There She Rows! | Rhwyfo Ar Draws Y Byd!

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Ellie Reynolds, a 2020/21 Cardiff University graduate, is about to head off on the challenge of a lifetime: a 3000-mile row across the Atlantic Ocean.

Ellie is a member of There She Rows, a team of four women rowing from La Gomera to Antigua, hoping to inspire girls and women to take part in sport. Ellie was a very active member of Cardiff University Triathlon Club and says she credits the experiences she had there for a lot of her success.

"I came to uni as a shy and unhappy teenager with an eating disorder; I left happy and healthy with several podium races, a slot in the Ironman World Championship, and a bunch of lifelong friends. I have so much gratitude for the people I crossed paths with there - I truly believe that club shaped me into who I am."

But Ellie believes the importance of sport is more than just the physical and mental health benefits.

"It goes far beyond the obvious. You can't underestimate how much employers value the skills you develop through sport, whether that's teamwork, resilience, confidence, or the diverse experiences of being on a club committee."

The four team members will be rowing in shifts of 2 hours on, 2 hours off, living on dehydrated meals and desalinated seawater, facing sleep deprivation, ocean wildlife, and navigating storms the Atlantic might throw at them. They leave land on 12th December and are hoping to finish in less than 40 days. Having never rowed prior to joining the team, Ellie says it's been a "monumental commitment and a steep learning curve".

She hopes their journey will encourage others to take on their own challenges and reap the opportunities that sport brings. "Don't be afraid to try things that scare you... who knows where you might end up!

You can follow the team on Instagram @theresherows.

Mae Ellie Reynolds, sy’n un o raddedigion Prifysgol Caerdydd 2020/21, ar fin cychwyn ar her oes: rhwyfo 3,000 milltir ar draws Môr yr Iwerydd.

Mae Ellie yn aelod o There She Rows, tîm o bedair dynes fydd yn rhwyfo o La Gomera i Antigua, gan obeithio ysbrydoli merched a menywod i gymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon. Roedd Ellie yn aelod gweithgar iawn o Glwb Triathlon Prifysgol Caerdydd, a dywed ei bod yn priodoli llawer o’i llwyddiant i’r profiadau a gafodd yno.

“Fe ddes i i’r brifysgol yn ferch swil ac anhapus gydag anhwylder bwyta; gadewais yn hapus ac yn iach, gan sicrhau lle ar y podiwm mewn sawl ras, slot ym Mhencampwriaeth Ironman y Byd, a chriw o ffrindiau oes. Rwyf mor ddiolchgar i'r bobl y des i i gysylltiad â nhw yno - rydw i wir yn credu bod y clwb wedi helpu â llunio pwy ydw i."

Ond mae Ellie yn credu bod chwaraeon yn bwysicach na dim ond y manteision iechyd corfforol a meddyliol a ddaw yn eu sgil.

“Mae’n mynd ymhell y tu hwnt i’r amlwg. Allwch chi ddim diystyru faint mae cyflogwyr yn gwerthfawrogi'r sgiliau rydych chi'n eu datblygu trwy chwaraeon, boed hynny'n waith tîm, gwydnwch, hyder, neu'r profiadau amrywiol o fod ar bwyllgor clwb."

Bydd pedair aelod y tîm yn rhwyfo mewn sifftiau o 2 awr ymlaen, 2 awr i ffwrdd, yn byw ar brydau wedi'u sychu a dŵr môr wedi'i ddihalwyno, gan wynebu diffyg cwsg, bywyd gwyllt y cefnfor, a llywio stormydd Môr yr Iwerydd. Maent yn gadael tir ar 12fed Rhagfyr ac yn gobeithio gorffen mewn llai na 40 diwrnod. Fel rhywun nad oedd erioed wedi rhwyfo cyn ymuno â'r tîm, mae Ellie yn dweud fod hyn wedi bod yn "ymrwymiad aruthrol ac yn brofiad dysgu dwys".

Mae'n gobeithio y bydd eu taith yn annog eraill i ymgymryd â'u heriau eu hunain a manteisio ar y cyfleoedd a ddaw yn sgil chwaraeon. "Peidiwch â bod ofn rhoi cynnig ar bethau sy'n eich dychryn ... pwy a ŵyr beth allech chi ei gyflawni!"

Gallwch ddilyn y tîm ar Instagram @theresherows.
