Bollywood Dance Society

The Bollywood Dance Society aims to teach niche styles of Indian dancing to Cardiff University students. With the use of exhilarating music, energetic dance and colourful costumes Bollywood Dance Society guarantee an electrifying experience for all! Whether you are new to Bollywood or not, we will make it easy for you to learn new choreography, with rhythms and melodies that will ensure you to have a memorable experience.

We have recently been named the Best Arts and Performance Society in the United Kingdom! Click here to read more!

We have also very recently made SECOND PLACE at the Just Bollywood national competition 2022! Click here to watch our performance!

And THIRD PLACE at Just Bollywood 2023 -


We offer bollywood and classical classes every week physically during university term time. We now have physical classes in the Students' Union! 

To attend a physical session you must:

- Either be a member (all classes are free once you buy our membership) OR pay £1.50 ticket fee per class. You can make both payments via the SU website.


Weekly Classes this term (Students Union):

TUESDAYS: 18:30 - 20:00 Room 3D

Be sure to follow us on our socials to keep upto date with rehersals for performances!

At the end of each semester, we anticipate that members will be excited to show off their practiced routines, particularly at the Winter Showcase, collaboration with other societies and Go Global.  If you would like to part in these performances, make sure you have purchased your membership so we can provide you with costumes! Scroll down to the bottom of the page to get yours now! 

Still unsure? Check out some of our recent performances by clicking here!

Alongside learning the routines, we will hold regular socials to allow members to integrate and get to know one another better, including themed socials designed to embrace the Indian culture. It gives a chance for people of all backgrounds to mix and pursue their passion for dancing. Our previous socials have included movie nights, Bollywood-themed club nights, karaoke, pub socials, bowling, and laser tag! 

Bollywood dancing is a great way to keep on your feet and keep fit so come along to our Give It A Go sessions to get a real glimpse and bolly feel! 

Join our group and like our page on Facebook for more details about our Give it a go sessions, class timings, performances, and most importantly our socials! We also have a twitter and instagram page for regular updates, the links are on the left!

Love Bollysoc xxxx




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  • Bollywood Dance Society Full Membership£15.00
  • Bollywood Dance Society Half-Year Membership£8.00