Sports Fair

Wednesday 23 September 2015, noon - 6pm

Great Hall and Y Plas

Event Information

The Athletic Union is the body that supports all sporting activity at Cardiff University Students' Union. We support students that run over 60 sports clubs including individual and team sports, outdoor and water sports and martial arts. The Athletic Union fair is absolutely free. It's your chance to meet members of each sport and sign up. 

Read our Fair Booklet here

What AU Clubs Are There?

There are 63 AU clubs ranging from American Football to Ultimate Frisbee. A full list can be viewed here. Each club is welcoming whether you've played a particular sport many times before or just want to try it for the first time. 


How Much Does It Cost To Join a Sports Club?

You have to pay a basic £15 fee (which is subject to change each year) to be a member of the AU. This fee covers insurance but once you've paid you're good to take part in as many clubs as you want. Each club has their own specific joining fee.

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