Drug Science

Naloxone Training!

Saturday 04 March 2023, 9:30am - noon

The Lodge SU

Event Information

Come join us for a FREE Naloxone training event run with Cardiff and Vale Drug and alcohol service (CAVDAS)
Following the event you will be able to carry and administer Naloxone, a life saving agent that temporarily reverses opioid overdose

The CAVDAS team will be sharing examples of their incredible work and we will be joined by their inspiring peer tutor team who have lived experience of substance use.

This is an incredibly unique skill to have and you can make a difference to your communities. It is also a great talent to include on your CV!


Brief event overview:

Short intro to CAVDAS

Fatal drug poisoning discussion from a CAVDAS commissioning officer

A member of the peer tutor team to discuss their personal story

Naloxone training



Please note: this is a free event for members of Cardiffs Drug Science Society, membership can be purchased on the SU website. Donations to CAVDAS and the charity work they do is also encouraged, please bring some change on the day if you are in a position to give.