John Beauchamp
LGBTQ+ Officer
Shwmae /Hey!! I'm John and I'm your LGBT+ Campaign Officer! I identify as a queer man and go by he/him.
I grew up in a small town just south of Stoke on Trent, so I am keenly aware of the fact that true equality for our community has not yet been achieved. But when I moved to Cardiff, last September, I can honestly say I was blown away by the welcoming and vibrant nature of the queer community in and around the city. That is not to say that there is not more to be done, too many of my friends and their friends have been subjected to horrific abuse - and the culture within the university still has a long way to go. But I am extremely excited to take this opportunity to give back to an amazing and vibrant community that has already given me so much.

My main goals for the year are:
  • I want to make sure that every LGBT+ person feels (and is) safe at any events or club nights hosted in or by the SU.
  • I want to ground the SU's observation of LGBT+ history month in our history (especially Welsh queer history).
  • I want to make sure every LGBT+ student, but especially Trans students feel like their SU is in their corner, and that they are safe being their truest and best selves.

Please do get in touch with me (for any reason ??)

Trans Rights Are Human Rights

What I'm Working On?
