Feed Your Flat (the essentials)

Monday 04 December 2023, noon - 2pm

The Lodge // Y Porthdy

Event Information

  • Feed Your Flat
  • Free events
  • Wellbeing Takeover
  • Winter Wellbeing

Feed your flat (the essentials) is back! Swing by the Lodge to pick up some free items for your kitchen cupboards. We're talking pasta, soups, sauces, and much more. Make sure you pop by before we run out, once it's gone, it's gone. Don't worry, we'll be back soon with more.


Mae Bwydo eich fflat yn ôl! Dere draw i'r Porthdy i gael yr hanfodion ar gyfer dy gegin am ddim. Dy ni'n sôn am pasta, cawl, saws, a llawer mwy. Gwna'n siŵr dy fod dod draw cyn inni redeg allan, unwaith mae popeth wedi mynd bydd dim mwy. Ond paid peoni, byddwn ni'n ôl gyda mwy cyn hîr.
