Women's Health, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society

Cardiff University is proud to present… The Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women’s Health Society.

As the number of women in medicine is at its all-time high, we were surprised to find that there was no specialist Women’s Health or Obstetrics and Gynaecology society here in Cardiff.
These fantastic specialities are fast-paced, constantly changing and the perfect pairing between nursing, medicine and surgery.

We want to create a network of students with an interest in these areas, and provide a society that allows its members to expand their knowledge and skills within the field.


As a society we aim to:

·         inspire and educate students in aspects of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women’s health that are not currently featured on the curriculum

·         raise awareness of topical health issues e.g FGM

·         set-up anatomy revision sessions and OSCE/ISCE practise

·         create a group for networking with others with the same interests, including members and experts in the field

·         improve links between all branches of healthcare, for example medics, midwives and nurses

…and much much more!

Please log in to view the committee.


  • Women's Health, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society Standard Membership£1.00


  • BAWSO Charity Donation£1.00