Anime Society

Karaoke Workshop - The Sequel

Wednesday 26 February 2020, 6:30pm - 9pm

Room 4E/F, Student Union

Event Information

After weeks of trouble finding a time slot, Anime Society Workshops return! We'll be having another karaoke Workshop where we can sing the best of Anime's openings and completely butcher the Japanese language.

We understand that this takes place on the same day as the more active events of Nerd Varsity (capture the flag and lightsaber battle). While we understand that this is a lot for one day, we haven't had a workshop all term and we don't have many weeks left to do them.

We highly recommend that you come to all the events on Wednesday but if that's too much just try to come to one or two. Karaoke could be a nice way to chill and relax after all the NV activities.

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