated radio shack so tend towards portable operation and lab activities.

Interested in joining us? Come along to a club meeting or another club event, such as a “get-on-the-air” night or a workshop session. If you don’t have your own radio equipment, you can borrow ours.

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