Ladies' Hockey Club

Welcome to Cardiff University Ladies' Hockey Club! CULHC is one of the biggest clubs at Cardiff Uni with 6 teams playing up to twice a week across the UK, including BUCS matches on a Wednesday and Welsh league matches on the weekend. As well as our Dev squad with weekly training. We’re a friendly and well-integrated club who have fun both off and on the pitch, and with the addition of our new development team, welcome all abilities to get involved. 

Regular Weekly Training:

We ensure that all teams across the club recive high quality training session, delivered by expirienced, commited coaches. Each team recives 3 hours worth of weekly on pitch training session on Monday and Thursday evenings. Followed by 2 matches a week. Our 1s&2s recive advanced in gym strength and Conditioning sessions on Monday mornings, which are designed and taylored to individual players needs. 




As well as excelling on the pitch we are also committed to hosting the biggest and best social events off the pitch. Socials are held every Wednesday following the days BUCS fixtures along with our male counterparts of the Cardiff University Men's Hockey Club. We have a range of socials running throughout the year including our Body Paint Social, Charity Shop Challenge, Pub Golf, Generation Social & End of Year Ball. The finale of the year will be our annual tour where we take on the Europeans in a weekend of hockey and socialising at the end of June. Definitely not one to be missed.


If you wish to become a club member, the cost ranges from £105 to £130 for the year and a further £35 for membership to the Athletic Union, including reduced rates for Erasmus and Development team members. The membership fee covers the cost of league entry for both Wednesday's and Saturday's, travel to and from BUCS matches as well as covering the costs of coaching, training facilities, officials, affiliations and equipment. 

Development Squad

Never played before or haven’t played in a while? Join our new and improved development team that has been set up to encourage less confident players to come along and learn from the basics, as well as getting some game play in with regular friendly matches.

The development squad will train with our Ladies' 6s team to help create a competitive but friendly atmosphere where players can develop their hockey skills.

If you have any questions:

* Refund Policy: Member may refund membership up to the date of affiliations (varying each year, usually end of October) provided that they have NOT played any BUCS or SWWL league matches or attended more than 3 training sessions. Please contact Chairwoman Abi Reid for any queries  *

Please log in to view the committee.


  • Ladies' Hockey Club Standard Teams 1 - 2 Membership£125.00
  • Ladies' Hockey Club Standard Teams 3 - 6 Membership£110.00


  • Trials 25/09/24£3.50
  • Trials 26/09/24£3.50
  • Trials 29/09/24£3.50