Black History Month: Breaking Down Barriers Healthcare Seminar

Wed 01 November 2023 13:00-14:30

Lecture Theatre 1, University Hospital of Wales
  • Black History Month


Reducing health inequalities is one of Welsh Government’s top priorities. Inequalities in patient care are influenced by Health Professional implicit bias related of people’s race. The Welsh Governments Anti Racist Wales Action Plan highlights inequalities faced in health service provision. The action plan sets a requirement for all NHS Staff and students to complete redesigned anti-racist education programmes.

This multi-health-professional seminar will aim at educating and overcoming implicit and unconscious racial bias. The session will encourage openness and transparency, putting people's lived experiences at the heart of the seminar.


To offer a ‘perspective-taking’ approach to education about how Health Professionals can improve equitable healthcare for people who are black, Asian or from an ethnic minority. To improve student knowledge; influence student’s behavior and raise awareness of assumptions and judgments that may influence healthcare-related decision-making.

The featured guest and main speaker is Bami Adenipekum who is an author, patient advocate, health equity consultant, researcher, speaker, and non-executive board member of Welsh Governments Citizen's Voice Body. Bami also has a 33-year acquaintanceship with cancer which puts her in regular touch with healthcare services.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, she has been eager to tackle health inequities impacting people from ethnic minority backgrounds. This is being accomplished through teaching future healthcare professionals and creating bespoke training and awareness content for statutory and non-statutory organisations. This has now been expanded to cover anti-racism training, research advice, and keynote speaking.

Upon attending the seminar, you will reflect on Bami’s experiences, your own lived experience, and your healthcare practice. This reflective process enables you to challenge assumptions, creatively raise awareness, and will help you to make the unconscious conscious. This addresses the seminar's aim of breaking down the barrier of ‘assumption making’ and the unconscious action that converts assumptions to judgements that impact the way the Health Professional interacts with patients and make decisions.


*Open to Cardiff University staff and student only
