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Download our brand new CUSU Rewards app

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We love rewarding our students for being loyal customers so we've launched a brand new app to reward you every time you visit. You can use the app at The Pantry, Starbucks, Snack Shack, Toss'd, Wok 'n' Roll and The Taf.   

  • vouchers and discounts
  • special offers
  • loyalty points
  • feedback  

Our app is available for Apple and Android. 

Google Play

Search CUSU Rewards on the Apple App Store 

How does it work? 


  1. Download the app
  2. Click "sign up" to register for an account
  3. Accept push notifications to be alerted to new offers!
  4. Daily discounts and promotions will automatically appear in the vouchers section
  5. When you get to the till, click "Pay Now" to access your unique QR code. This will be scanned by staff to access your special offers or to give you loyalty points. 


  1. Download the app
  2. Click "sign up" to register for an account
  3. Accept push notifications to be alerted to new offers!
  4. Daily discounts and promotions will automatically appear in the vouchers section
  5. When you get to the till, click "Scan now" to access your unique QR code. This will be scanned by staff to access your special offers or to give you loyalty points. 

