To submit your session, please fill in the Typeform here. Ensure that you have read all the below information before completing the typeform.

Submit your Give it a Go Session

Give it a Go sessions are a great way of showing what your group does, attracting new members and developing your society - plus they'll help you with the tier system!

Plan Give it a Go sessions the same way you would plan a regular session and upload them as an event to the website as you normally would. Make sure you give it a clear title. Then, fill out the above form by 9am Friday 15th September and we’ll promote your event on the Give it a Go page.

We would encourage you to use regular room booking slots to facilitate give it a go activity, but if you need extra sessions above these, then please see the room booking section on the committeee update email (sent 1st August 2023) for information on how to book those.

You’ll be glad to know you don’t have to provide the details of the GIAG on the form anymore, so this should be a far quicker process than in the past.