Cardiff University Students’ Union is a charitable company that is governed and strategically led by its Board of Trustees. The Union’s activities are managed within a group of companies; the parent charitable company is called Cardiff University Students’ Union (CUSU), and CUSU has a wholly owned subsidiary called Cardiff Union Services Limited (CUSL).
Corporate Structure
Each company in the group is a separate legal entity with its own Board. You can find out more about the responsibilities and remits of these Boards below
Cardiff Students' Union Board of Trustees
The Board is responsible for ensuring the effective day-to-day management of the Union, setting long-term goals, setting operational policies, and managing risks. The Board has ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of the organisation, ensuring that it is well-run and delivering its charitable objectives.
Board Committees
To help with decision making, the Students' Union Board of Trustees has six Committees which have delagated authority for specific areas of organisational activity.
Finance And Risk Committee
People, Diversity, Inclusion and Safety Committee
Satisfaction, Engagement and Participation Committee
Chief Executive's Appraisal Group
Appointments & Renumeration Committee
Cardiff Union Services Limited (CUSL), Board of Directors
CUSL exists to promote the social and educational welfare of the students at Cardiff University by providing services and facilities to its students. Any profits made by CUSL are gifted to CUSU in pursuit of the Union’s charitable objectives.
CUSL has an independent Board of Directors that oversee the work of the company, ensure that it is meeting its objectives and are ultimately responsible for it. Angie Flores Acuña, Students’ Union President, is the Chair of CUSL Board and Daniel Palmer (CEO) is the Managing Director.
The Board comprises 15 members and meets at least four times a year to carry out its business. Trustees are appointed according to the rules laid out in the Union’s Articles of Association, with students directly electing the seven Sabbatical Trustees via the annual elections in February / March every year.
What the trustees do
Trustees provide regular reports on their activities to the Union’s Student Senate, with Sabbatical Trustees being held being further accountable via the Student Senate Scrutiny Committee.
The Board has ultimate responsibility, individually, and collectively, for directing the affairs of the organisation, ensuring that it is well-run and delivering its charitable objectives.
Sabbatical Trustees
The Sabbatical Trustees are the seven anually elected sabbatical officers who act as the Union's primary student representatives and who take on specifica portfolios of responsilibity. Sabbatical officers are paid employees who take a year out of their studies or arry out the role after completion of their final year. The SU President is a Sabbatical Trustee and oversees the work of the other sabbatical officers. The SU President is the ex officio Chair of the Board.
Student Trustees
The Student Trustees are three studying students who undertake the role on a voluntary basis whilst completing their studies and can serve for up to two years. Students are invited to apply to be Student Trustees as and when vacancies arise and are nominated based on their knowledge, skills, and experience.
Apply to be a trustee
University Nominated Trustees
The two University Nominated Trustees are nominated by the University Council, with at least one of them being a serving member of the University Council. The University Nominated Trustees bring professional skills to the Board as well as an excellent understanding of Cardiff University. University Nominated Trustees undertake the role on a voluntary basis for four years and can serve a maximum of four terms.
External Trustees
The three External Trustees are nominated by the Board based on their professional knowledge, skills and experience they can bring to the Board. External Trustees undertake the role on a voluntary basis and often take on additional responsibilities within the sub-committees of the Board. External Trustees serve four-year terms and can serve for up to four terms.
The Memorandum and Articles of Association is the governing document that defines the Students’ Unions aims and objectives and the way the organisation undertakes its core functions.
The Students’ Union has a formal Relationship Agreement with Cardiff University to demonstrate the mutual support between the two organisations and to pave the way for future collaboration. The agreement is reviewed and agreed annually.
You can view these documents below by selecting the relevant year and category.
Memorandum and Articles of Association
Cardiff Students’ Union Bye-Laws
Cardiff Students’ Union Bye-Laws Appendices
CU and CSU Relationship Agreement
PC ac UMC Cytundeb Perthynas
Student charter