AfroJam Dance Society

''Can you shaku on the beat as well?'' No?...well fear not! Brought to you by wakanda's very own...AfroJam dance society! the one and only afro dance society in Cardiff. 

AfroJam society is a dance society that intoduces trending as well as cultural african dances, with a dash of carribean. This is done in a way that embraces: fun, entertainment, community, confidence and education. The best part is... you do not have to be an “azonto warior” to join, as we encourage and embrace all people and all abilities.

Our dance classes will be held once a fortnight. To fingure out whether this is the society for you, we've got our ''Give it a go'' approaches, of course as a bonus you get the privilage of meeting the teacher/founder of the society and the fantastic team! Each dance class includes: a warm up, main routine and a freestyle turn up session!

For very keen dancers we offer the opportunity to be a part of our performace/competing group.Being a part of the society will involve taking part in uni as well as no uni related events such as : 'Go Global' events, Wintershowcase, ACS related events, the external uni dance events and many more.


Here are all of our social links on our linked tree:


Please log in to view the committee.


Sorry, there are no memberships available to purchase.