Statement regarding vacant VP Media & Marketing role

Statement from the Board of Trustees of Cardiff University Students' Union

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Following a meeting of the Students’ Union’s Board of Trustees on Tuesday 18th of November 2014, it is the unanimous view of the Board that keeping the position of VP Media & Marketing vacant for the rest of the academic year is in the best interests of the Union. In reaching this decision the Board carefully considered the implications of electing a new Trustee, as set out below, the wishes of the Student Senate and senior volunteers within the Student Media section. In addition, the Board sought specialist legal advice on the application of the Union’s constitution. The subsequent decision is supported by the NUS.

It is the Trustees’ view that electing a full-time Sabbatical Trustee to serve less than half a year would add little benefit to the Board, students, or volunteers within Student Media.

It is the Trustees’ view that electing a full-time Sabbatical Trustee to serve less than half a year would add little benefit to the Board, students, or volunteers within Student Media. The Trustees also felt that the addition of a new Trustee at this stage in the year would cause unnecessary disruption to the Student Media section, who have been able to demonstrate that they can perform effectively without the role being filled. In addition to this, the Trustees considered the limited benefits that would arise from the necessary training required to carry out the role effectively.

The Board have committed to working with the Student Senate to urgently review the Union’s bye-laws to ensure that they are consistent with the Union’s governing constitution.

The Board of Trustees of Cardiff University Students’ Union

19th November 2014

