ENT Society

Popularly known as ENT Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (ORL-HNS) to use its tongue twisting proper title, is an exciting surgical specialty that relates to many areas of medicine and surgery.

Exposure to ENT in the undergraduate medical curriculum is currently limited. However, ENT forms a large proportion of the workload of a GP and ENT conditions commonly overlap with other hospital specialties, such as Accident & Emergency, Paediatrics, Facial Plastic surgery, Anaesthetics, OMFS (maxillofacial surgery) and Neurosurgery. There are close working relationships with professionals allied to medicine, such as speech and language therapy and audiovestibular medicine. A good understanding of ENT conditions will therefore be valuable to many students in their future clinical careers.

The ENT society intends to:

  1. Hold regular meetings with invited expert speakers illustrating leading developments in the specialty
  2. Hold teaching events to supplement the existing curriculum structure, including practical instruction on clinical examination technique useful for ISCEs.
  3. Collaborate with curriculum planners in providing feedback opportunity from Society Members on new approaches to teaching ENT in the curriculum.
  4. Allow members to form strong local connections which will allow opportunities for SSC projects to be undertaken with enthusiastic and supportive clinicians.
  5. Provide opportunities to attend ENT Wales and ENT UK national meetings.

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  • ENT Society Standard Membership£1.50