Philosophy Society

Monday Movies With A Philosophical Feel

Monday 26 October 2020, 7pm - 10pm

Discord Server

Event Information

We will be runing a weekly movie night through a discord server.

We have chosen a varity of films that touch on philosophical issues for us to watch as a society and discuss.

Links will be emailed on the day for your access to this.

The first film is:
Get Out (2017)
Jordan Peele’s directorial debut Get Out allows us to consider the theme of Double Consciousness and get a little bit spooky for the Halloween season.

What Is Double Consciousness and how is it reflected in Get Out?

“When I reflected on the opening of the film, that’s when I first made the connection to W.E.B. Du Bois’ theory of “double consciousness”. DuBois first wrote about this concept in The Souls of Black Folk and it describes the “internal conflicts experienced by subordinated groups in an oppressive society”. More specifically it refers to the psychological challenge that African Americans faced of constantly having to view themselves through the eyes of a racist white society, therefore not only having their consciousness as a black person, but being hyper aware of how white people perceived them and their actions:” - Martha Dale 

- Martha Dale's qoute is sourced from the below article, an interested read that provides an overview of DuBois Theory and how this is represented in Peele's Film

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