Helo, Deio dwi, Is-Lywydd Iaith Diwylliant a Chymuned Cymru cyntaf yr Undeb yma yng Nghaerdydd. Mae’r swydd hon wedi cael ei sefydlu ar ôl blynyddoedd o ymgyrchu gan fyfyrwyr ac mae’n fraint cael y rôl am y tro cyntaf. Pwrpas y swydd yw i gynrychioli pawb sydd yn defnyddio'r Gymraeg, ar faterion academaidd ac allgyrsiol o fewn y Brifysgol, yr Undeb a thu hwnt.
Yn wreiddiol o gyrion Pwllheli ym Mhen Llŷn, es i i Ysgol Glan y Môr Pwllheli cyn astudio lefel A yng Ngholeg Meirion Dwyfor Pwllheli. Yn ystod fy nghyfnod yn y Coleg, fi oedd Llywydd yr Undeb Myfyrwyr yno ac mae’n fraint cael bod yn Is-Lywydd yma yng Nghaerdydd. Dwi newydd orffen gradd mewn Cymraeg a Gwleidyddiaeth ac yn edrych ymlaen i raddio eleni.
Fy mlaenoriaethau ar gyfer eleni yw:
- Cefnogi a chydlynu digwyddiadau cyfrwng Cymraeg o bob math.
- Mapio ble mae darpariaeth Cymraeg y Brifysgol a gweld sut mae gwella.
- Creu cymuned o fyfyrwyr sydd yn defnyddio’r Gymraeg o wahanol gyrsiau er mwyn creu rhwydwaith cefnogol i fyfyrwyr.
- Sicrhau bod hawliau ieithyddol Myfyrwyr yn cael eu parchu.
- Dathlu amlieithrwydd Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Helo, Dwi dwi, Vice President Welsh language, Culture and Community, the first to hold this position at Cardiff Students' Union. This role was created after years of student-led campaigns and it's an honour to be the first 'VP Welsh'. The purpose of this position is to represent all who use the Welsh Language in academic and extra-curricular matters within the University, Union and beyond.
I'm originally from Pwllheli on the Llŷn Peninsula in North Wales and grew up in a Welsh speaking community and have received my whole education through the medium of Welsh up until starting at the University. I went to Coleg Meirion Dwyfor to study my A-levels and during my time there was the Students' Union President representing thousands of students across North Wales. I have just completed my degree in Cymraeg & Politics and I'm very much looking forward to representing all students to make everyone's University experience the best it can be during you time here in the Capital of the best country in the world.
My main priorities for this year are:
- Support and co-ordinate Welsh medium events and activities.
- Map out where the university’s Welsh medium provisions are and look at where it can be improved.
- Create a community of students that use Cymraeg from different courses to form a supportive network for students.
- Ensure Cymraeg rights are respected.
- Celebrate Cardiff Uni’s multilingualism.