Cardiff Regular and Irregular Tabletop Society

Nerd Varsity: The Quidditch Tournament

Tuesday 13 March 2018, 5pm - 10pm

The Great Hall

Event Information

We will be hosting an inter-society Quidditch Tournament in the Great Hall, complete with brooms and one crazy person who likes hugs dressed as the snitch. The actual competition: Each team of 7 will play twice. The top 2 teams go to a final match after the 3rd and 4th teams play for 3rd. match up's are (provisionally) as follows:
HP Vs Sci-fi
Anime Vs Gaming
Sci-fi Vs Anime
Gaming Vs CRITS

In the event that Wednesday's events cannot be held due to a forecast of rain, we will also be holding these in the time frame of this event.

Interested? why not compete representing our society? Entry is a £1 at the event and all proceeds go to the winning societies chosen charity.

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