GeoPlan Society


Sat 25 November 2023 11:30-17:00

Delta Force Paintball, Cardiff

Come paintballing with lecturers and friends. This is a great way to meet some people you haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, or paintball the friends you already have.

In the end, it's all about having a little fun.

For only £25, members get transport (back and forth), paintball gear and your first 100 balls included - for 3 hours we will chase each other and get to be the secret agent we've always dreamed of being.

For non-members it is £27, but a great way of checking out the society and whether you would like to join us for future events and socials ;)

More information can be found in our facebook group and instagram. 

Due to the slightly aggressive nature of the event, we have to warn you that there is a possibility of getting hurt.