By joining the Welcome Team you will gain access to an amazing array of free accredited and bespoke training opportunities. These will be delivered in a variety of methods to cater for all learning styles.

A lot of the training that you can expect to receive will be delivered online, prior to your return to Cardiff in September. This way we can ensure that everyone will start on a level playing field before the main training week begins, and that each person can engage in the interactive learning software at their own pace.

Required Training

All successful members of Welcome Team will be asked to the minimum of:

  1. An hour-long online training module - completed at a time of your convenience.
  2. Signposting, SSW/RESIDENCIES introduction

There is more you can get involved with, but this is the minimum.

Bonus Training

Other optional courses available to those successful in their application include:

  • Bystander Intervention Training
  • Consent & REACT Training
  • First Aid Training
  • Suicide Safety Training