Students for Organ Donation

Students For Organ Donation is a student-led society working towards improving education and starting conversation about organ donation in Cardiff University and the wider community. 

Every day, three people in the UK die waiting for a transplant, and there are over 7,000 people on the waiting list. We want to raise awareness of organ donation and its importance, to encourage people to go home and talk about it with their friends and family. Our aim is never to persuade, but simply to start the conversation.

We aim to run awareness and fundraising events, teach in schools across South Wales about the importance of organ donation and sharing wishes and also arrange talks with guest speakers. Our primary school teaching programme has been a great success over the last few years and it offers a great opportunity for our members to get involved with school visits. We also work closely with local organ donation charities which again gives our members volunteering opportunities where we provide certificates of attendance - great for the CV!

We would love your help to expand our society and spread awareness of organ donation and its importance!


Please log in to view the committee.


  • Students for Organ Donation Standard Membership£0.00